What is the point of mutliculturalism then
What is the point of mutliculturalism then
To kill off white people duh
It's OK if a black chef does it, just not whites you biggot. Simple for non-racists to understand.
Whites are demons not people
>what's wrong with multiculturalism drumpfkins don't you like taco Tuesday
Because hypocrisy
If we're all equal, then why do we need diversity?
>Portland Oregon
Really makes one think.
To displace whites.
This is the mindset of the left and their massahs. They mean to wipe us out! It won't happen!
OK so from now on only white people can sell hot dog hamburger and fries
following on that route, only white peoples can drive cars, ride train or planes, or watch tv, use the phone or the internet, hell electricity is only for white from now on ...
Keep it up, every time this happens you piss more people off.
As a Chef and former butcher, this is infuriating.
David Chang is a korean-American. Cooks Japanese ramen.
Rick Bayless is an Oklahoman, cooks authentic Mexican.
Andy Richter is a white culinary icon of portland, and he cooks strictly thai food.
The newest white iron chef, Stephanie Izard, cooks a ton of eastern asian food.
Fuck sjw, they are literally cancer.
So why have SJWs not spazzed out on Taco Bell then?
Because the media hasn't told them to yet.
This is not a joke, or an exaggeration.
What if fast food corporations are using this tactic to suppress competition?
Now you're cooking with gas.
Multiculturalism means every culture but white culture. Whites don't have a culture and aren't allowed to steal from other cultures.
>want to mix up people
>forbid the mixing of their culture
top kek
That's a good question.
Multiculturalism and cultural appropriation are literally incompatible and one is gonna have to give.
>aren't allowed to steal from other cultures.
Try and stop me. Put the entire weight of the virtue signals on my shoulders.
>fat tumblr whales worshipping Chipotle 2 years ago
>white people making a burrito is punishable by death in current year
There's not one Mexican food chain in the U.S. that was founded by a Mexican.
America IS White Culture. Its the amalgamation of American Revolutionaries and the many diverse European nations rooted in Christian philosophy. We built this land for Dreamers to flock to and build empires for their families, their people, their country - NOT for shit head minorities and refugees to come and SHIT ALL OVER IT! The JEWS may have destroyed the Whites MEMORY over generations but what they DID NOT account for was the WARRIORS BLOOD coursing through Caucasian veins. We will DESTROY YOU ALL, IF YOU CANNOT GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER. MEN STRONGER THAN ME WILL BRING ON THE FIGHT INDEPENDENT OF THEIR BROTHERS AND SISTERS BECAUSE WE ARE REMEMBERING OUR ROOTS!
Because according to leftist rhetoric, propagation of a parasite culture is justified due to its necessity to survive.
Example given was the tendency of the world to adopt suits, prime example of white culture, in order to do business. As a return, it's unethical for white culture, being the dominant culture in the modern era, to adopt and profit of off concepts not exclusive to them.
It's a form of disrespect, basically, but it also assumes that all minorities hold the same disposition, and should be disregarded thusly.
Why is Sup Forums so fixated on this? The people who ran it were retarded SJWs, why else would any sane business owner close their shop down over a bunch of limpwristed faggots screaming about cultural appropriation? They were successful before and people would keep eating at their restaurant regardless if they offered a good service. Look at Chipotle and how its burritos almost killed half a dozen people yet no one stopped going there because it was delicious. So the idea that they had their business ruined by a couple of people protesting doesn't make any sense.
And what are they going to do about it...?
> Speaking with WWeek, Kooks Burritos owners Kali Wilgus and Liz "LC" Connelly said they developed their menus in part by picking “the brains of every tortilla lady there [Puerto Nuevo, Mexico] in the worst broken Spanish ever,” and this description of its research practices as well as other comments within the article spurred editorials and debates across the internet.
> The Mic news website bought national attention to Kooks Burritos with its coverage, titled, “These white cooks bragged about stealing recipes from Mexico to start a Portland business.” It reads, “The problem, of course, is that it's unclear whether the Mexican women who handed over their recipes ever got anything in return.”
> Today, the Merc released its coverage, beginning with the claim, “Portland has an appropriation problem.” The article continues:
> Week after week people of color in Portland bear witness to the hijacking of their cultures. Several of the most successful businesses in this town have been birthed as a result of curious white people going to a foreign country. Now don’t get me wrong: cultural customs are meant to be shared. However, that’s not what happens in this city.
What do we do with these people? The only solution I see is for the majority to come to their senses, grow a spine and shame, disavow, and disassociate from the vocal minority that are sjw's.
Death of the host culture.
burritos are an american invention as are tacos
I wonder if news papers caught on,
that if you piss off the right wing with stupid articles you get a lot of clicks as well
How many times you gonna post this slide shit? No one gives a fuck, not a secret, go put some meat and SAGE in a tortilla whala Mexican shit food. take this shit back to Sup Forums
As surprising as it may be to some people, burritos aren't really popular here, just tacos.