ITT: Redpilled US presidents.
I'm going with Andrew Jackson, dude was a fucking demigod.
ITT: Redpilled US presidents
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all presidents are redpilled. the only difference is what they do with the information
>tfw direct descendent of Andrew Jackson
feels good
pretty much everyone after Jackson was a good goy who sucked Jewish dick
JFK was first POTUS to try LSD
American Royalty right here folks
All founding fathers were redpilled as fuck
But this fact has been erased along with the values and philosphies that motivated their actions.
Andrew Jackson was a hero, now he is a "villian"
The left are book burners. Anti science, anti history, anti philosophy, facist Nazis.
And where they burn books.... They burn people.
from demigod to an orangutan
gee, nice path, us of fucking a
>founding fathers
t. genocidal maniacs
Jackson on niggers
>nazis bad
>fascism bad
you're in the wrong neighbourhood motherfucker
They were also mostly Freemasons
Teddy was most definitely.
Cry more, faggot
Well, no one looks at their dog and says, "we should have the same rights"
I feel bad for the natives but not the slaves
GOOD point
No you're not
i believe you should cry
Most definitely a progressive socialist
As a pathetic cuck Pajeet, I too sympathize with my fellow red injuns
Andrew Jackson wouldn't let states secede. He's a faggot.
Thomas Jefferson, Calvin Coolidge, James Buchanan, George Washington and Grover Cleveland were pretty cool
I read a biography about him, he was killing redcoats since the war broke out in his early teens. He was also the first president considered "of the People" instead of basically rich, landed aristocracy that were essentially the home-grown versions of the British peerage such as Washington.
I am according to my great grandmother
redpilled people cannot become US presidents
>Jackson on niggers
amerilards literally imported niggaz en-masse from africa to do all the for for their lazy fat asses.
you can bitch all you want against nignogs, but they will fuck you up and it's your fault. you can go fuck yourself, the rest of the world don't give a shit.
Found the nigger
Even though I am native american, I do think andrew jackson was based. He wanted to get rid of all the banking systems and replace it with our own monetary system not controlled by the banking cartel. I can respect that.
However he ended up trying to kill us so objectively I have to hate him. He would hands down be my favorite president if he didn't try to kill us.
yea, but we used to know how to deal with them
Jacksonville master race reporting in. The one major city to vote trump.
why did your race lose so bad to the whites??
He was one of my favorites.
>t.kapahiyapki darshanin pajeet
Real man, I wish we had a man like in these times, the lessons he could teach young men like us, and they're taking him off the 20 and replacing him with Tubman... I FUCKING HATE OBAMA!
Well for a lot of native america... disease. We couldn't even put up a fight to begin with.
But for my tribe specifically, we kicked white ass and never lost. I'm from the Seminole Tribe and we actually never signed a treaty and fucked up the u.s. military at the time to the point they just left us alone after being losing countless times.
those grammer mistakes oops I've been up all night but you get my point.
JFK was so redpilled he was blown away by the powers that be.
And look at how that worked out for him.
>Jackson came down and kicked the ever loving shit out of our hodgepodge of random injun niggers until we couldn't poke our heads out of the shittiest swampland in the Everglades and established the American territory of Florida.
Trump is your president now, hate him too.
94% of slaves in the US were owned by Jews.
Its literally been a jewish plot since the start.
The entire floridas was nothing but shitty swampland and again andrew jackson's army didn't kick my tribes ass so you must be referring to the miccosuke and creek nations. Seminoles decend from the miccosuke but we were about 200-300 that broke apart of the miccosuke to live in the everglades and it was our tribe who never lost to whites even after they tried to run us out. Never could compete, catch us and kill us. However, the whites were pretty easy to pick off. It was pretty much equivalent to Vietnam and how you guys lost that war.
nnno.. no. Theodore Roosevelt.
Lol every seminole makes fun of that song so don't take it to heart lol
>tfw my direct ancestor spared Jackson's life in a duel when his pistol misfired and they were close friends for the rest of their lives so I'm named after Jackson and a lot of the Jackson family members are named after my family
Feels American.
I thought Seminoles broke from the Cherokee, no?
no i don't think this is true because either a) you signed a treaty and got a reservation or b) didn't sign a treaty and wish you got a reservation.
are you sure your tribe wasnt just too pussy to even put up enough of a fight for the US government to cede it significant land, and then your "elders" and chief wampums or whatever just used the age old political tactic of "spin" to try to convince you that "you were just too tough"?
and losing to disease is nothing to be proud of either. it's no excuse. it means your genetics were weak and unfit for planet earth :(
how come the whites were able to come here from europe and not experience diseases they couldn't handle? it's because the europeans were stronger. stronger wills. stronger minds. stronger bodies.
they were fighting in a totally unknown land, cut off from their homes and "tribe", and they rose to the occasion when your people could not.
their bodies and immune systems were strong enough to deal with foreign bugs though :(
deal with it
yeah and elizabeth warren is native american
But as an individual I have no problem with white people. You guys are pretty cool in my book despite and I don't hold any modern day whites accountable for the actions of their ancestors. Just like any smart individual wouldn't hold the actions of any modern day native accountable for their ancestors but racism on both sides still exist o well, C'est la vie
>We hid in the Everglades
>This means we won ;_;
But for the mafia run casino in Hollywood, your whole tribe of nigger fucking inbreds would be as destitute as the ilk deported out west.
Marginalized and shot by anyone but the stranahans who went full merchant exploiting your need of liquor and only surviving into the 20th century because Canadians like to play bingo for money doesn't mean you won. The seminoles lost the seminole wars. Not getting genocided isn't victory.
Yeah I was posting it as a joke for you.
You seem well educated, did you go to FSU?