Why is weed illegal?
Why is weed illegal?
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To stop people from smoking it.
Why do they want to stop people from smoking?
same shit different circumstance
ID: Aju
ID: Ov = OY VEY???
inb4 dude wee bro
Easy way to keep prisons full
Because it was supposed to get rid of the Mexicans.
Shame it didn't work out as intended.
Because many jobs are maintained by keeping it illegal.
Because lobbyists from the liquor and tobacco industries lobby to keep it illegal because they would stand to lose a lot of money. Also because a long time ago some wealthy faggot (forgot his name) that ran a bunch of paper mills lobbied to keep it illegal because the hemp business would have lost his paper business a shitload of money.
TL;DR other industries lobby to keep it illegal because they would lose money.
If you could grow your own aspirin it would be illegal too.
The government doesn't allow people to have things they can't tax.
Dunno but having a medical card has helped me cure a wicked pill habit
It makes you a lazy degenerate.
it's illegal because we accept it's illegal
alcohol prohibition was met with some serious backlash and the politicians changed their minds real quick
now we allow it to be illegal, get arrested for it, get prescribed tons prescriptions, deal with nigger gangs selling it, have other commercialized substances like tobacco and alcohol advertised to us daily
because we allow it for some reason
Cotton farming industry didn't like competition and bribed politicans
>ID: JEw
although think of the restrictions on production of alcohol
people could brew liquor for less than 2 dollars a bottle, yet it costs over 20$ at the state store
people could also run their cars on it if it was widely produced
there are old farming tractors that run on ethanol
the whisky rebellion, prohibition all bullshit to keep the goyim in line
It causes psychosis and addiction. All of the """"islamist"""" attackers have all been pot smokers
it was made illegal so that it would be easier to catch mexican immigrants that were crossing the southern boarder, and it should stay illegal because of the culture that surrounds it.
>plebbit spacing
go back to r/thedonald you reddit faggot
Because the alcohol industry in the United States made 250 billion dollars last year. The pharmaceutical industry is worth twice that.
Big pharma, big paper, big tobacco, big alcohol, police that get the easy job busting stoners instead of raging meth/coke addicts... Everyone with power wants it illegal.
Because the pharmaceutical industry wants you to take its toxic, barely regulated meme pills instead of treating issues with a powerful herb that has been used and generally well-tolerated for five thousand years and has never caused an overdose death in a human being.
niggers gave it a bad reputation
>pic related
>it should stay illegal because of the culture that surrounds it.
So if a bunch of people you don't like (or see as degenerates) started using Sup Forums, Sup Forums should be illegalized?
i smoke weed everyday
Opiates were the drug of choice for black people when weed was made illegal. Shill harder.
Because it destroys a few different rackets if it's legalized.
>If you could grow your own aspirin it would be illegal too
It's a piece of piss to grow wintergreens, extract the oil and acetylate it.
That hasn't been my experience. I use cannabis to treat my ADHD and chronic pain.
When I smoke I get a lot of work done.
When I don't, my lack of motivation and my crippling pain block me from accomplishing the things I need to get done.
You can't go overgeneralizing.
but i thought reefer madness made white women to touch big black penis
Because it makes lazy dumb people even dumber.
It dampens nervous reactions and makes it more difficult for businesses to excite a productive workforce.
Because it threatened the cotton, tobacco, and timber industries of the early 20th century.
That's a good question. The usual answer is to protect society. But if the governments made laws to protect society, way are they flooding in terrorist subhumans and shipping jobs overseas while poisoning the land and ruining education?
>standard stoner half-truths, the post.
>Hide them
fyi Candy cigarettes will always be my fav candy
standard retard armchair psychology in this post
Those things tasted aweful.
oh and "lazy potheads will wreck Western society" isn't
William Randolph Hearst desu.
>i need weed
Except you don't lol, dependent faggot.
smoked 1 time in the past 8 months but would rather it be allowed vs a criminal act
I've taken CBD oil for ptsd and I find that Indica strains help me with emotional issues
I was sexually and physically abused by my uncle multiple times from the age of 4-10 and I had not thought about it since until I smoked some indica and just started breaking down crying
there are definitely medical and psychiatric uses for cannabis
>tasted awful
Not as bad as the stick of chalk that I ate because I thought it was a candy cig when I was little
because you are a slave and people eat, fuck, and sacrifice children own your money, media, medicine, military, and every institution of authority, and when you realize all the news and sports are rigged by the numbers (gematria) you begin to realize how fake your world really is. you live in a psychopathic, demented, jewish masonic nightmare, and any chance of you waking from that and seeing the beauty of nature is definitely off limits.
It's literally not
Weed should only be given to people who have their shit together
Acetylation in phenomenally easy. It costs like 50p or something to make and purifying.
I'd just rather buy it for a £1
the cost of growing cannabis is dirt and water
it will grow in almost all conditions which is why its called "weed"
I don't want to say it's Jews, but it definitely Jews. The easiest way to see if something is true or not is if Jews do it because they're the only "people" allowed to pick and choose what rules to follow.
>"He who controls the youth controls the future"
>Jews literally and unironically (((educate))) the youth of every first world country
>The Big Lie
>Big Lie is actually the Holocaust
>"Repeat a lie often enough and people believe it"
>Again, 6 million
>"Weed is like totally cool bruh LOL!"
>Israel highest amount of cannabis smokers in the world
I wouldn't hate them half as much if they weren't Jews.
dude owns a news paper invest in wood pulp paper seeks to destroy hemp paper by making hemp illegal.
no one goes to prison for just weed you fucking moron
Recreational use makes people lazy, unproductive, and unmotivated.It also causes cancer. Only medical use (non smoke) for severely sick or terminally ill patients should be used.
confirmation that the Jews are pushing the legalization of cannabis... just like the Protocols predicted
i wouldn't have a problem with legalizing weed if government taxes weren't tied to it, because all it will end up doing is giving the government more power over the population; and also, if it were legal then a condition to buy it would be you show your last paycheck to prove you had a job in
I'm holding a bong in my other hand as I type...
Do me next pls.
27% of drug offenders incarcerations are weed offenses
0.7% of prisoners in the US are for marijuana possession alone
"intent to distribute" (having a shitton of weed) can turn into "you're a drug dealer" real quick
Always use archive.is on media with a reputation for crap journalism and clickbait.
To shit on minorities hippies and commies. That's literally the admitted reason for the war on drugs being pushed when and how it was.
peewee :DDD
Hemp and the evil paper magnates
takk norskvenn
They don't. The drug war is a racket, but they've figured out keeping the public high makes them easier to manipulate for votes. Just offering then drugs is enough to get morons to vote for you. Never mind the fact that they are stoned and retarded. The shit makes you apathetic toward shitty situations and right now people need to have a clear head and get pissed off and focused on the war against communists.
Wait I totally forgot the other bit. That part is true but it was first made illegal by the insistence of the cotton industry to take hemp out of the picture.
Fugg xDD
why does weed make me panic?
*is retarded*
*highschool drop out addicted to pot, meth, and heroine*
dude its harmless lmao
So we can arrest niggers.
It's a great way to lock up minorities and keep them from polluting the public sphere with their presence. Anyone who countersignals the drug war wants to live in a browner country.
Population control. Because Weed increases your semen count
Its fucking degenerate and addictive especially if you have an addictive personality
>T. burntout dabber
ID: kA - KILL AYRANS?!?!!!
harry anslinger hated the darkies
Stay strong senpai