The redneck's family is going to die of hunger. lol
Start paying a fair wage, Americans will work for fair wages, not the shit that these parasitical scum want to pay.
That farmer should be in jail for hiring illegal aliens. Fuck him and everyone like him.
meh. who cares about rednecks anyways.
Most farmers are pretty rich.
t.someone who sells equipment to farmers for a living
All this will do is speed the process of automation and it will make them seek out new equipment which is good for me an my business.
I hope he starves for never having employed Americans
Boo hoo, he has to pay people market wages rather than under the table below minimum wage. Now he will only be able to afford two lake houses rather than three.
Fuck farmers. Agriculture needs it be nationalized and all farmers shot. Traitorous scum.
How do you simultaneously support a ridiculous $15/hour job-killing minimum wage, but then say "but it hurts the economy" when immigrants are not allowed to illegally work for less than minimum wage?
If the only people who will work for you are criminal illegal immigrants who are basically slaves, YOU DESERVE to go out of business.
Are you a gommuinist kek
That man should be deported along with the rest of his immigrant slave workforce.
How did America ever survive before we had illegal immigrants to do the jobs we won't do.
And create a second Holodomor
nigger slaves?
I'd like to see their W-2s
>hiring illegal workers
Isn't this a crime in the US?
Can confirm. My senpai has been in farming for 100+ years and for the past 25 we've riding that "organic" train all the way to the bank.
Can also confirm I got humped by our retreiver many times as a lonely girl in rural Ohio. Would not repeat.
Big farming is kike tier
Small farming on the other hand is the way to go to have a happy populace + lots of kids.
Fuck off coon
>1950s Americans would work for a fair wage
Why move a finger when you could live on neetbux
Hiring wetbacks is the way to go, they just go back to Mexico when they are done, the ones that work on farms aren't the ones that move to cities. I wouldn't expect any yankees from New Jersey to know this though
yeah, but the DOL and IRS basically do nothing to enforce labor laws.
Start a farm with me lonely girl from Ohio
Hiring illegal aliens to work under the table circumvents the free market and only hurts the economy. Anyone not paying their fair share through loopholes is scum.
Can Trump do anything to crack down on things like this? Or is it down to local authorities?
>I can no longer force a sub standard wage on people who have no leverage otherwise
How did america survive before:
>lobbyists + corrupt politicians
>fed/private central bank
>poisoned water
>crappy poisoned food
Oh right, it was much better ;)
Oh, no! We can't allow criminals who are hell-bent on being a serf-class anymore!
Whatever shall we do!
You really need to learn more about this free market
Most of it's handled at the state level, and they often don't have the resources to do anything -
so it's difficult.
DId you let your retriever cum in you? Greentext that shit
well said.
Oh sure Young Turks I believe your story LMAO
I'd never marry a leaf ! ;)
>Rural and suburban retards vote for Trump
>His policies scare away their pseudo-slave-labor
>Now they're left starving and helpless because they're all incapable of doing hard work
LOL pure fucking karma.
You reap what you sow.
thats the boss of an agricultural company whose business model relied on breaking the law for his own personal benefit and to the detriment of the people. thats almost the definition of a mafia.
Apparently you do, because you are ok with people using unethical business practices and ceed this as normative.
>The Young Turds
Fuck off.
Stay salty. This is exactly what the DNC was saying was going to happen. We really do need labor from Mexico to do jobs that nobody else is willing to do.
Americans are willing to do labor; we just aren't willing to do it for depressed wages.
t. groundskeeper through college
Good, he shouldn't be hiring illegals.
Put your money where your mouth is, then. Last I checked, white people considered themselves "above" manual labor.
Nah, I was like 11 and didn't want to "get pregnant with puppies".
Ending slavery harmed farmers as well. Should we fucking care?
I was a groundskeeper as well and I'm white, do you have sort of mental disability that doesn't let you understand why people won't do a job for peanuts or what?
Aren't libbies also the same group crying about minimum wage being too low?
Make up your minds, you bring in shitskins and it suppresses the wages and keeps any hard job at minimum wage because all the mexicunts will work them, then turn around and cry about why jobs can't sustain a family.
Good, people who hire illegals need to be punished.
You disgust me.
People were poor and the economy was smaller. There were waves of migrants that took the farm jobs, Mexicans and Central Americans are just the latest one (displacing Blacks and migrants from the Caribbean). It's an interesting history.
Hes a democrat. Thats what democrats look like. They love to pay shitskins to ruin the country and rape white women.
Traitor can starve.
maybe he shouldn't hire cheap mexican slave labor
I disgust me,too.
> trump won't let me take advantage and underpay mexicans :(
"the young turks", "ana kasparian", i'm sure this is a totally truthful article /s
>but muh sub minimum wage workers
Democrats never change
Ranchers are /ourguys/
Then don't fucking use borderline slave labor you dumb fuck.
He's no redneck, he's just a fucking asshole
>The young genocide deniers
>A leaf
Fake news pls go
>being a farmer makes you a "redneck"
where do you think your food comes from you dumb shit
>Farmer: Lincoln Freed My Workers Away
lol stupid white boy. Jews are the master race and would never be this cucked.
i remember that copypasta
Kek will it. Traitor scum will be deported
These jobs aren't even offered to Americans. Have you ever seen job postings for crop picking? No? That's because farmers never need to advertise jobs because Border Hopper Jose and his 50 buddies always show up when season starts. The average American has no path to even discover these jobs.
What is it with these "farmers" and their slave labor that have continuously fucked this country since it's inception.
>the young turks
so what about that nuclear snow huh
Kys. Big time ranchers just let their cows tear up public land and complain when the government wants to charge them for it
They are capitalists and want the easiest way to make the most money.
Honestly, it's better than a nigger.
>farmer: trump scared my pseudo-slaves away
>tyt: this is fucking BULLSHIT
who cares? all the food we grow just goes to 3rd world food aid anyway
You need to really get out of your bubble more often.
>The average American has no path to even discover these jobs.
?? yes we do. There are agencies like pic related, temp agencies and the farms/ranches often advertise directly in local papers.
>Eating what food eats
hire some niggers then, make em slaves work!
60 niggers! in muh farm.
Coachella-Imperial valley CA farm companies only hire Mexicans from Sonora or Sinaloa instead.
Immigration crackdown is going to destroy the agricultural base in this country.
>Start paying a fair wage, Americans will work for fair wages, not the shit that these parasitical scum want to pay.
I don't know how to enforce it, but I've always said that being forced to pay illegal immigrants the same wages as Americans would be the best solution. It would nix any incentive to hire illegal immigrants over citizens.
>but muh shit jobs (((no one else))) will do
I think you would find that argument disintegrate pretty quick as well.
I got hoes
In different area codes
Area codes
what he means to say is that he had a very large pool of potential employees that has now dried up.
this is always the case with mexicans, you just need to meet one and you got an endless supply lined up.
he probably doesn't know what to do anymore; he can still find labor but its going to be much harder.
Good, we can rebuild it stronger. The world is in a historic grains glut anyways. There's so much grain we have years worth for the entire world just sitting in 'temporary' storage because it can't be shipping and stored and sold and CONSUMED fast enough.
>receive federal subsidies via farm bill
>still hire spics and depress wages
>still produce food surplus that goes to niggers in africa
why are farmers so awful?
I'm not saying they'll actually hire you, just that's it's possible to find farm work. Last time I looked (I think it was CL) some "organic" farm in the middle of nowhere wanted to pay me $7/hr to process "free range" turkeys they sold to restaurants in San Antonio for $$$ a pound.
Wouldn't raising the wages of farm workers also raise the price of food?
Fuck you guys I want slaves to make food cheap for me
Will confirm. Worked on irrigation systems, pump motors, and tractors on a local strawberry farm, and my girlfriend worked on a different one.. The same crews returned twice a year, moved back into their ramshackle trailers until harvest was done and then, vamoose. There was no advertising, interviews, application process, or anything. Not a bit of it even attempted to look legit. None of the other farmers in the region were above board, either.
True. Atleast I didn't lose my virginity to Kwami Jamalla
When I was 5-ish the neighbors would pay us 50 cents per berry basket that we picked , about 200 white kids. They sold them at farmers markets,their farmstand ,and to restaurants for big bucks. Simple , yet they made plenty of money. That same farm now has mexicans doing all the work and the local white kids smoke ciggarettes/hang out in a concrete culvert all day and generally create mischief.
>illegal immigrants to do the jobs we won't do.
I hear that phrase a lot, but I don't think people always fully comprehend its implications. When we think about whether or not we would be willing to do a job, in almost every case the leading factor will be how much money people can make from that job. People always care about other factors (work-life balance, etc.), but overwhelmingly, money is the most important factor.
People, then, fail to consider that the leading reason that we view certain jobs as "jobs [Americans] won't do" is because those jobs do not pay as well as Americans would like. However, the leading reason why jobs do not pay more than they currently do is most usually because of excess supply of labor (this is particularly true with unskilled labor).
So, oddly enough, when people say "we need illegal immigrants to do the jobs Americans won't do," it is often that Americans won't do those jobs because there are illegal immigrants driving down the wages.
It is an attempt to use the problem itself as a cure to the problem.
>literally starving because tomatoes are ten cents higher *
Is there an actual reason why you're not at this moment hanging from the highest branch?
*actual numbers by research group on illegal labour picking tomatoes. Yes--ten cents higher for legal local labor picking tomatoes. get fucked big ag.
>that nobody else is willing to do.
>But I can't afford mah giant truck 'n betty sue's boob job without the beaners to pick mah crops
>I thought I'd be rich farmin wut with all the welfar
>offer shit wages
>blame white people for not doing the work at substandard wages
>demand we import illegal immigrants to work for the shitty wages
>he MUST account for all other members of his race
Call in an artillery strike on your own location plskthx
>Be from a failing socialist state where the economy is very nearly collapsed
>Make fun of other, more stable countries
>The subject: starvation
Irony is a beautiful thing. I'm not so sure the US will welcome Canadian refugees, though.
You realize american farms compete with imported food?
Good luck! Hope she was able to shit out fifteen or so "Americanos" on the right side of our imaginary line. Then you're set for life!
You're officially a retard.
Food comes from "redneck" areas, and flows to "diverse" areas.