holy shit... pol BTFO
Holy shit... pol BTFO
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>mfw libs think real Americans feel sad about killing non-Americans
sad that we didnt get to kill more, maybe
Forrest Gump was sad his friend got killed. He hated hooks as much as marky mark.
American Sniper was sad because he was so far away from the wife and kids. He didn't have a problem dropping sand nigger bodies.
Giving them freedom =/= killing all of them
Well how else will the newer generations of ameriniggers understand that they have to die for Israel and the nwo?
anyone got the uncensored version or
Fuck drumpf and fuck imperialism
OP you're as backwards as your fat mum.
Hey fag.
Those people don't matter.
america doesnt do either of those. its (((america))) that does it. most americans hate both of these things
>implying those soldiers wanted to go live in a shit hole bug infested jungle to get shot at and watch their friends die.
Their soldiers do the dying part tho !
>soldiers in this day and age crying about muh ptsd
I didn't know filling paperwork and driving around in a humvee all day can be so traumatic.
Yes Jews will do that, and that.
Good job pointing it out stupid Goyim.
The US and its European allies used their militaries to destroy Iraq and Libya.
Hundreds of thousands of Muslims were killed.
Why do Muslims hate us so much?
but only because they dont even know what they are fighting for. they get some memereason like "freeing the people" "protect americans" or whatever and go with it. if they knew the real reason i think next to no soldier would go there
>pol BTFO
Sup Forums generally doesn't support the Vietnam or Iraq war, and Sup Forums generally doesn't support the American foreign interventionism we've seen for so many decades.
>if america killed all of your people, then who is left alive to read this meme?
You're right, the soldiers don't feel bad about killing sand niggers. They feel good about it. How dare Hollywood liberals misdirect the intentions of what soldiers actually have emotions for!
It's all for a good cause: huge banker bonuses.
Quz europe didn't take the path of allah in the middle ages ? even with force ?
Muslims kill hundreds of thousands of their own people. They hate you because you don't follow their death cult.
>making movies
Hmm... I wonder what group of people he's talking about...
>censoring one of the most famous images ever caught on film
MintPress News confirmed for garbage news outlet.
America has always been a (((blight))) on the world.
The human condition is complex.
You wouldn't know, as blacks aren't human.
it could be from anywhere on Facebook because of their policy of removing any nudes even if it's of paintings from the 15th centuary AD
Someone should show Frankie Boyle the countless Brit movies about The Troubles
Do you just make shitty memes to try them on Pol? I'm sorry that making these shitty threads is the highlight of your meaningless existence.
I hope you pick a painless way to kys because a person as sad as you is clearly not far from offing himself.
Fuck off commie.
He didn't even make it, this meme is quite old already
That is even sadder. That poor bastard.
Hate to say OP is correct. War is a racket that benefits few. Guess the race of the winners?
Yep we can kill whoever we want (commie scum especially)