She is our leader, our fearless leader.
European army coming up.
Borders closed.
ISIS watch out, the new Reich is coming to kill you folks.
She is our leader, our fearless leader.
European army coming up.
Borders closed.
ISIS watch out, the new Reich is coming to kill you folks.
America out of G7
UK out of G7
Down to G5
Japan to leave.
NATO is going to be down to France, Germany, Italy and Canada.
You and what Army?
Stop trusting Merkel. She is just saying nationalistic stuff in Bavaria because elections are on the horizon.
>getting rid of Nato
Oh God that would be so great
at least we have the french manlet
WW3 when?
Can't wait to team up with Britain and Russia to kill some dirty krauts, just like in the good ol' days.
We are out.
Stop the world's destruction.
Fuck you.
Es yukt so schlecht.
Merkel would recruit ISIS not kill them you fucking cuck kraut.
Her Reich doesn't include you.
Good, we can get our troops back from there and leave you to your fates, if your lucky the Russkies will take over quickly when the kebab starts really going nuts.
>fearless leader
The only thing she fears is the lack of brown cock.
Munich beer is top notch. The best I've ever had.
>Merkel would recruit ISIS not kill them you fucking cuck kraut.
>Her Reich doesn't include you.
No, wrong. Merkel will personally hunt down the ISIS people and make them drink beer and eat roasted porkbelly, which they cannot stand - it is like torture to them!
Why the fuck does Germany need NATO? Their economy is already multiple times bigger than Russia.
>Good, we can get our troops back from there and leave you to your fates
>Removing logistics and hospital personnel from Germany
>Removing a few thousand infantry people and mechanics who can fix American aircraft
>American troops injured in battle against ISIS die in some Egyptian hospital because of heatstroke after electricity faults
Well, dear Donald, please remove your 30,000 "troops", we really want those lardasses removed yesterday.
What has a defence pact have anything to do with the economy ?
So Germany isn't even denying owning the EU project at this point.
This "supranational union" that's supposed to look beyond nations is ironically dominated by one single nation.
Because inequality is a fact of life. Exactly like EU critics have been saying.
I'd be okay with this if the Germans actually admit this fact and get some fucking STOLZ about their country, culture, people and history and turn this "EU" into a "GU" and a modern German Empire. But instead they commit to being weak, self-hating, and self-harming, stupid, blind and bullying.
Every free-thinking European stands with the Brits and the Americans.
We shouldn't be in the ME either, let Israel and Saudi Arabia handle that shit since they want war so bad.
A big economy means the ability to fund military.
>it's been a few decades Germany.. here we go again
>yes, she's terrifying
In a grotesque sort of way
confused much?
when merkel talks about destiny it's a rather black one
the eternal kraut.
Memes like this prove - the anti-german atrocity propaganda of the (((elites))) are still seen as historic truth....yet Sup Forums claims to be woke. Kek
damn long time but at least we are finally back in buisness, ww3 here we go. 4th reich will finally come. and eternal anglo is our enemy again, feels so good guys :)
>Borders closed
Mosley was right. We should have tagteamed europe with hitler.
Trump should preemtively strike now, because when the German cucks mass convert to Islam Its going to make ww2 look like a picnic
Don't mind the idiots, they will never get that Germany is supposed to take a leading role in Europe now that the UK is gone. Nobody is stepping up to lead, so we have to and we will. We are by far the most successful country in Europe.
>There is only one world leader who can down a Maß in one go
she can clearly down millions of refugee dicks in one go at ruining a once great nation, so i totally believe you.
Dude, you are the (((elites)))
More like america didn't want us and the russians to get along and now we have based Trump someone who doesn't want to destroy that shit.
Tell us about you're successful military, past and present, Hans?
>Trump delivered
I only saw Merkel delivering, where was Trump saying that he can't rely on Germany? if people 2% GDP standard and the potential department from Paris Climate Agreement, then they haven't been paying attention to what Junker and Merkel have been saying for the last few months.
Dude, you are weak as fuck, if Uk and USA stop buying your shit for 1 month your economy collapse.
If UK would not join the war, Canada certainly wouldn't. Nobody gives a fuck about the state of Europe, especially not this entitled generation who would rather stay home.
Don't worry we'll make best allies, enemy of my enemy is my friend
Fuck Anglos thinking the world is theirs
>Tell us about you're successful military, past and present, Hans?
Pretty much all the time in WW1, we were fighting on ENEMY territory, never on German territory.
In WW2, a small country in the middle of Europe nearly conquered Africa, the Middle East, Russia and maybe later Asia incl. India.
What have you ever done? Lost in Vietnam, lost in Iraq, lost in Afghanistan, losing in Syria etc. You are the biggest losers ever.
>ISIS watch out, the new Reich is welcoming you with open arms.
Fixed that for you Muhammad.
The idea of fighting a large scale war against Germany, finally for a righteous cause, literally sends chills up my spine.
Get Mattis and Lavrov on the phone. I have an idea...
And you are full of immigrants and ghettos, when you will have the crisis (and you will have, it's just a matter of time) you will have a civil war.
And we'll don't give a fuck and we weill treat you as you treated Greece.
Oh yeah. Let freedom ring.
>Dude, you are weak as fuck, if Uk and USA stop buying your shit for 1 month your economy collapse.
It doesn't work like this. It isn't governments who buy products, but private companies who value German products as they are the best in the world. If politicians were to block trade in contravention of WTO rules, then their own companies would suffer, while we sell to other companies who are located in countries without protectionist leaders.
Bullshit, US in both world wars were literally cowards, waiting till the end, until everyone is weak and then they ride their white horse.
They were coordinated with USSR
>There is only one world leader who can down a Maß in one go
but there's only one country that has produced video like this
>Being so cucked that you trust a globalist leader
She doesn't have your interests at heart.
>France calling anyone else a coward
Did I wake up in fucking oppositeland
If the german economy collapses, so does the european and the world economy...they tried this shit after ww2 when (((they))) wanted to transform germany into an agrar state....their fuck up had them throwing marshall plan money on european countries to safe their sorry asses.
Wasnt Merkel an East German commie?
>we'll make the best allies
The one thing I loathe the most about these deranged Eurocrats is how they claim to speak for all of Europe.
But no, 50% of the population of Western Europe does not agree with them, and the majority of people in Eastern Europe doesn't, either. Which means that even in their own domain, the EU, they do not enjoy popular support. Their ideals are those of wealthy elitist cosmopolitans who have no concept of national culture, yet consider it abhorrent because it stands in the way of their total control over society.
The fucking gall to say Europe can not rely on other Western countries, while spouting the garbage narrative that we MUST rely on mass immigration from non-Western cultures that openly hate us makes me gag.
There's only one thing Europe can't rely on: Its "leaders". Merkel and all other cunts like her deserve the firing squad.
If Germany economy collapse in the rest of Eurozone we will have a boom.
Finally euro will break and we will stop using your retarded ordoliberism.
Pretty sure Russia didn't consider West Germany as the US's most important ally. Japan, us, France, even Italy were more important than that half-country.
Sanctions for what? If anything, the world is on our side against the evil Trump.
Beer is Haram.
says the baguette who was under occupation
>german economy collapses, so does the european
yeah because you forced them to use a single currency ya fucking dingus.
>US-German alliance
There was no alliance. It was occupation with extreme psychological warfare against the German populace.
We beat Germany in ww1 and ww2
>Germany and France
>The world
Pick one
Alliances change trough history
EU Army is going to be used to stop country's from leaving/resisting the EU.
>destroying Europe will help Europe
How do you manage to type with that Somali cock so far down your throat?
No Sven, the Germans are not our enemies. The Marxists are.
>Germano-Franco armies face defeat 2 days after the conflict began (triggered by an UK sports fan beating a muslim immigrant during a football match) when the american air forces drop thousands of pamplets with sexist, racist expletives.
>There are not enough army psychologist and social workers to relief their armie's ptstd after reading the offensive literature.
>The UK's hackers utilize a trojan to download and randomply open depictions of the prophet muhammed on every german and french computer device
>Germany, now burning due to the pictorial atom bomb dropped on their laps, pulls out of the conflict.
>France prohibits the use of computer devices to avoid offending their islamic soldiers, so without GPS they accidentally wander into Spain where they promptly surrender to 2 morracan attempting to steal one of the trucks, because they couldn't stand to fire at such troubled young folk.
I can dream
This. Unfortunately the Krauts need to be killed again in order to be saved from themselves. This is the only way to wake them up to the fact that globalism is the ultimate evil.
>We beat Germany in ww1 and ww2
In ww1, France and some other people not to be named beat us.
in ww2, 90% of the fighting was against the Soviets. They took Berlin.
Not sure who you beat in ww1 and ww2, but it wasn't us.
Name a single country, except the UK, which is on your side. Name one.
Implying Sweden would pick the uncucked side must make you some kind of tard, huh?
>Pretty much all the time in WW1, we were fighting on ENEMY territory, never on German territory.
In WW2, a small country in the middle of Europe nearly conquered Africa, the Middle East, Russia and maybe later Asia incl. India.
What have you ever done? Lost in Vietnam, lost in Iraq, lost in Afghanistan, losing in Syria etc. You are the biggest losers ever.
>on "enemy" territory
>"nearly" conquered
College story, Krautbro.
Tell us all more
Do you have any tales of you not invading sovereign lands, or almost succeeding; or any that include Win/Loss columns? LOL
Your military is the global standard for failure. But yes, by all means talk silly shit on US Armed Forces -- which unironically you and your family literally rely on for your safety as a proxy of that global military complex.
>ahh, we all love that famous German sense of humor. BTFO
lol the kike really doesn't want germany to have its own army again
Dude, everybody hates you.
>Pretty sure Russia didn't consider West Germany as the US's most important ally.
And that's where you are wrong. The idea was that should the cold war become a hot war, it should take place in central Europe and keep the Allied power clay out of it. West Germany was very important for that, especially when the "nuke plan" for the cold war were released at the end of 2015 or so showing that basically everything in central and eastern Europe gets nukes, some cities more than 50 nukes.
In terms of military power, France, Britain and Japan where important of course but they would have been way more reluctant if the Allied-USSR border would have been the rhine river.
The Philippines, Poland, Saudi Arabistan, and in terms of trade probably most countries would favor the US over Germany (since you were discussing sanctions).
Germany has been an occupied country since 1945. We're not going anywhere. And neither are your rapefugees
>Borders closed.
>ISIS watch out, the new Reich is coming to kill you folks.
You mean Borders Open, ISIS is going to form the new Islamic Reich
>There's only one thing Europe can't rely on: Its "leaders". Merkel and all other cunts like her deserve the firing squad.
Geert when, tootpaste?
You had your chance, why did you waste it?
>Dude, everybody hates you.
G7 meeting - 5 countries join Germany's positions, 0 countries join the USA.
You are just an idiot. The world loves Germany, even China, and hates America and Trump.
>Europe cannot rely on US
WTF? how did you rely on us before and how is anything different now?
yea, i remember when we were allies with germany
That changes nothing about the facts. You joined both world wars two years late, and you supported the USSR during WWII, fucking over literally half of the entire world.
If one nation is responsible for the current state of the world, it's the US. It was also you who brainwashed the Germans into becoming the self-harming cuck state they are today. We legit would have been better off today if you had just stayed out of the war. And you would have, if it weren't for those yellow Nip retards.
Probably, we only really needed to get involved in the Pacific
lmao every media outlet is sucking you off but the people still hate you and will probably hate you for 70 years or more for opening our borders
How to spot a Frenchman?
>they're the ones with sunburned armpits
Btw, how did we let them keep a flag with the red and blue in it? Their national flag should clearly be only one color (or is white not officially a color?)
The PVV is the second largest party in the country. Of course, all the cuck parties refuse to form a government with them, essentially holding democracy hostage to their leftist elitism.
No the whole world hates Germany for opening its borders and covering up child rapes. Children get raped and you help cover it up, because you don't want people to see the results of your poor choices.
Weak shitpost
>fearless leader
>afraid of a fluffy dog
>afraid of her own flag
>The Philippines, Poland, Saudi Arabistan
>The Philippines, Poland, Saudi Arabistan, and in terms of trade probably most countries would favor the US over Germany (since you were discussing sanctions).
Your opinion is void of reality. The EU has over 50 FTAs in place and operational, the US has a dozen in place.
Yes, Saudi Arabia loves you and the Philippines as well. Poland will always side with us, as in ALWAYS. A shitton of money is spent on them and 90% of Polish people want to remain in the EU.
>spends 150 hours a week on Internet
>no idea what flag icons mean
>hopeless technical incompetence not important because redpilled political genius
>Rest of the world
Fug off
The EU is not only Germany, although the Germans are a driving force, that's an ignorant statement
>we must take Europe into our own hands!
Good. Fuck up Europe again, Germany.
Let me be clear: I don't really blame the US for doing what it did. But I do regret the end result, especially given that Europe would have been the battleground for WWIII, nukes and all. I can't really look favourably on something that almost turned my continent into an irradiated crater.
I wish your leaders had listened to Patton. He could have mopped the floor with communism right after the war. That could have saved us from the mistake of allowing the USSR to prosper.
>Germany has been an occupied country since 1945.
30k occupying soldiers... is that the same type of occupation you managed in your green zone in Bagdad... venturing out into the bad bad Iraqi countryside in heavily armoured vehicles, never excerting any real occupational force?
>We're not going anywhere.
Trump has promised to remove all US soldiers from German soil, unless we pay him money. We said no. I assume Trump is not a liar, but a man of his word?
> And neither are your rapefugees
That you sent as a result of your shameless meddling in the Middle East and North Africa. You fucktards, you caused all this.