Incest now being advocated for.
What about pedophiles now advocating for age of consent removals?
Where did we go wrong?

Was this slippery slope really just a fallacy?

No once you bring some bad into society it becomes degenerate, like when white man came to our land in the sixites.

Uhm, I think you mean cloverkin you fucking bigot.

>Ayy Lmao eyes
>wants to fuck up her genome sequence even more
>flag checks out

how is this news?

This has to be fake....right?

The next facist and racist will be the ones controlling and advocating anti-facism, and anti-racism movements and ideas.

Holy fetal alcohol syndrome, Batman!

Okay, now post the un-shooped version

>mfw we need a new civil war in this country


Entire Western civilization is in ruins now

>falling for an obviously fake account
Sup Forums doesn't have the best record recently

Praise kek


Kek'd, but regardless. Explain NAMBLA and CSC.
What about the states that allow first cousin marriage? Are sister/brother relations next?

Prove that the gay rights slippery slope is still just a fallacy.

>protip: you can't.



What the hell is this?

Why are her eyes so far apart? Is she second generation incestosexual?

This is obviously only allowed if youre really hot and smart

Maybe men will start living up to their heritage and Old Testament or Ancient Greece standards, yay!

>Prove that the gay rights slippery slope is still just a fallacy.
well saying it like that is a fallacy technically. people don't understand the slippery slope fallacy. if you can pinpoint interconnected events in sequential order and make abstractions about whats next it isn't a fallacy (ie- gay's are allowed to get married, gay's are then allowed to adopt, gay's start pushing for indoctrination in schools, the next step is recognising their pronouns in the law or something like that)

Are you even trying?

Oh, wow, did I offend your impotent sheltered worldview? Take the cognitive dissonance elsewhere.

Judging by how far apart her eyes are from each other her parents were incestsexual too.

why they got to drag incest into the mud?

having fun with your sister shouldn't be discussed outside the bedroom.


LOL she definately looks the part of a brother fucker

"normal" looking people also engage in incest stuff

>those fucking eyes

ayy lmao

Nobody likes them, which proves that OP is a faggot.
Nobody even knows what that is.
>Are sister/brother relations next?
I'm fine with that.

Fucking hell... the meme times are nigh

>he's fine with incest babies born with three hands two heads and no legs
And before you cry Deletus Fetus remember that people into incest tend to also be against abortion

>not using anti baby pills and condoms

whats the problem in 2 adult people fucking who happen to be brother and sister?

we don't ban people with inherited diseases from having babies. sibling babies are harmless compared to some of those diseases.