Muslims are just terrorist-.
Muslims are just terrorist-
>let me just steal your bags lady
he will escort her to her home to rape her
"don't mind if I rape you madam"
>Muslims are just terrorist-
God, think how awful it is to be that old and know you'll die never knowing what it's like to be in your own country again.
Not pictured: the 10 photographers on the other side following this dude around while he does his "spontaneous" good acts
There's no need in wasting your bombs on someone who is almost dead. He'll rape her, but she's safe.
Notice how whites leave their elderly to rot while Muslims actually have respect for the old
How many whites are letting their mothers, fathers, and grandparents die lonely deaths in cheap facilities while they watch television?
> Yes, infidel we are so peaceful.
> We are definitely not doing Taqiya.
Did he killed the dog before or after he raped the old lady?
even if that's genuine, which is unlikely, one good does not erase all the bad they've caused and continue to cause
Can any white trash explain why a woman that old is even going outside without any sort of assistance? Why are white trash so callous toward old people?
I see it quite often where a white person in their 70s or 80s is still working because their children won't take care of them
"do you live with your granddaughter, i can rape her after i rape you "
My nan is 86 and I moved in with her to make sure she's kept relatively safe and is looked after.
So fuck you burger.
It would have been like that either way. It's either witness the population become fill with Muslims, or witness the increase in secularism and apathetic views towards your country's identity. Actually, both Islam and secularism are growing in Europe, so it's a lose-lose situation. Poor lady.
Pretty sure you didn't, white trash. If anything, you did it so you can rape her and steal her government check
I don't have to hate non-whites or think they're all scum to justify white nationalism. I want my country to remain white, I want my people to thrive. There is nothing strange about that.
Everyone who tries to present white nationalism as a psychological package-deal are foolish at best, enemies at worst.
sins of your fathers faggot.
nothing but a photo op staged
>Clapham Junction platform 10 - London to Waterloo service
I'm on a next level of autism...
>white people do this evil more than Muslims!
Never met someone who left their grandparents to rot, so this idea that it's a white thing is ridiculous.
For every cherry picked article you can find about white people doing this, I can find 10 of Muslims killing or raping Europeans. That's not even counting all the murder and rape they do in areas where they're the majority, which is unreported because it's not even unusual over there.
got one of those drug dealer bags
Well actually, it's far easier for me to save up a decent sized mortgage deposit while I'm here. I work full-time so pay towards bills.
I make sure she doesn't hurt herself doing stupid things that old people seem to think they can still do, and I make sure door-to-door salesmen or cold callers don't try to sell her shit.
Works pretty well at the moment.
HAHAHAHA thx for snapping me out of it user, I almost had second thoughts about these neanderthals.
Why do whites rape their grandmothers?
Wow, how gracious of him. Helping a native European in their own country. It's not like she pays for his fucking welfare and for his 10 kids to go to school or anything.
>I want my country to remain white, I want my people to thrive.
>There is nothing strange about that.
how bout you take your racist ass on over to america boi
He's LARPing
Why do whites do this to their elderly?
>I will help you while we are the 1% of the population
>25% ok time for entifadas motherfuckers!!!
Don't forget Muslim taxi drivers gave FREE RIDES to the victims of the incident in Manchester! #NotAllMuslims
He was sikh
at that moment someone took a photo, what a ((coincidence)).
I guarantee you she voted for it. She is finally getting what she wanted.
he's actually robbing her
>checks to see if theres any valuables in there
just helpin out
Their religious text literally instructs them to cooperate with non islamic law so that they may be ready to engage in jihad at a moment's notice. Otherwise they'd all be in jail. If it were up to them, Sharia law would dominate.
It's just like Christianity's "give to Caesar what is Caesar's", except at the end they drive a truck through a crowd of schoolchildren.
To be fair, being nice to old people might not violate Sharia Law, even if they are infidels.
They were sihks.
He is robbing that old lady.... Someone stop him
>Muslims are just terrorist-.
You have mistaken this place for something else. Arabs are primitive savages.
wow im glad im not the only one who's not retarded in this fuckin thread
ofc its fucking staged
The vast majority of Muslims are not terrorists.
The vast majority of Nazi's do not operate a gas chamber.
The vast majority of KKK members have never hung a nigger up by a rope.
The vast majority of southern slave owners never whipped any slaves.
The vast majority of communists do not operate the gulags.
Just because a large portion of a group is not as bad as the worst of it's members does not justify their ideology.
>one Muslim does something good out of 1.6 billion
wtf i hate statistics now
I'm sure there were Muslims who wanted to help. It's the thought that counts! #NotAllMuslims
I wouldn't want my country to import any communists, Klan members or any other scum.
Same goes for muslims.
If we weren't the best, why would everyone try to come here?
Where are the African or Arab made cars?
It's mostly them and rarely us that commit violent crimes. I don't hate them, I just don't want to be around the element that harms my people and pollutes my genome with rape and (((muh dick))) propaganda. Fuck all of you niggers.
>not wanting THIS
Do you even hate niggers?
Youre trying so hard. Stop lashing out against your superiors. If its brown, flush it down.
No, you fuck off to syria. Disgusting shit skin pussy.
>a % of whites are retarded open border proggressives, so every white should suffer for it
Wow, it's almost like you harbor democratic sentiments.
>"Please, granny, may you keep my bags for a while. I need to use the service and I'm afraid somebody could steal them from me while I am distracted."
>"Of course, young boy. Doggo and I will take care of your bags until you come back"
>Muslim guy leaves the train station upstairs, putting on his hoodie, walking faster, looking down the pavement.
>Suddenly a big explosion
>People starts running so Muslim guy does
>People crying everywhere inside the train station, blood and corpses over the floor, police and security officers approaching to the victims, ambulances' sirens in the distance
>Old lady has blown into several parts
>RIP doggo
>BBC breaking news: "Feared terrorist attack, no suspects found yet, x number of victims"
>"Remember, Britons, don't fall for hatespeech against x minority, that's what extremist groups would want"
>Repeat the process after every terrorist attack in social media and MSM
>Forget one week after
Part and parcel, isn't it?
It is a white thing though. You try setting up a nursing home in Pakistan and you're more likely to get blown up in it before you get any residents.
>Abdul, got the camera ready for taqiya?
>Sure, Mr Bronstein.
>Now Ahmed, pretend you are helping the old lady.
>Alright. Mind you if I help you with your bags?
>Takes photograph
>Now let us publish the photograph in all newspapers to tell the tale of the good Muslim to open the borders even further.
Sharia patrol. He's questioning her as to why she's out in public without her husband and why her hair isn't covered. Shortly after this photo was taken, he shot the dog.