Meds are superior to Nords


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Define "Nord"

>Until 476 C.E***

This med vs. nord thing is like nigerians vs. liberians debating who's master race, you're all goyim and therefore subhuman.


You are a med


So you can't

Oyy veeeyy

I'm not the OP, Sven. All I did was provide you with a proper source of the different sub-types of races. The rest is up to you.

butt hurt?

I am sure you'll go around with that and say "Hey are you a """"Nord"""" *pulls up picture of random people* ?

>Well yes of course sir I am """Nord"", also I play Skyrim a lot did you know that? Oh sweetie


>Define "Nord"

How are you doing on paying your debts, Greece?

Then why did Meds get BTFO so hard by Arminius that they were forever afraid to cross the Rhine?

I have the exact same question for you, Norway.

>forever afraid to cross the Rhine
>Germanicus literally kicked the shit out of germans and raped Arminius wife soon after
>spic education

yeah why didn't Romans waste more resources trying to pacify some savages who lived in mudhuts

17 000 Greeks immigrate to Sweden, how many Swedes have migrated to Greece?

tens of thousands, see Varangian Guard

Absolutely Zero


And nords are superior to russians right?

>Posts battle fought by Gaius Marius in Roman Republic 80 years before Arminius was born

Snowniggers are weak stupid and disgusting
>b-but muh 'conomy was a little better than your in the last 20 years xdddd that means you subuhuman! me smart

Who were the Goth?
Who were the varangian guard
Also some Norwegians stayed there after the Norwegian crusade

to prove that germaniggers stood no chance with Romans in open field, Arminius was just a coward traitor who betrayed Varus trust knowing damn well he and his woodnigger friends stood no chance otherwise

I could post the marcomannic wars either way

Yeah and W.A.S.P is the pinnicle of humanity. Get pooped on subhumans.

We're getting there. I've been bitching about that very issue for years and agree with Trump 100% when it comes to the rest of the Alliance pulling their own weight.

I find it ironic that we had 3% GDP on Defense under our most Socialist government a few years back (under P.M. Gro Harlem Brundtland in the 90ies) compared to what our "Conservative" coalition government has right now.

I don't think it's as bad as 1.5%, but it's not great.. They did, however, promise to reach the 2% goal by 2020, which I personally find to be retarded.

Political will would have that number reach 2% or higher within a few weeks.

As a final note, Norway now have less of a defensive force than we did prior to the National Socialist invasion on April 9th 1940.

Food for thought.

Arminius was a backstabbing faggot. Why the Germans view him as a national icon, I'll never understand.

Wogs are much smaller people and also get dominated in rugby
See iq maps, senpai
Strong words, salami breath

List one single Scandinavian contribution to mankind
>pro tip: you can't

I disagree, our women have yet to learn to gallop like their fair mares

Get rekt :p

Because even after being abducted and raised as a Roman, he remained true to his roots in the end. Classic example of blood being thicker than culture.

I agree with this generally, hence the necessity of the carefully planned ambush at Teutonberg Forest.

But don't forget Marius rose to prominence because the Cimbri were considered very formidable - they kicked the shit out of Rome several times before Marius ended them.

>hurr durr let me start a euro war now, shieet where's my vodka?

He was just an opportunistic faggot. Gained the Romans' trust and pulled a kike on them at a moment of weakness.

Damn. Impressed Norway - I certainly can't call you a hypocrite like every German.

Did the economy grow under the conservatives, but military budget stay the same?

smaller != weaker
Also nobody gives a fuck of rugby in med country
>iq maps
Yeah, those iq maps who always list Italy at the top in Europe..
>inb4 (((pisa scores)))

>salmi xdddd i'm so funny!
Go and get fucked by a cangaroo

Looks Nordic. Meds are a modern mongrelized group.

Here are the true colors.



>not even recognizing Napoleon
>the fucking state of amerimongrels

>that north atlantid woman

That's exactly what happened. We spent more of our "Government Pension Fund of Norway" (which is basically Norway's piggy bank) than prior governments, but the fund also grew more than ever before (

I'll spare you the details, but it's all there in the link if you're interested.

There are conservative forces in Norway who are very dissatisfied with the Marxist influence in our society. I'm predicting a very interesting election this Fall, even though the Socialists most likely will end up victorious due to all the conservative parties not being able to co-operate properly (mainly SV and KrF).

>romans where nor-

He didn't want to gain the Romans trust, he was taken as a hostage when he was a little boy and made into a Roman. When he was sent back to the north, he was made German again.
>small =! Weaker
How many strongmen come from Italy, my man?
And show me a sauce on your high iq. I'm yet to meet a spag with half a brain

Based ally


fuck off gypsy-turk shill


>coloured statues

Top kek lol...You do know that Greeks never painted the statues right?

But on the other hand they painted the wall painting

Mediterraneans are the master race. We gave the white niggers of Northern Europe things like science, democracy and improved technology (architecture, boats and weaponry etc). We built their civilization and they now pretend their ancestors were better than the niggers of Africa when they were living in mud huts whilst the Greeks and Romans had entire cities built with stone and functioning sewer systems understanding sanitation. Meanwhile the Northern barbarians still didn't invent a proper sewage system until thousands of years later and were literally throwing their shit in the streets up until a few centuries ago.

Yes they did, stupid fucking Turk rape baby.

Interesting.. I've heard different..

>sauce for high iq
Literally the first result from google
Also my measured IQ is 125, i'm a student in Software Engineering with an average vote of 27/30, i'm probably smarter than you

I know

No they didnt

Lel mexican is mad


Southern European countries are shitholes.

Sono piĆ¹ italiano di te rincoglionito, quell'immagine era per prendere per il culo i nordicucchi

Did you even bother to read the article?

Have you ever been to a souh europe country? No.
So don't speak if you know nothing and all the information you got is from the electronic jew

imperial>altmer>breton>argonian>redguard>nord>orsimer>kajiit>bosmer>>>>>>>skeever draemora>dunmer

Skin, hair, and eye color are all educated guesses, you can't acquire that data by bones alone.

Yes you can

Stay mad mudskin mexican


>Roman Empire
>Holy Roman Empire
>Christopher Columbus (Discovers America)
>Marco Polo (Discovers China)
>Alessandro Volta
>Leonardo Da Vinci
>Michael Angelo
>Enrico Fermi
>Most astronauts per capita

us nordcucks:


Pretty sure they did. The colours that they paint them now were probably just base coats tho
Science wasn't invented until late 18th century and it definitely did come from the spagetti
Wow, 105iq and your country is still a shithole. Amazing.
For some reason I'm more inclined to believe the Pisa results.
>im 125 iq and other dick pulling
This is 4chins, nobody gives a fuck

Aryantines are superior to any European &;^)

Vikings discovered America.

Zzz why is kike slave talking?

>>Christopher Columbus (Discovers America)

Vikings beat them to it by almost a Millennia.

paleolithic Siberians discovered America

We got wiped out by the natives though

Meds genocided them like a knife through hot butter

Guess it didn't happen then.

amerindians discovered america

That's a shit argument.
Serendipity can't attribute to greatness.

Actually that was diseases and Anglos. Meds mixed with them because of Catholicism.

Obviously. You should use the terms Germanic and Celt though.

>good slaves
Jews are only good as firewood.

Debatable. Being born in a location doesn't necessarily mean that you "discover" something that wasn't already known to the civilized World.

Got any sources?

they did though...
In the renaissance they literally chipped off all the remaining paint because they thought it looked better white

Fuck off you Morrocan med mongrel.

Burn kikes and moors, or kick them our

it wasnt america when they discovered it

Yeah and got chased away by bronze age natives.
There is literally no comparison between the historical legacy and role of Italy and Northern Europe, c'mon

You even steal our memes.

I always wondered how they made these pictures

Keep moving the goal posts, mate. It doesn't change facts.

>We stumble into America in some odd way

>retarded indians kill us all and we never go back

>Meds discover America

>Colonize it and enslave the natives in a matter of decades



nope, even native indians outplayed us


Wut? :DD
>105iq and your country is still a shithole
>I've been proven wrong in every argument, fuck, now the only way to not look like a retard is by spewing random insult, that will show him!

>Science wasn't invented by spaghetti
>who is Galileo???????

That painting proves they were

Northern Europe would be underwhelming without the Romance countries.
However, in the last 2 centuries , the Roman based countries would probably be third world without the Nords.
>Just work together

>or kick them our
Why use trees when you have kikes though?

Just google "ancient roman portrait"