When automation happens and much of the human population besides the capital-owning and landed classes and those who...

When automation happens and much of the human population besides the capital-owning and landed classes and those who help them like engineers, etc. is made useless/redundant, what's going to happen? Are there going to be mass cullings? Draconian breeding restrictions? Are people going to have controlled lives and live on basic income? Will we move beyond consumer capitalism to something like technocratic fascism/communism?

>When automation happens
Dunno about your country but large companies have already automated quite a lot except for human workers plugging stuff in or doing some quality checks..


Science fiction isn't really, sweetie.

the useless and the landless shall perish
citycucks have outlived their purpose and to hell with them

Tax the robots like employees (payroll etc). That's the best solution.


Georgia Guidestones say Global population will be maintained at no more than 500 Million.

There are 7 Billion right now, so uh, what happens to the other 6.5 Billion?

Governments will ignore the useless masses until they become a threat, and then the killbots will be deployed.

Don't know about the rest of humanity but I fully expect to spend all that free time getting my rocks off with sex robots

The governments will make universal income a reality. I'm very free market small government but if automation happens there will be more socialist policies. And when you say who will pay for the non working? They machines will. This won't happen for a while though. Most of us will die of old age before this.

they dont reproduce

If you offered universal basic income conditioned on voluntary sterilization, you could reach 500 million within a generation.

how retarded do u have to be to take seriously a bunch of shit written on a bunch of rocks by some faggot who has no qualification predicting the fate of humanity?

UBI is the solution but Sup Forums will just call you a communist for even trying to bring it up and how it can only work in closed nationalist countries.

>elites won't want to get rid of the ubi leeches that contribute nothing useful to society, but keep draining their wealth

It will become real, once Internet was sci-fi

RBIs will become STEM graduates and academics. Off RBI

Only cuckservatives do that.

> Most people are capable of getting science or engineering degrees

What the fuck do you want? Automation is nothing without humans.

You can automate chicken nuggets, but you will still need people to buy and eat the fucking things in order to spread its existence around.

Be worried when augmentation and artificial womb breeding goes from premature fetus status to "hey let's just grow our future corporate employees in these things".

The racially pure most certainly are.

There wont be employees when automation kicks in though.

You're acting as if action will occur after.
Are you looking around, they're already committing to actions ahead of. They're aware of what's in the pipe. They're aware of the conflict with what currently dominates and rules the world. What do you think all the conflicts in the world are about? All of the divisive campaigns and social unrest? A fork in the road is approaching and you're seeing the conflicting fits as people and the powers that be try to decide which road to take.

The previous financial crisis was the red flag as to the wrong path. Yet, they doubled down. Even as things keep getting worse the old foundations of the world keep doubling down...

So, it's likely that the habbenings will occur pre or in unison with the technological ascension.

Niggers in Silicon Valley already hate techies, so I imagine that will get worse. Politicians will help the niggers multiply and prevent the engineers from defending themselves, the robots will fall and the industry will crumble until engineers stand up for themselves, which Jewish brainwashing is trying to prevent them from doing.