If Asians are honorary Aryans. Why does AMWF trigger pol so much?
If Asians are honorary Aryans. Why does AMWF trigger pol so much?
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Because this act doesn't make them honorary.
Why is it non-Whites or shills can't into a decent fucking argument beyond "y u trigerd pol XD"
Kek based peach triggering White bussies
its not the picture itself that triggers me, it how you fucking shit up the board with spam garbage
go kill yourself
lmao, you little yellow pig-faced gnats are really trying to make yourselves relevant.
Why are you so obsessed with racemixing? Is it because you can't control your women and are swarming to superior white males en masse?
I'm 6'4 with a 6 inch cock, what do you have to offer that I can't?
they're not white
race mixing is bad, whichever race it is
the more alike the races are the less bad it is though
Only an asian faggot would be beta enough to let his gf humiliate him by whoring her self to thousands of viewers as far as she can on twitch without getting banned.
They're using up a finite resource required for the continuation of our people.
Another peach thread hmmm
This is one of the answers
>people actually pay to watch these people
Now that is some next level cuckolding.
At least he's not a nigger.
Why do asian "men" have such tiny dicks?
>Korea: 9.66cm
>muh dick uga booga
Kek. Why do you care about dicks so much?
I hate both AMWF and WMAF, Hapas are the literal scum of the planet. Mulattos are dumb niggers so there's nothing surprising about them but Hapas are far more dangerous and villianous.
I literally hate everyone b/c of the lack of white pussy I get.
BTW, Asians are not honorary whites, never were. It was the Japanese b/c of their culture. The Chinese are filthy niggers in every way.
Anyone remember the AMWF shitposter on /fit/ a few years back?
Good times.
Says while posting in a cuck thread started by some cuckposting gooklet reddit shill. Either way asian "men" have tiny dicks and are very feminine/beta that's just a fact
But amwf generally produce more normal hapas because the Asian has to be alpha enough to get a white woman.
Wmaf is what produces the Elliot rodgers of the world.
It does?
I couldn't give a shit.
>honorary aryans
And race mixing is usually done by the losers, who can't get a descent partner from their own race.
Sup Forums hates the fact that their race is being made supreme one couple at a time - so they mentally rebel.
It's pitiable. This is for the best, and they just don't know it.
white people hate him
this gook cucks thousands of viewers and gets payed for it
find out how he does it
>Why does AMWF trigger pol so much?
t. /r/asianmasculinity
I fucking hate all those "Liberal" white women who go on and on about how racism and yet how can you deny their own racism when looking at the rate of interracial marriages. White women don't want colored cock, they just want to fit in. They watch MTV and think all white girls must suck a BBC before they get married, but they all hate themselves for it. They know it is beneath them. White women are too good for shitskins and they know it. Hell even our trailer trash has more prestige than a millionaire nigger.
Only Japs are honorary.
Don't let r/hapas fool you with that my friend, They usually hide their mental fuckups since they're successful. If they were middle class like most of America they would be just as psychotic.
Literally no one watches that stream for the gook or cares anything about his presence.
I remember this girl when she was being spammed everywhere on Sup Forums. Then of course, she gets an Asian boyfriend and then the autists stopped spamming her.
nobody is triggerd.
This is meme is pushed just by insecure Asian males
We don't want to see the creation of any more Supreme Gentlemen.
>she gets an Asian boyfriend
Her boyfriend
1 out of every 999,999,999 Asian men will get a White girl like here
2) To the Asians here, White Women are for the most part NOT attracted to you, so settle down
3) Asian Women are attracted to White Men at much more frequent rates
4) Fucking Asian girls is racemixing degeneracy
Asians fuck Asians, White fuck White, and we'll all get along.
>CA $105.00
Why are asian "men" so feminine?
It's a form of collectivism called tribalism. White nationalists view women as property to the white race since they are the ones that have the babies. Men don't have the babies which is why collectivist notion that only women belong to the race exists. This is why a WF/AM is more triggering to white nationalists than AF/WM.
It's not just because he's asian.
It's because she chose a nerdy asian man who hasn't spent a day at the gym or imbibed any Zyzz /fit/ memes. It renders the machismo mantras and 'alpha' memes pointless.
Forgetting about her at that point is the only logical step.
i really can't believe you're such a faggot you cannot stop talking about cock, enjoy the refugees konstantinos
>White Women are for the most part NOT attracted to you,
I think you are really out-of-touch with current pop culture. Do you know who ONE DIRECTION is - if you dont then your daughter knows. They were a boy band adored by millions of western girls awhile back.
Do you know who this current generation's ONE DIRECTION is? A korean boy band named BTS.
Always use archive.is on blogs renowned for shilling and clickbait.
Stop spamming these threads you slanted eyed faggot
Who really cares what some White girl with a rare GOOK FETISH does with her life?
It's not just dick size asian "men" are also very feminine short beta and ugly.
>Do you know who this current generation's ONE DIRECTION is? A korean boy band named BTS.
It is literally laughable how White guys are so out-of-touch with pop culture that they dont what is happening right in front of them.
Reeeeeee dele-
Those pop starts are all gay. This is what real Korean "men" look like
why is she so beautiful yet such a whore ?
i feel guilty if i ever tune in on her stream
It doesn't.
dont care I will be getting a qt 3.14 nip gf.
It does. I am so angry at Sup Forums's hypocrisy as a hapa
Whenever asians or Hapas come up, the men are seen as losers or mentally ill and the women as sluts for whitey
Shame on you
No trigger here.
Love fucking their women in front of them.
>qt 3.14 nip gf.
LOL. You rarely see an attractive East Asian girl with a White girl. This are the type of 'jap' girls that white men get.
looks like an average whore.
You post this shit every day
It doesn't, wmaf does and im white why bring elliot roger tier plebs into this world
It don't. I'm cool with Asians. Next door neighbor is Chinese. Good family. Thank kek they arent malignant darkies.
I would say I look alike a bit like him but im super /fit/.
I will search for the qt 3.14 ones I know it is a bit hard to find them but that time is worth it.
It don't ,your just an insecure Asian thats jealous of white men .Don't worry i only date white women
korean master race
I am not insecure
I Am so angry at all your hypocrisy and anti asian/ hapa
I'm sure she was prettier before the mariage, after mariage+kid they cut their hairs and put ugly clothes and don't bother anymore with makeup, they become bossy and not as sweat too. Source : my brother's wife is japanese
A bank account is more important than being /fit/ if you want an attractive East Asian girl otherwise this is what you are going to get.
having a kid doesn't change your jawline
Oh my lord
I'm not anti-asian you pleb and i do not date Asian women and am a white nationalist im perfectly consistent with my ideology ,i wish for Asians to be with Asians and white to be with whites and black to be with blacks.If anything though I usually hate race mixed couples but amwf are the least for me one the rare and at least the kid wont be nigger or elliot tier
Post more of these, it's hilarious
you can probably find a lot of this
I want to facefuck her.
>if you want an attractive East Asian girl otherwise this is what you are going to get.
Meanwhile the average Asian guy gets White girls like her. Lets fact reality here, the average White girl > the average Asian female. Most everybody falls in the' average' category and if you are the 'normal' average white guy, the hottest girl you will get is a white girl.
Only BETA white men or autists have yellow fever.
The gooklets from the aznidenity and asian"masculinity" subreddit are "raiding" again. Go back to your subreddit to whine about race traitor gook women gooklets
>Meanwhile the average Asian guy gets White girls like her.
Same couple as above
>Caution just it says :)
While Asians that go white do get top tier white girls, don't pretend the "average asian guy" pulls them in.
Man this fucking r/asianmasculinity spam
lol *laughing emoji*
Fuck camwhores and fuck their beta orbiters.
If you go to their subreddit it's literally just virgins whining about not getting any tinder matches
That is because they blame their race and not because they are ugly & still have bowl cuts in 2017. Do you think an Asian guy like this would have any problems getting Tinder matches?
I'd hit it
Of course not but do you honestly think a bunch of virgin asian nerds on a subreddit whining about race traitor asian women all day and blaming "white supremacy" for being virgins look like that?
I don't care if you date asian women. I am sick and tired of all of you being hypocrites
One of my housemates was a pollack and he raped my ass for no reason one night. I enjoyed it tho
>Do you think an Asian guy like this would have any problems getting Tinder matches?
he is still kind of baby faced
however you cut it, Asians have smaller frames and more pedomorphic features than "Whites", i.e. the broad mass of humanity from Ireland to Russia
This is why white men and Asian women are drawn to each other, whereas Asian men and white women is far less common
jealousy and hypocrisy
Why would something as rare as unicorns trigger us. You're dreaming.
It doesn't
do you honestly think a bunch of virgin white nerds on a subreddit whining about race traitor white women all day and blaming "jewish conspiracy" for being virgins look like this?
>hurr hurr asian womyn love white men
>fuck asian men
See? Fucking asshole
Stop shilling this whore everyday
I hate it but when i see all the wmaf shill, I actually laughed and love it
The only person triggered by asian/white couples is that one autistic british fag that always makes/shitposts these threads
Japs are honorary Aryans. The rest of them are sex toys and human garbage. As a white guy that has lived all over Asia, never compare the Japs to the other Asians. Koreans and Taiwanese (basically the alt right of Chinks) are rapidly improving their situation, but culturally they are still not on par with the Japs. As for the Chinks and SE Asians...there is no comparison to Japan. Nasty people, the lot of them.
Remember brothers, Asians are for sex use ONLY. If they get pregnant, not your problem, and they should be very grateful to raise your hapa bastard. If you find yourself falling in love with one, ask yourself, why not a white girl? If you can't answer that question without a cop-out, you need to do some soul searching, friend.
White men are threatened by Korean superiority, that's all. They know that their girlfriends, wives, daughters, and sons all crave Korean cock.
cuck white bois are crying because their women are all turning to BAC (big Asian cock)
the future is oriental!