>won't accept refugees
What's their endgame?
Won't accept refugees
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They like and want to stay Polish.
They are materialistic faggots. If EU cucks will actually start taking away gibs poles will take in sandniggers.
Total Slav dominance
>Polska superpower by 2020
not accepting "refugees" alienates us from the rest of EU, especialy Germany which wants to remove itself out of US influence
US of course dislikes it so they will use Poland as an outpost in increasingly anti-US EU
Of course EU will fall, German influence will diminish but Poland backed by US will become a major regional power
Introducing the Babushka
>Hardened WW2/Communist survivor
>Spends at least 4 hours a day cooking advanced Polish cuisine to ensure proper nutrition for her family
>Sole purpose is to monitor the family and ensure her offspring are happy, healthy and full of krokiety
>Openly advocates for kebab removal
>Literally believes niggers are apes
>Wears stylish headscarves in various colours
>Becomes enraged when any non-white is seen
>Goes to church at least twice a day
>Calls grandchildren daily asking when they're going to make more white babies
>Can shoot automatic weapons and engage in warfare
>Votes extreme right every time
The Babushka: the secret tactical warrior defending the Slavic race
they got loads of refugees from Ukraine
cry more for your pet niggers/sandniggers
Our endgame is survival of Polish people and our culture no matter what.
Still existing a decade from now.
Poles are tired of Germans fucking up their country. Why they thought it was a good idea to enter a political union with them is a bit of a mystery.
this........ poland knows how to play the game. america already has troops in poland. what could germany really do
We only entered EU for better Economy and to achieve faster better quality of life. Once we have fully gotten our reparations from western Europe we will probably leave.
is this really a geopolitical strategy of the US/poland or is this a fantasy
Oh, they will.
They're under 2% of our GDP, what now?
i wouldnt say it is THE strategy but if things keep down this path its what will most likely happen
The tards itt thinking germany will take military action against ANY european state, phhhht.
theyve been neutered since ww2, germoney is governed by kikes with a weak willed populace.
1. EU falls to Race Civil War
2. We keep our borders shut*, while watching West bleed out
3. Turkey advances in Balkans
4. USA falls due to Civil War 2.0
5. Get rekt by Russia
* - we 100% won't accept shitskins, whites probably too, because there always might be traitors or threatened by Muslims to do harm to our country
wtf I love poland now
America will always side with Poland against Germany. Keep forcing Poland to accept your rapefugee and we'll invade your country again.
What an amazing gif
I saw an Indian couple walking in the park today :( or are we talking real refugees and not talking migrants from shitholes?
I know that you always side with communists and jews against white heritage.
Good goy America never disappoints.
cool i hope so
They've been trampled by a genocidal regime before and they don't want to repeat history
huh? what white heritage stupid
you guys are owning yourselves with rapefugees
Is there some reason you didn't beat them to a bloody pulp?
don't let them get to you. Poland just has to hold out for another year 2 at most and there will be so many migrants they will go full jihad and coup Europe or the citizens of Europe will revolt.
sucking US dick, we will end that.
tfw germany today is a liberal fascist hell and the eternal kraut is once again fanning the flames for yet another kerfuffle
You will not end shit.
Not even sucking Ahmed's dick.
>standing up for your people is sucking US dick
To not accept refugees
Things is those burger niggers are under US command on Polish soil instead of being under Polish command. I dont like foreign troops in my country who arent under our jurisdiction.
must be the reason why you fucked off to a truly postnational cuck country
Kinda like my mom almost
At this rate the only thing you'll end is the existence of your country Hans. But don't worry, in the near future you can build a carrier in Poland as a toilet cleaner.
2 options
>Suck dick of those retards which can't even make a stable reich for 50 years and are currently being cucked by migrants
>Suck dick of America
I'd rather suck american cock than German one. Germans are true degenerates of europe.
A Slavic ethnostate.
Stupid burger nigger, you guys sponsored the arab spring which lead to this whole mess in the first place.
I was in Zakopane yesterday.
Everyone was white. Not a single gypsy, not a single nigger. Just slavs and gorals.
I still remember when I was on germany year back. I never saw that many niggers and arabs in one shopping center. Here I rarely saw a nigger, maybe once in a year? It was in capital.
dominate central europe and racemix with other european nation to make Homo Sapiens Pole Superior
>they got loads of refugees from Ukraine
Most of those "refugees" are not from Eastern Ukraine. They are migrant works, you Mormon. The economic problem got exacerbated after EU/US sponsored coup: no free trade with Russia and many economic ties have been broken, no credits in exchange for "reforms" from Russia, etc. It's as if they are deliberately destroying Ukraine's economy, making it a market for Polish steroid/GMO food and other EU's products and are using it as a tool against Moscow.
Zakopane is comfy
Not letting Germany invade them again
>What's their endgame?
Getting re-annexed by Russia.
I never considered myself a canadian. Im polish first and last.
Hungary I guess.
Eh well, we'll.. just step aside.
Not worth the trouble
>What's their endgame?
Polands endgame is to be assraped by Russia and Germany and be obliterated from the face of the earth.
Remaining a homogeneous Slavic country.
yes - and you quick understand it in always-under-siege country
fascist,communists, now faggots,muslims.. our enemy after every lose just swap the flag and attack us again and again
that's even worse than hosting true refugees; are you advocating they take in useless subhuman garbage on top of it all?
from my viewpoint all those sanctions against russia are nothing but counterproductive cocksucking on behalf of washington
you think the US gives two shits about us ?
Our government already said taking in immigrants would be a greater punishment than anything EU throws at us
It's easy, here's how it goes.
>Europe goes multicultural
>Doesnt care about borders and White Europeans any more
>USA goes Mexican and full Kangs n sheit
>"Huh? Poles? You mean that thing we put the Mexican flag on!"
>From the East the newly established Slavo-Mongolian islamic horde comes for Poland
By the time EU collapses whites in US will be a minority. Since they are a democratic country, what makes you think a black country will back 99.8% white country?
The part about germany trying to cause an internal crash to get rid of the US influence is true, but obviously poland is far from being important
Poland knows that they can get away with it. All EU has to do is to set a condition in which either Poland accepts refugees or loses those 10 billion euros that they are getting annually from rich EU countries.
Honestly makes me feel a lot better about our suicide knowing you guys will survive what we are doing
I hope so, they looked pretty miserable so maybe they will go be tourists somewhere else.
>assraped by germany
Your own country is getting assraped by your own country fucking mongolian
>EU gibs cut to 0
>ok ok ok we take repaefugees
that's chump change, krauts have vastly more at stake, namely the polish market and they won't jeopardize that for some virtue signalling
It sure will work THAT time
I've seen lots of Indian tourists in Bratislava.
For some reason Indians are interested in Central europe.
Pressure creates diamonds
We're the 1-nth most visited country in Europe, so it's not surprising all sorts of people will visit us
The Kingdom of Poland will once again determine the fate of the eternal sourkraut
I love it!
I love Sup Forumsacks now
My little brother is half Polish so he has a stake in Poland which i'm going to piggy back on.
leaf gets it. without the EU we're poor and alienated, getting more and more influenced by Russias big fat cock every day.
face it Polska - it's Merkel or Putin. no other way
Kurwa jestem Polack
Literally my grandma, kek, except the headscarves and automatic weapons.
won't accept refugees
What's their endgame?
>won't accept refugees
>implying that anyone want's to live in Poland.
Wrong i want to live there. Good place to raise a family
I would. It's a nice place. At least Krakow is. Everybody has that post communist grumpy attitude but i'd be pissed off after decades of communism too.
still, you're correct.
where is the pirogi?
>getting more and more influenced by Russias big fat cock every day
lol dont fight it poland. we will get you back, you belong to us. poland is russia.
I think about Poland every single day man.
where does Sup Forums see europe in a year? 5 years?
i wonder if an EU army will lead to a war in europe sooner than i expected
Worst Available Beer
1st gen or 2nd gen leaf? why not go back?
EU gone/greatly diminished, rejuvenation of ethnic nation states, start of building a great wall dividing western cucks and eastern inheritors of earth