>both germanic countries
>both very similar culturally
>hate each other for some reason
why? did the jews create this rivalry?
>both germanic countries
>both very similar culturally
>hate each other for some reason
why? did the jews create this rivalry?
Other urls found in this thread:
2 world wars and 1 world cup...ENGLAND
the british royal family is german, what more proof do you want
Germany = Saxons
England = Angles-Saxon-Celtic mix-breed
Anglos are literally German
Angles are Danish you dumb American
Yes the English.
The Angles (Latin: Anglii) were one of the main Germanic peoples who settled in Great Britain in the post-Roman period. They founded several of the kingdoms of Anglo-Saxon England, and their name is the root of the name England. The name comes from the district of Angeln, an area located on the Baltic shore of what is now Schleswig-Holstein.
Yes totally Denmark. Fucking moron
How are English Celtic?
England was the original >56% country
Angles lived in modern day Holstein
>sweden doesn't know about his own region's history
>not divided
you do not know your history, do you?
no, that's why I am asking
By this logic, Iceland isn't Nordic
google how germany came to be.
they are the definition of barbarians
There weren't that many saxons lad. We have the name anglo but we are overwhelmingly ethnic celts.
Dude we will never get a long
Every brit would take any paki or indian over us any day.
there's some longish stuff about prussia, bavaria, the holy roman empire and austria-hungary. I have a headache so I don't feel like reading. tldr?
This sums it up
are you sure? the new generation of brits doesn't know a lot (read: anything) about germany but hates indians because unemployment and outsourcing
source: stayed in londonistan for a while
>american education
try finishing your bigmac and googling what people slesvig-holsteners are, and then come back :)
Do you how many Indians the EU was holding back from coming to the UK?
They just voted to let all of you in.
I don't know how old this is but for all my life the brits always liked their former colonies more than mainland europe.
i can understand those 3 but why merkel? granted she fucked europe up, but her policies have destroyed large parts of germany as well
>we are overwhelmingly ethnic celts.
>doesn't understand what ethnic means
Burger on vacation? Or are brits fucktarded too?
Hang yourself, JIDF
Nobody ever suspects the Romanians.
TFW there are no Celts left in England :)
don't drag my gypsy brothers into this, they dindu nuffin
seriously though, what did they do?
Proxy brit I know it is you.
They have always been jealous of our superiority just like this for example
Anglos started it and it won't end before every Anglo is dead. That includes transatlantic Anglos.
I've literally never seen an Indian make a ">[INSERT] >white" thread
please Hans, our non-EU immigration decisions have been so high due to the ECOHR having the final say on refugee status. This April the Home Office raised all the limits for non-EU migration to the point where you aren't getting in unless you are a) rich b) qualified to a internationally recognized standard and guaranteed a job that makes at least 35k.
Every fucking time we try to get rid of a shitskin who's over-stayed or broke the law they go running along to the European Court and:
>muh human rights
English people are only about half Germanic. Semi-Germanic is more likely. The area in England with the highest amount of Anglo-Saxon DNA in terms of the average person is Northern England, which is only about 41%.
The rivalry was made by Jews and our Anglo-Jewish elite though.
Stop posting this one. The ""spanish"" even has the portuguese flag colours.
Everyone hates germans, and for a good reason.
Quarter-Germanic* is more likely
I really should read my posts.
is getting rid of shitskins so important that you're willing to risk your economy crumbling and conservatives selling every single fucking thing you've got?
We're not referring to you, though. We mean the (((Dutchie)))
If I don't have a better version, I don't have a better version. That simple. Seen plenty of others until now that don't both altering the Spaniard.
Sorry, but your superior military is long gone. Only cucks and Ahmeds in your army now.
No Görings or Armani uniforms now.
getting rid of shitskins who break the law and are a (some communities, not all) statistical drain on the economy will somehow harm the economy? most of these cases it's a mudshit who's never worked a day in his life and claiming every benefit he can get his hands on.
This is my new favorite thing to say.
don't they import bloodthirsty gurkhas from nepal into their army now?
Of course, all good things must come to a end, but it does not mean they can become good again in the future.
Far better is it to be poor, but be able to leave your doors unlocked at night, then to be rich, and get your head cutoff at the market.
that's us dipshit. are you 12?
what do you (realistically) plan to do about the ones that got citizenship and their 8x potential future terrorist non-integrated offspring?
>inb5 round em up and gas em all
"Anglos" arent Germanic. Theyre celtic with little bits of anglo rape baby genes. Also, Germanic is a meme, the Germanics were quickly conquered by the superior iron age celts, which is why even Sweden has half r1b genes.
If Anglos aren't white the accomplishments of the white race are reduced by about 99%.
Round them up and gas them.
G*rmany is the enemy of the white race. They started WW1, killing millions of whites, just because they were jealous of the British Empire. Rather comically, they lost the war and lost territory to the British Empire as a result of their ineptitude. Also, unbeknownst to many, the G*rman invented communism and spread it to Russia during the war to weaken them. Eventually, this would kill millions of whites.
The G*rman, deeply consumed by shame and anger, sought to re-establish himself as a somewhat relevant regional power. To try and achieve this, they elected a socialist, who fought in the aforementioned war and held a great grudge against the Anglo. In his bitterness, the G*rman created lies about G*rman superiority, to try and justify his lust for power and his neighbours’ lands. Thus war was declared, and with all too much predictability, the G*rman lost another war, with many millions of whites being killed. Again, comically, the G*rman had his own lands taken over by Anglos. The G*rman was defeated. For now.
Many years passed, and under the divine mercy of the Anglo, the G*rman was allowed to rebuild, and even to thrive. But the seed of guilt had been implanted in the minds of G*rmans, so as to keep them weak. The G*rman, utterly humiliated, now put his hope in the EU instead of his conquered homeland, and in his autism invited the Middle East to Europe. This was done so that G*rmans could finally live beside a people lower than them. And so it was the G*rman's blood lust continued, as these new guests killed many whites.
But alas, just as the G*rman began to feel a fell hope, the Anglos had defeated them again with Brexit. Who knows what the future holds, but there is one thing certain - the Anglo will always be here to thwart the G*rman menace.
Fucking (((colgate)))
I was referring to your and your ""army"" bro
Manufactured rivalry in ww1, i wonder who caused it.
All of England is celtic you mong. Just because you have like 5 percent anglo genes does not make you an anglo. For fucks sake potato niggers have more snow nigger genes than you.
English people are Celto-Germanic. Almost every English person has a significant amount of DNA, which makes a noticeable difference on their phenotype in comparison to Welsh and Irish people.
It was part of Denmark until the 1860's though. It's a very recent change.
the ayrian man dreams of european domination
the anglo saxon dreams of global domination
the ayrians are the untermenchen of the saxon race.
as long as there is a kraut with imperialist ambition in his heart to control europe,there will be an anglo to ruin his day
Beady eyes
Anglo Lies
Plotting Krautlands wicked demise
Aryan boys large and small
Bomber Harris kills them all
>this meme
Are you a paddy or something?
We're not 100% Anglo-Saxon, but we're not 100% Briton. We're a medley of the two.
no but seriously, what are you going to do about them?
your country is far too "progressive" to able to kill anyone now. I'm pretty sure if someone even tried this, Guardian readers would go into full jihad mode
let them inbreed into mutants in there own self-segregated shitholes and build Peace Walls around them like Northern Ireland after they've killed thousands of lefty city spawn and tourists.
That was debunked, there was a reason why it was heavily pushed by tabloids. Should be a clue. It also changes every 5 years but always comes back to the same root that we're still majorly made up of Angle/Saxon genetics.
okay, im the dipshit.
Guardian readers are domesticated faggots like the vast majority of this nation.
People like that just go with the flow. They'll never truly stand up to it beyond pathetic marches like the anti-Trump ones, where they are simply fitting in with everybody else. When there is true crisis (if there is), they won't be standing up for anything; they're lemmings waiting to be led.
A lot of people even in Germany don't even realize we Jutlanders were part of Denmark for over a thousand years. Fuck 1864
AKA you are a mongrel
Look up a haplogroup map of Europe, and England is actually barely germanic. Blonde hair is not always a German gene, as like half the people in Ireland have blonde hair/ blue eyes.
>the English. Brought niggers and mudslimes to Europe.
>the Germanics. Brought niggers and mudslimes to Europe.
You guys are literally the same.
I showed you a haplogroup map, retard. That Germanic haplogroup is vastly more common in England than in Celtic nations.
I never mentioned eye or hair colour at all.
Trust me, we hate the boche more
>ethnic celts
There's no such thing as Celtic ethnicity, Celt is a culture that spanned from turkey to Ireland
ITT bongs in denial about being potato niggers
if you mean a mix of the most noble of races creating the master race of all whitemen then yes
>the Polish. Are the niggers of Europe.
Look at this:
It isn't just about eye or hair colour, but about facial features. Also, native Britons had darker features, where as Irish don't. Englishmen with blonde hair and blue eyes receive that from their Anglo-Saxon heritage rather than native Briton (unless they're Irish diaspora).
>implying wc
>it won't end before every Anglo is dead.
This. Areas in Britain and Ireland with significant Anglo/Norman genetic influence are the worst. Race mixed Ulster Scots and cucked West Brits are abominations that mock their Superior Gaelic counterparts merely from their pathetic joke of an existence.
Thank you Poland. Too fucking true.
Thats the S21 version, look at the L21 celtic version.
We have spend many time, in battles against each other, it is time to stick together and act as a bloc. In anyone attacks a euro nation we should 'do bloc' for our own survival
Well, most if not all of Germania is a mix primarily between Celtic and Germanic DNA.
Hence why I said they are a medley of the two. They have both.
Not true, we literally had people flying a German flag in my town when you won the World Cup in 2014.
And what constitutes 'Anglo Saxon dna'?
Funny, because all of our council estates and rough areas are filled with O's and Macs.
You also have a lower average IQ than us and have produced very little in comparison.
I'm pretty sure nobody is going to attack Europe from the outside, Russia doesn't have the money to do it
europe need to take care of attacks that might happen from the inside