wanna hear the ultimate jewpill?
Hey goyim
Other urls found in this thread:
Hit me, Shlomo.
oy vey
best friends have gathered
Y-You too
Let me guess. You're "trying to help us" just like your "totally fake" protocols say, right?
איזה מם גרוע יאלוהים ואתה ממשיך מר אוטיסט
You guys don't actually know what you're doing because every time you try and execute a plan it backfires because you're all Jews and can't stop Jewing even yourselves?
Are you the level 1 jew?
how do i get a hairy bush jewish gf?
>What a bad dam God is and you continue Mr. Autistic
what did Chaim mean by this?
in during inferior gene whites chimping out
I wish I had a translated protocols of the elders of Zion book but obviously they won't allow it to be translated to Hebrew
with a train
תכבה את זה
Tell us your secrets, Moshe
I like you
>Hey Goyim wanna hear X?
What a shitty meme
תסגור את זה Is more accurate
spit it out hooknose
Nice troll OP, got a good group of people holding down their f5 keys
you may want us all oven'd
gassed and generally dispersed
but we don't care. your survival and fucking gene pool depend on us, and we're going to do what we can to keep it going because we NEED you as trade partners
you group all jews together as a monolithic body trying to kill and enslave your goy asses. aside from being a ridiculous hubris of yours in itself, all this time zionist jews have been hard at work at keeping the globalist jews off your backs. the last thing an israeli jew with any political awareness wants is for muslims to move into europe, as it makes the continent more hostile to our interests with literally every single muslim citizen. nevermind the 8 kids he's going to have
you really have no fucking idea what happens to Europe's islamic population when Israel is gone. they'd need a new bogeyman, because tribalist and authoritarian societies ALWAYS do
what do you think hammas will do if we're gone? they utterly depends on the need to commit violence against SOMEONE to stay relevant. when that someone is you, I expect your terrorist happening rate will double
the same happens when Soros' funds are freed to only "deal" with your precious aryan heritage and wimminz. once there's no more need to a multikulti degenerate cultural marxist shill bodies like the New Israel Fund to poison Israel, they'd happily redouble their efforts to do it even more in your house
in short, you may want me dead, but I can live with that. I mean they goyim have always been reckless. what I don't tolerate is your ignorance and refusal to see who your true (((enemies))) are, and who are the only (((people))) that can save you from them
feel free to dump holocaust pics now, I said my piece
>Offered the choice of a large tropical island after clearing it of niggers OR a desert country surrounded by angry sandniggers
The real redpill is that jews were too retarded to choose the right place to live
Understandable, have a great day.
Holy fuck...I love Jews now that I read your post!!
Fellow Jew here, I wish you wouldn't make these dumb threads.
What are you seeking to accomplish here?
Jokes on you, we Puerto Ricans don't have computers
Haha good me me Carol :)
Not everyone is racist, when people refer to jews and goys they are referring to the political elite, which happen to be largely controlled by people of Jewish origin my man
If I was born Jewish I think I'd browse /biz/ and turn myself into a *rubbing hand* meme, making millions shilling my coins with (((insider))) information
you actually want jews to ignore the off chance some fag here becomes a new fuhrer?
the last time some autistic ultranationalist NEET rose to prominence during a time of turmoil, he gassed the wrong fucking jews
maybe they'll actually get it right this time
I thought you were going to post something I don't know.
sounds like schlomo is the hero we deserve but not the one we need right now
most jews, and all jews that matter, arent zionist, kike. do me one again
I guess not everyone can be as redpilled and nationally aware as the canadians
>gassed the wrong jews
why not give the anglo a go this time? gerries can't do anything right.
>what do you think hammas will do if we're gone
What do you think they will do? What are you even suggesting?
Can't let us TOO suspicious now, amirite?
wtf i love all jews now
Have you taken the Uberpony pill yet ?
Honestly us native americans don't have any beef with Jews we love you guys to the core.
You can come live on the reservations if a race war ever broke out schlomo
>everyone is believing this kike bullshit
Jewish speech skills are real. Will the deluded goyim ever learn?
in other news: the earth is round
it was the other jews who gassed those wrong jews though
hitler wanted to keep an expensive resort daycare going indefinitely, the kikes in the reich said nyet tovarish and glassed about 100k JEWS
germany fell apart before they could even come close to their 6mil goal
not that any are good but this is a solid point. Jews he targeted did nothing to help his cause
I suggest europe starts building walls ASAP
You call us animals because you like sacrificing us and eating us. Matzos are traditionally made with our blood, and the concept of blood libel has been around for centuries.
>he gassed the wrong fucking jews
You really don't get antisemitism, do you? I guess it makes sense since you live in Israel.
Antisemites don't give a shit about gassing the "right" Jews they just want someone to gas and Jews fit the bill.
You don't think at some point when they were shooting women and children they didn't realize that 12 year old Polish Shtetl girl probably wasn't one of the architects of the Versailles Treaty?
Holy shit, you're naive.
Ok. So what you're saying is that there are some good jews in Israel and a lot of international jews? How is this news to anyone?
WTF i love jews now
I'm not confident about who's jewing who anymore.
i'm literally jewing literally everyone
kvetch me inna real court of law and see what happens goyim
I think the fucktard is also trying to say that if Israel was no more Islam would suddenly rise up and want to come for the west hmmm he alright mate
We'd be better off without all jews, zionist or not.
Keep pushing for god to come back and beat your ass demon.You wont llike what happens when you fulfill the new world order prophecy of the Talmud.
No. I don't want to hear it. Go fuck yourself in the ass.
I support the jewish state, I don't support the jewish international bankers like George Soros.
and there would be no jews left to indoctrinate our women and children to batshit pathological pseudo/cognitively dissonant-altruism or stop us from genociding them all and enslaving the rest to keep as exhibit specimens and sex slaves for breaking beta boys into manhood (too autistically virginal to woo a white girl? you won't be, after enough rounds of subjugating t h i c c arab sexslave ass to your every desire and learning how handle women in the process)
if Israel is no more, you'd have MORE jews in your fucking shit pile of a commie federation, not less
You are right.
not if we camp the jews before the arabs sack yishrahell
and anyways nothing will save you after i draw out and slay your master, saturn/set/odin/enlil/the demiurge