>women laugh at me
>say it doesn't matter what I do because I'm undesirable
>years go by
>women blame me for not marrying them and raising their kids
>muh childish men need to man up
But I thought it didn't matter what I did?

Other urls found in this thread:


Women say this shit then feel the need to only go out with model tier looking Chads who turn out to be shitty to them.


Frankly I don't fault women for wanting to go for the best option they can. It's in their nature.
But don't come back and get petty with me when your fantasy goes sour and you need some schmuck to clean up your mess.

REE niggers Get Out

I'm a chad and Im basically MGTOW. I'm so picky I might as well be MGTOW. All chads need to adopt my practice. Then women will start behaving again

You did not go MGTOW, you were sent there. The women that "blame you for not marrying" are nothing but from memes that you see on pol, because nobody in real life gives a single, flying fuck about your wothless, pathetic existence. Kys.

>be over weight and have a petty bullshit personality towards women
>blame women for my own failings while being mad at other men for being physically superior
>never improve my body or mind and merely waste my life on stupid bullshit
>laugh at women who didn't have kids
>never have my own children
good job MGTOW really showing you can thing at a fucking 8th grade level

That's a pretty simplistic memeball view of white genocide.
It has more to do with unsustainable breeding of 3rd worlders that are shipped into western countries to leech off everything we have available, while our own leaders discourage breeding of the native population in favor of hedonistic behaviors and being indebted from education and housing.
Really, there's a lot behind it. Most men who are invested in having large white families think deeper into their future beyond muh dick.

I agree, it's hilariously when they start pinning the blame on us men spending too much time on hobbies like video games when women do nothing but laze about and just gaze into their phone all day

>That's a pretty simplistic memeball view
thats what memeballs are you dumbass

It is wise for a man with a lot to offer to be more selective in his mate.
I'm going off news articles, data on marriages and of course my own anecdotes and perception.
I'm more than happy to live a woman-free life. So women can gladly shut the fuck up and go work their careers or whatever they love so much. I'll keep gaming and making music and whatever else I feel like.
>falling for the "just become a handsome millionaire so you can clean up some busted whores mess" meme
Nice shaming tactics. Women will say anything to go back on their word when it's beneficial to them.

its an issue on both sides. yes women are at faulty for picking Chads to fuck and letting thier hypergamous genertiects rule them. But being a chubby fucker with a bitter peronality and anger is no better. these guys get mad at women and instead of losing weight or trying to better themselves they become anger chubby fuckers and start blaming women for everything, MGTOW is another Jewish trick

>handsome millionaire.
i didn't say they fucker, i said go out, exercise and read a few fucking books. Stop being mad that sally wouldn't suck your cock in high school and went with Chad to prom. I'm not saying women are incapable of being wrong, and i will say thier bullshit is dragging down society but MGTOW is a bullshit knee jerk reaction by men with no thought and only breeds, anger, ignorance and turns men into creatures just as if not more petty than modern women


I don't disagree with you that bettering yourself is a good choice.
And I'm not upset that women are hypergamous, it's their nature.
What I said was, women explicitly state that men like me are "sent their own way" because we are just so unacceptably poor/ugly to them. That's fine, I'll be comfy and let them do their thing.
Im just not going to listen to their bullshit when they get old, hit the wall, and can't find some sap to fix their messes.

You just got naturally selected

then don't be that sap then go out a nd find the woman you want. Man the fuck up, grow some fucking testicles and ask out a girl. Christ its not that fucking hard to talk to a woman if you stop being such a beta cuck "HURR I DONT WANT THEM COMING TO ME ALTER IN LIFE" well if you find a wife and make a family you won't have any bitches coming after you now will you. Maybe start being a real man and take responsibility for your life and looking to blame others for your own shortcomings

>don't fault women for wanting to go for the best

I'm quite alright with it. I'll be the first to admit my genes are absolute shit tier.
I live in one of the best times to be a beta male.
The Internet and digital media provides lifetimes of entertainment, we will likely see sexbots in our lifetimes, and we aren't even wanted anyway so we have no need to feel guilty.

>I'm going to post this picture of a white girl sucking black cock to imply all women are enslaved to the BBC
good job falling right into a literal Jewish trick, if you believe that then slit your god damn throat and take yourself out of the gene pool now. Christ fuck me i thought Sup Forums was smart, but nope were going to assume all white women re hopelessly addicted to black cock and never try to reach thru to even one. I bet you jerk off to Asians and cry afterward

>google the tripcode
>it's actually him

Let this be a lesson to you kids:

Obey or become a meme!

Remember that white young people are a minority in the USA. There are far more non-white young men in the USA than white females of that age range.

Mos non-white Americans have fucked non-white guys. The average woman has 18 sexual partners by age 25. It's statistically impossible for these to all be white guys.

If you want a white wife, don't look in America.

If you knew my past, I've asked out somewhere around 1300-1400 women before and gotten 2 dates. One of those 2 dates became a long term relationship that ended with me being cheated on.
I've given more effort than would ever be expected of someone such as myself.
And I don't care to worry about women anymore. They've made their thoughts of me plenty clear.
Not that I mind, I just don't want them to bother me once they can't find anyone else to deal with their fucked up lives.
>porn is reality

>eggman !!Kzrpy34OYoc
Is it really you?

nice job shlomo, what day of the week do you get your check shilling for breeding white men to hate their women and convincing them to live childless lives?

>asked out 1200 women
>only two dates
Your a fat, ugly fucker or you ahve a shit personality, thats all i can say to that. I'm 30 lnbs overwight and white and I've still fucked only white women, 6 of them in the last 5 years, so no its not women, its you. Clearly you are broken on some level, and guess what women? They can tell you're a broken man. thats why nobody wants to touch you

Im black so you are giving me permision to reproduce with your women? Ok then i will.

Women are trash because of their poorly developed prefrontal cortex.

They don't know what they want...

So in reaction to cancerous feminism you act like a boy nigger.

Try being a real man.

Does "being a real man" remove women's voting rights or their ability to ruin you in court?

We seem to have a misunderstanding here, my friend.
Me and women agree that neither of us want to be in each others lives, which is fine and dandy.
My point is that women are seeming to bitch and moan about how hard it is to find a husband and want to blame me for not being a slave to them once they're old and unwanted and keeping them on the gravy train they became accustomed to in their youth.

Stop pretending like anyone let alone women ask you to do shit.
You don't matter, years will go by, and you'll die pathetic and alone.
But hey, at least you're going your way, so you can't blame anyone but yourself for your shitty life.... and death.

>women blame me for not marrying them and raising their kids
They're not referring to you personally.

>I want to fuck rich male models for 15 years straight, and it's your fault for not marrying me immediately when I demand it!
>le real man meme
What happened to all those "real men" you dated for the last 10 years?
You can go dial them back up, I don't want women in my life. That's the point of being MGTOW.

You're a pathetic weasel!

This isn't your personal blog you fucking faggot.

You got it bud. Take for instance what think, the most MGTOW (ballsy and filled with test ones) ones there are. The original ones minus the original sinners. Gays. They are the ones who have this shit under wraps. Could post this in the aryan bf thread but this is last I will put it. Feel free to spread on other boards or pertinent threads. Enjoy. strawpoll.me/13060161

Women from my generation will be the least married, most alone and most bitchy in a while. Many spinsters not because of lack of men, but rather from burning out in their younger years without being willing to settle for anything less than the best. I've personally noticed the uptick in women complaining about lack of "marriageable" men.
Great. Then they can shut the fuck up and stop complaining that a $10 video game outweighs them in pleasantry.

We just ignoring this name fag shit now are we pol? I really need you people to understand that you need to go back

Stop fucking name faghing you god damn newfag karma whore fucktard. Why are you alive? You are the fucking worst kind of cunt I hope you god damn fucking die

>haha didnt want the poosi anyways xD

I've been tripfagging for 3 years now but I've been posting here for 5 years
I don't claim that I never saw value in a woman.
I tried for many years but women unanimously declared I was not worthy.
So I decided to MGTOW, which is great.
But like I said, women have no place to complain about "I can't find a good man".
They made their decisions to chase the top men, and they can chase til the last day of their lives for all I care.
I'll have my sexbot eventually and more digital entertainment than I'll ever need.
My life has all I'll ever need.

Here's a question for ya. Why would you? Even reproduction was never solely their realm. Got a pro woman argument? There arent any. Got an anti man argument? Theyre all wrong

A life of hedonism, escapism and complacency inevitably leads to depression and unfulfillment. You will end up exactly the same as the women you talk about.

There is a reason that marriage exists in almost every culture.


Most MGTOW are dedicated to improving themselves, physcially and intellectually. All it really means is that you have more time to spend on yourself. I don't know why people make this into such a big deal. Not everyone wants some used up 30+ single mom leeching off them.

>MGTOW is about improving yourself
is that why every self confessed MGTOW i meet is a pot smoker, or a porn addict or some fat guy with self esteem issues who takes it out on women? I mean Christ man

Every white knight I meet is a fat neckbeard trying to virtue signal himself into the pants of rancid roastie sluts.

Giving in to some middle aged woman that wasn't willing to settle down until every other option dried up, will satisfy none of those needs.
If anything (I say this from experience) it will do nothing but make your life much more miserable.
Porn addiction is bad, but there's nothing wrong with occasional marijuana use as long as you're not Cheech & Chong tier. And it's not unusual for a man to be upset as it gets used to a life of being single.
Believe me, I wouldn't have ever thought it would take a good 1100 attempts to get a single lunch date.
As an older man now, it doesn't really bother me because I understand how much better life is without women.

Of course, I agree, but not many people end up alone when they're middle-aged. Promoting this ideology to young men is crab mentality and damaging not only to them, but to their race.

>mad because his white gf/wife admitted to once having dated nogs

>implying women want a man that earns minimum wage or is on neet bux

stop being a whiny fagitprincess and take control of yer existence

gr8 thread

>1300-1400 women before and gotten 2 dates
I honestly don't think I've even seen 1300 women I wanted to date

>porn actress

She's a product. That has about the same to do with what we're talking about as some guy sticking his dick in a bottle of windex.

I just kept thinking I needed to lower my standards, so I kept asking women out to get a feel of what my "level" was.
I asked out plenty of seemingly horrible women but I don't like to be a judgmental person, so I figured if we went out, I could see where things would go.
Never really worked out.
The one date I did go on, was an obese Jewish woman with bright red hair and numerous tattoos.
I gave her a call back to discuss a 2nd date and she just laughed at me. She ended up dating some obese Dominican guy last I knew.

>through women
>through estrogen; and females
>no response

Thats sage advice, coming from the gross boer chick from die antwoord

What's up, Eggy?
Stop being a MGTOW and find a decent wife, disregard any leftist trash.
Did you and Pizza fuck by the way?

>future wife swallowed nigger jizz
No thanks

Egglad, can you give us a selfie?

Hard to claim the intellectual high ground when you don't spell or capitalize properly, faggot.

How long are your pigtails? About the length of a tampon pullstring or that of a purse string? Hrm?

>Most MGTOW are dedicated to improving themselves, physcially and intellectually
I got the impression they were dedicated to shitposting for hours on internet forums. They're NEETs. And some, I assume, are good people.

Die Antwoord are degenerates and they were made famous by you. I can name a number of American artists who are significantly worse.

We did not, we are simply friends. And I do most certainly intend to be mgtow for life.
I'm a bit unkempt right now as I've been on the road.
This picture is a bit recent, but I don't think I've posted it before online.

Women are the fucking vaginal Jew.

He's a tripfag not a namefag, you fucking retard.

I know you've never been with any woman, don't lie. And you haven't spoken to one that wasn't your mother.

He's a rather infamous tripfag--he has been with a woman before but not in a long time.

You sound like some whiney little bitch with an entitlement problem. Nobody finds that attractive. Go after women on your own level, you dunce.

You are fucking hideous.

ITT: roastie gettin' toasty

So he's some autist incapable of forming relationships with people. Not surprised that he's mgtow. Typical mgtow in fact.

>Not knowing what Eggman looks like

How new are you?

He took the black pill long ago and then shot up a school.


I'm a man, you utter nonce.
Pic related.
I'm giving you legitimate advice, take it or continue being a kissless autist.

post tits

neat webm

>take it or continue being a kissless autist.

Lost my v-card before you were born, kiddo. Git gud.

haha fucking Sup Forums is brutal
I'm in the same boat as OP but I've just decided to do drugs and chill whenever I want
I saved enough money by 25, 300k but enough to chill as a neet for years
who knows what the future will bring, but the only women I see myself getting with are prostitutes

Yeah, but you can't keep a woman. Can you? Anyone can get their cock wet in some daft slag.

that sucks man :/. but seriously better nothing than low class whore which will most likely destroy your life. Well at least you tried. Thats more than most guys could say about their efforts.

>making assumptions about some random user

What a faggot. Stop projecting.

Chads fuck sluts, but don't marry them. Women don't realize this until their mid-thirties. Once they do, they realize they're not very attractive wife material after having 100+ partners. Chad's on the other hand snag a loyal young wife once they decide to settle down.

For all you virgins keep note, as long as you keep physically fit and acquire wealth you become more attractive as you get older.

Grats on those palindrome digits
It depends. I don't really consider myself a bad person. In any case, it's irrelevant to the issue at hand. If we're so "hideous and autistic", then women should fuck off and leave us alone to our hobbies.
I don't have that much moolah but I agree with your outlook. I'll have to go back to wagecucking soon enough, but I quit my last job since I didn't think it was doing me any favors to still be working minimum wage at my age.

You made it plainly obvious when you used r9k lingo and demonstrated that you keep autistic info graphics in your pc lad.

>being this butthurt because of meme pictures

Get the fuck out or lurk moar, faggot. You didn't even know who eggman was so I know you're a newfaggot.

Have you lost weight?

What woman bother fat autists playing dungeons and dragons, or whatever, in their living room together?
Not being a bad person is a good start, though

You're still alive?

>not knowing every autist on Sup Forums makes you new
I know of some egg man that makes youtube videos. Not him is it?

You're a fag

>not knowing every autist on Sup Forums makes you new

You seriously don't remember when /r9k/ and Sup Forums falseflagged eggman into being a school shooter from the Pacific Northwest? CNN etc reported on it all day and was talking about "normies" and the "beta uprising." You have to be new if you don't remember that. I should have just stayed in character and spammed MGTOW pictures but the fact that you're trying to "help" a troll is sad as fuck. Lurk moar and stop taking the Internet so srs.

I remember that, but I didn't realise it was the same guy.

MGTOW is rising regardless of what any of us do. The average woman is an entitled brat and the average men is an emasculated beta who can't cope with competition.

The main reason why MGTOW threads always get high responses is because you know it's growing and that there's nothing we can do as a society to put a stop to it.

I've lost about 30lb or so since earlier this year
As I stated previously, I've been noticing an increasing trend of women being irritated that men aren't "manning up" and they can't find any good men.
At the same time, they laugh at us and call us hideous autists until they suddenly want our stability and resources.
They made the decision to live their whole lives unmarried and that's not my fault. I gave them many chances but they didn't want anything to do with me then, so they can fuck off with trying to shame men who refuse to marry.

just fall in love

go shoot up a school eggman you balding piece of shit

its hilarious watching young women hit the wall but seriously we can't let them die without having white children