Do you think homosexuality in children is growing at a faster rate...

Do you think homosexuality in children is growing at a faster rate? The other day I saw a boy around 9 years old wearing leggings and a pink t-shirt with a hair band doing the gay hand flick. I never used to see that kind of stuff.

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it's something that we seem to be immune to. I was picking up something from walgreen's the other day and saw a kid that was maybe ten and I'm pretty sure was a tranny. it was too ugly to be a real female, but I think it was trying to be. baka

They're being shown that homosexual behavior is good and will get you positive attention and that masculine behavior is funny and will get you made fun of. Of course more kids are turning gay.

Yeah because pregnant women like slurpees

I live in the People's Marxist Republic of Melbournistan. I've seen at least 10 tranny kids under 13 in the last 6 months.


There is nothing else to say. With all the Lgbt-Tolerance children don't think of homosexuality as an abnormality anymore, so they are more prone to become gay.

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>sexual behavior

So you've never seen this and now you've seen it once. And from this you came to the conclusion that it's "growing at a faster rate". I think I found the brainlet in this thread.

Exactly. When I was a teenager I thought "wouldn't it be better to be bisexual? I bet guys are a lot easier than girls". The idea that I would be looked down upon never crossed my mind. I understand now the tribal reasons that homosexuality is a negative because it uses resources without providing children but I took the trap pill and got gayer after that years before recognizing homosexuality as bad and I don't think I can reconfigure my sexuality back to being exclusively heterosexual. This is just one way I'm corrupted by tolerant culture and it's a shame that this will happen more and more and at younger and younger ages.

You could have just shortened that to I'm a closeted trap.

your discord is a hugbox, and gayjew can't take the bants.

this post is proof of how far infested Sup Forums is with newfags now

I think its silly shit. Its being pushed on them from their parents. You are taking a sexuality that is one layer deeper than vanila sexuality and all of the mental maturity and time involved. Its like a woman trying to force some kink on her daughters.. Kids dont care about this shit, their just easily pliable. I know people say they have these inclinations since childhood and i agree but that doesnt mean an enormous amount in the whole picture of life. Thats probably a very tiny influence.

No, I was trying to provide a personal anecdotal argument against the promotion of homosexuality. My main point was that it becomes logical to become bi with the true reasons it was taboo in the first place removed from the equation.
I've never cross dressed, except as a joke for a halloween costume when I was a preteen, and I didn't find it sexual at all. I am at the point of having the temptation, but I'm resisting it. The fact that I hate buying borderline useless shit is my best asset in that regard. I can't even bring myself to buy new normal clothing, despite most of mine being trashed from working with bleach.

Honor killings when

>They're being shown that homosexual behavior is good and will get you positive attention and that masculine behavior is funny and will get you made fun of. Of course more kids are turning gay.

true but sad

>growing up never meet a gay kid
>in high school the kid that acted like a girl was really a gay
>in college group of fags have a club
>middle middle aged and fags are tv characters and have a pride month
as i'vd gotten older the amout of visable fags has increased
>in store a little while ago and preteen boy is on cell phone asking mom if he can get the new Justin Biber poster
maybe in your country you are use to men wanting dick, but thats not how it was in my America

Teaching little boys that that stuff is OK ruins them. It's really sad.

Bingo gays are a protected group as are Muslims. Is it any wonder people are converting.

Really makes you think.

Dude, what the fuck?

That guy has been posting that daily for fucking years you faggot

I saw a faggot teenager walking around with a purse on his hip and he was using a rain umbrella as a parasol.

3.8 billion years of unbroken lineage gone because of liberal brainwashing and birth control medicine in the drinking water.

No I don't think they add the birth control, I think that 80% of women are constantly on it and they piss it all down the drain and our water reclamation systems weren't designed to filter it out, the same as all the antidepressants and whatnot.

No one will save us now

the problem lies in society too much power has been given to the government it decides if someone has to be more or less protected, it gives laws that protect imaginary genders, deviant behaviour

Norway, yes!

>Mfw I was saved by drinking nothing but well water my whole life. No wonder there's a widening divide between rural and urban. One is being chemically altered.

What the fuck

was lotr just an allegory about Europe getting invaded by mudslimes? Come to think of it, it makes absolute perfect sense

The video is worse:

Gmo and water is turning the kids gay

>anecdotal evidence is evidence
even if it was (and it isn't) all this would prove is that as people grow older they become gayer

also, another brainlet, top kek

Is that the image you had to share, I was eating, thx...

Since Obama has really brought virtue signaling and moral LARPing into the mainstream, and they're injecting how "cool" sucking your brothers dick is, the kids are inevitably going to be exposed to this tainted culture, so the probability of adopting homosexuality will increase but my hope is they'll realize what the fuck they're doing half way through it.
I'm in the same boat, so rare, now growing and eventually - common.
I cry for my species.


they're not happy about it either goy

Sauron represented the jews and he used the ring (gold) to organize the wild orks (subhumans) to attack the settlements of men (all white people)

No I don't. Homosexuality is a mental illness with a rate of ~4% in human males. It hasn't gone up or down in recent years, and I don't think that will change.

Naive white people in power listening to Jews.

>all they're talking about is fucking
memes are real boys

>children are able to make rational decisions on what sexuality they are
>age of consent exists because children can't make rational decisions on having sex

Can anyone refute this please?


>YouGov survey reveals 49 per cent of people aged between 18 and 24 identify as something other than 100 per cent heterosexual


Internet surveys aren't reliable. Anybody can choose anything without repercussions.

The overwhelming majority of my female friends have had homosexual encounters. I'm talking 90%+.

It's part of a Social Engineering program to drop birth rates & collapse Western Society with degeneracy.

Pedo's & Islam are also connected into this. bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

I'm not 100% sure about how it works for women, 90% is still way too high. Even 10% would be much too high imo.

>the gay hand flick.
If being"born" gay is a thing, whatever...But acting like a fag in a choice

I didn't know being born to like dick meant some primal gene also makes you get a pink mohawk or ass less chaps. Maybe some fag could correct me on this.

I've read about a theory which states that at the very least amle homosexuality is caused by a pathogen. It could explain how homosexuality ahs endured ver centuries even though it's reduces fitness to almost 0.


All according to the rockafeller funded eugenicists plans.

This has been going for at least half a century.

hi im a fag and youre right

Yes. There is some support to the pathogen argument. I forget the exact name of it, but it is something that controls the mind of mice to make them look for cat piss. Human effects are unknown, but it is assumed it does affect the brain.

Sadly, this may be behaviour that is being encouraged by the boys parent(s?).
Never underestimate the profound narcissism of some parents, especially women.
They see children as fashion accessors and in some circles having a flamboyant faggot son would make them seem cutting edge chic.

There's always a chance these boys get to an age where they realise what they have actually been doing and have been encouraged to do and may end up deeply hateful people that have to compensate massively for a childhood that will humiliate them in their adult years.

Parents sucking at parenting, isn't exactly new, but, this type of fucking up is extra special weird.

please killme


Something like this:

The there's diseases like rabies which cause aggression in humans.

toxoplasmoisis goldoli causes animals, including humans, to seek out cats and serve them.

i dont think its associated with homosexuality though.

It's proof of that pathogens can change human behavior, and in very specific ways. I bet most researchers would not dare publish anything if they found that a pathogen was the cause of homosexuality.

in case you weren't advised, this has all been covered.

jesus better be returning soon to roundhouse kick the degenerates resposible for this

Its because women want their kid to be a special snowflake. So when a child goes through opposite gender phase (usually around 6-10years old) parent exploit it and make it a positive feature for the child. So the child repeats it to receive positive influence from the parent.

Its amazing how many people don't understand how malleable children's identities are.

Bad parenting is a common given among white parents these days.

Not just mentally fucking up your children but also not behaving your child

>everyone saying that you can be turned gay
>no one posts any actual scientific evidence that the environment can make you gay

really activates my almonds

>homosexuality in children
>homosexuality in pre-pubescent children who haven't reached sexual maturity yet
how about fucking off, cunt