How can we stop pajeets from taking our jobs?
I say stop all H1B visas and ban all Indian immigration.
How can we stop pajeets from taking our jobs?
I say stop all H1B visas and ban all Indian immigration.
> Be a faggot CEO
> Fire all your IT team to save $$$
> Hire Pajeets who works for slave labor
> Something goes wrong
> Pajeets can't fix it because they're busy drinking curry
> Fug.jpg
>Hiring anything mediterranean
>expecting to see work done
Spain, Portugal, Italy, Greece are probably the laziest countries in Europe. That's why they're still in the shitter economy wise.
Do you know where india is?
Poos are already trying to blame this on Poland but the system that fucked up was made by Tata in India. BA does outsource some work to Poland but this failure is entirely on the poos.
The work that is outsourced to poland is not IT related
Did they shite on the runway?
>Spanish boss Alex Cruz
That won't stop the poos from trying to blame you guys for their shitty mess. Poos never take responsibility for their messes.
It's easy, we wait for this current cycle of retardation to die out, and jobs to be insourced again.
It's also quite telling that most companies that have large IT services with their heads screwed on straight don't outsource very much if at all. It just doesn't work. Even if you just outsource to the baltics. (Obviously no Polish person would work for a mere 180 000 zloty a year so we're not outsourcing there.)
The more the higher ups understand about the code base, the less happy they are about outsourcing. I mean, if outsourcing was so great, why is Amazon's elastic cloud housed in the US and not India? It's like Jeff Bezos knows what the fuck he's doing.
tl;dr: If we stop subsidizing H1B visas, the free market will deport Pajeet all by itself.
>outsourcing critical systems to streetshitter mills
kek, good luck finding someone to take responsibility
How do they outsource cleaning jobs to Poland?
> Be a Pajeet
> Fabricate your resume with fake work experience
> Dupe western HR with your fake resume
> Can't do jack shit when you're hired
>hire pajeets
>cost cutting efforts go down the loo
>Indian workers
>Multiculturalism is good guys
>outsource all jobs
>break the system
>How can we stop pajeets from taking our jobs?
Abolish capitalism.
Holy fucking flaming balls of fury, hahahaha. Those fucking globalists got what the deserve. Idiots.
indian hate thread starting now
We could also hang ourselves and then we wouldn't have to worry.
Indian hate thread you say?
my friend
Can't Europe just outsource to Finland instead since they've got supposedly one of the best security systems?
Cheeky kek of the day
Affirmative. Poo is being released.
That happened in Pakistan.
What about this one?
Cry moar Tommy.
And Daily Fail source? Yeah you lost me at that point.
You better back it up faggot
Only on designated runways.
>"literally every single thing that the daily mail publishes is false" meme
Infinity is a spanish miniature game and it comes out with new models constantly.
That was a good thread.
Also fuck curryniggers.
Jesus Christ, thanks, ISIS
Stay safe and only shit in designated streets.
our infiltrated spook is doing gods work fucking bongistani airways
Kek someone post the Indian girl with an arranged husband saying "how big is his cock"
>mfw spanish are actually honorary poojeets
ITT jealous whiteys
tfw youll never experience friendship like poo's
t. jealous whitey
Kek'd and bump'd
An arab posting in an indian hate thread is like a jew posting in a nigger hate thread senpai
Not really fám, not at all. The kikes push niggers down Europeans' throats, when did we send poos anywhere?