>pitbulls are viole-
Pitbulls are viole-
Other urls found in this thread:
Now post the one of it tearing apart it's loving owner
These types of posts are really funn-
why would you expose your only son to this danger?
Just leaving this here :^)
The problem with pitbulls is one day they will be the nicest dog you ever met, and the next they turn into a twisted fucking psychopath.
That's really cute, but those parents are out of their fucking minds.
>one day something misfired in his brain. nobody knows exactly what but for a split second he confused his owner with a hostile figure
>he did what he knew he had to, and bit the hostile figure as hard as he could
>other hostile figures hit him with their fists first, then with objects, loud noises, loud whines
>but in his heart of hearts he knew he was doing the right thing
>he was a good dog
>he was a good boy
>he was saving his master
Pitbulls are the niggers of the dog world.
My neighbor had one and it was loose all the time I fed it ground beef with glass and it died under his porch the next day
>ever considering having the nigger equivalent of dog breeds
Honestly, pitbulls LOOK so fucking cool. I want a pitbull like the one John Wick has in John Wick: Chapter 2.
They're just such great looking dogs. I'm pretty sure that if I train it right from a very young age, it would be a friendly dog. When I hear stories about how these dogs were sooo friendly etc., I don't fully believe that. These people don't know how to raise their dogs the right way.
I want to believe this works. It just seems too dangerous.
>why would you expose your only son to this danger?
If the owner knows the dog very well, it makes sense and these are so cute. I treat all dogs like they are vicious killers though. Dogs simply are not kosher.
Dogposting just makes me sad. Poor brainlets.
Glad we have you here since you're a pit bull expert and devoted your entire life to studying pit bulls to give us this EXTREMELY true and ALWAYS correct statement. You're a genius.
Now go get blown up by Mohammed NEET fag.
>Willing to kill off an entire violent race
>Has no problem keeping around naturally aggressive dog breeds
whoever made that video is out of their fucking mind. yes, pitbulls are violent
>Pitbulls are the niggers of do-
I mean even if there's a 1% chance of eating your face, why take the risk? There are hundreds of dog breeds, why not buy another?
Said violent race should consider that we'd rather have dogs around than them.
mentally ill fucks
i love doggos but part of that is remembering they're animals
guaranteed these fucks have the mind virus
Can they tell that someone killed it? Asking for a friend.
pitbulls are the true dog of the Ancap
Snakes are by far the best pet. Compare how many times you've been bitten by dogs to how often you've been bitten by snakes.
Post the next picture where it eats the baby.
kek. I had a friend who owned a pit bull since he was a kid. 10 years of owning it, it randomly decided to viciously attack my friend while he was sleeping. It literally bit off his nose, and he was facially fucked since with huge scar on his face from reconstruction.
Moral of the story? Pit bulls are fucking retarded, and they don't give a fuck. They are the dindus of dogs.
> and he was facially fucked
By the Pitbull or afterwards by someone else?
>the post summed up in one pic
>Odds of being a victim of a serious crime — 1 in 47 for men, 1 in 52 for women
>Odds of being involved in a drunk driving crash — 2 out of 3
>Odds of dying from firearm assault — 1 in 358
>Odds of dying in a car accident — 1 in 113
>Odds of being struck and killed by lightening — 1 in 174,426
Why even leave the house?
I find this hard to believe.
Pitbulls have a massive potential for violence. Shit tier dogs can be aggressive as fuck and you wont have to clean the bloodstains of your children off the carpets, a pitpull is another matter. At least get wooden floors to save costs down the line.
Dobermans are 10x more obedient than pitbulls and don't commit even a third of the dog attacks pitbulls do.
Considering that they're pretty great guard dogs and if you raise them right they're also sweethearts I don't see a problem.
The only problems I ever had with pits is if I was perceived as in danger of if they were fighting for alpha, in which case it could get ugly.
Either way I don't believe in pets that you get for aesthetic purposes...I'd get a wolf if I wasn't sure it'd kill me and my whole family, take my property and start a wildlife preserve.
>Dobermans are 10x more obedient than pitbulls and don't commit even a third of the dog attacks pitbulls do.
Uhh. There are a lot more pitbull owners than doberman owners, so no shit the number of attacks involving pitbulls would be higher. What about the proportions?
people are so retarded about dogs.
I was out with my friend and her pit bull (I hate the stupid thing, but I'm done having that conversation with her). Someone else walks by on the other side of the street with his small dog, and her pit bull starts going nuts, barking and growling. My friend at least knows that her dog is not "dog friendly" and is restraining it. This stupid fuck who owns the other dog actually asked if he should bring his dog over to say "hi." Yeah, sure, nigger, if you want your dog to become lunch. Blew my mind how dumb this idiot was.
When I see someone walking a pit bull I say "nice terrier" and when I say terrier I make air quotes.
Didn't they used to call pitbulls the "nanny dog" and leave them around kids all the time back in the olden days? I mean I'm not sure how much that's worth since they also drank mercury and shit back then, but you know.
Pitbulls were nice until the niggers got their dirty hands on them
that dog appears sedated in each clip, not to mention probably well-fed
that's fuckin hilarious
I don't
no, dude. J.M. Barrie said that as a joke in "Peter Pan" and retards took it literally. How the fuck would a dog be a nanny???
Pitbulls are just like any other dog; a pack animal. they know who their master is and outsiders are threats. The difference is that a pitbull has an immensely strong set of jaws that can rip someone to shreds.
Pit bulls were bred specifically to fight.
Now if people would stop breeding them and just mix breed them till we get something different then everything would be fine. But nooooo we still have dumb asses breeding these things at a pure enough level to maintain their violence.
What's funny is that Pitbulls were called "Nanny Dogs" back in the day, because that's what they were.
>J.M. Barrie said that as a joke in "Peter Pan"
Really? Shit I need reread Peter Pan.
> How the fuck would a dog be a nanny???
Not a literal nanny, jackass. Just a good pet or companion to be around children.
They are trash and their owners are trash. My opinion of that will never change. Just this week a few miles from me one essentially ate a three week old. Trash ash people left the baby alone and the dog ripped its head off.
>What is sarcasm?
Why do Sup Forumstards have such an autistic obsession with a minority of pitbulls being violent because of shitty owners?
Not that user, but I imagine there would be a lot of blood if it glass was used. I'd recommend poisoning it instead. My dad told once told me he was bit by a dog that had a shitty owner, and that this apparently wasn't the first time there were issues. So the doctor tending to my dad just nonchalantly told him that he'd kill the dog himself, and he did the next day with meat and some sort of pharmaceutical.
>NOT AL...
pitbulls are banned in my city
No the pitbull race was specially made to fight other dogs and bears in show. It's not even a "guard/defense" dog. Only the most violent and vicious dogs were allowed to breed.
but they make up over 70% of all human related attacks, you cant tell me thats all because of "shitty owners"
Thanks for posting the odds of getting mauled by a dog faggot. Nice argument
The problem with pitbulls is they need proper training because they are high energy dogs meant for fighting they can be very aggressive here's a perfect story
>moms friends own 4 pits
>recently got a new one named bossy
>bossy doesn't like one of the other pits named daddy
>daddy is this fat pit who is very nice he is very very fat and stupid but nice
>paws at things when he tries to get attention
>pawed at bossy to get his attention
>bossy attacked daddy
>one of the other dogs who was older named Peety actually jumps in to stop Bossy from maiming Daddy
>Peety gets killed and maimed
>Didn't find this out until after they asked me to watch their dogs
>Oh fuck what have I got myself into
>Bossy gets in your face he's obnoxious and wants your attention 24/7 is very rough
>The other Honey is really gentle Bossy gets along with her because she's a female and he's alpha now
>Daddy and Bossy can't even be in the same room
>Have to constantly alternate having them in the house so Bossy doesn't kill Daddy
>On the last day I'm babbysitting them I put Daddy away in one of the rooms and have Honey and Bossy in the open house no doors closed
>There must have been a rat in the wall because when I came back Bossy left a puked rat on the couch and had torn through the walls to get it
>Had to explain to moms friends that I didn't realize he had done that
>Accidentally left the flashlight they gave me in my car which I had to use to feed their chickens and put them away at night
>Tell them I'll bring it back
>Come back the next day early in the morning they ask me to leave it in their red pickup which surprise has no fucking door handles to open the car
>Decide I'll leave it in the front of the house
>Open the gate and hear Bossy and Honey outside
>Bossy is barking but realize as soon as I come in he'll stop
>He fucking doesn't
>Bossy has a razor back and is barking at me like he's going to attack me
>Realize I have to keep my cool so I don't get attacked
>possessing tools made only for killing is OK
>possessing dogs that mistreated kill is not OK
its not that pits are the niggers of the dog world.
its that pits are the dogs of the nigger world.
Pitbulls are no worse than their owners. There's just a lot of shitty dog owners and especially niggers that have pitbulls.
>Doesn't understand the concept of rates
>parents did it on purpose
fighting other animals was just for show.
their main purpose was as war dogs, literally for killing other human beings.
that is the real sinister trait which has been implanted into them
they are british war dogs
>its not that pits are the niggers of the dog world.
>its that pits are the dogs of the nigger world.
its actually both, there are too many stories of babies having their faces ripped off by these beasts for me to believe that they're entirely safe
>possessing tools that do nothing on their own is okay
>possessing animals that are known to go apeshit for no apparent reason and hurt other people is not okay
What's the problem here?
Whould bleach do the work?
I wouldn't let a baby do that with any dog are they fucking retarded?
the white trash who breed these things need to be dealt with
he wasn't being sarcastic. he was a jewish hippy.
>pitbulls are peaceful bro, trust me. peas out bro. lol! XD
Said race loves those said dogs. Do you want to keep around said dogs for said people? Do you actually like said people, Said?
>Haha! Look at this cherrypicked article, video, and (((interview))) that proves x couldn't possibly be y; isn't this all so silly? Why are you all so dumb teehee. Checkmate Sup Forums BTFO how will x ever recover?? Amirite??
Fucking fake and gay
>Someone knocks on the door
Nice baby you HAD there mate
underrated comment, lol@the faggets no getting the meme
>Bossy is starts showing his teeth and then starts to try and bite me
>Shove him with my leg and tell him no etc
>He's still being a fucking nigger dog
>Convinced he's going to fucking attack me
>After a while of unsuccessful bites in the span of a minute drop the flashlight and get the fuck out of there
>He's still barking at me like he doesn't know me
>100% convinced that dog is going to kill another dog again or worse attack a person
>Moms friend who's the women doesn't like the dog her husband surprise who hates "whitey and Donald Trump" wants to keep him
>Says she can't even love it or get close to it after what its done
>Don't blame her
>Refuse to ever watch the dogs again in fear Bossy will kill one of them under my watch or worse attack me while I'm there
I don't hate pitbulls I hate stupid ignorant people with a lack of understanding that certain dog breeds need training so that they don't do what Bossy has done also
>Have doberman
>He's a warlock(bred to be fighting dog/war dog from croatia)
>The way I raised him though he becomes a lazy goofy lap dog very friendly
>Neighbor has a brand new pit named Astro that he found at a pumpkin patch
>Astro is also very energetic
>One day neighbor tries to socialize Astro with Baron
>Astro for whatever reason decides to attack Baron
>Baron doesn't even fight him apparently Astro got him so badly that my dog sounded like it was fucking screaming
>Wasn't around for when it happened was with dad while mom was at home doing this or I would have fucking killed the other dog since Baron was my dog
>Find out it took 6 people to get the fucking thing off Baron
>Baron had to get stitches while neighbor goes and gets Astro training from literally Caesar Milan
>Astro no longer acts like a nigger dog but for a while I wanted to put him down myself
Please user.
My pitbull is a good dog. He would never unexpectedly sna-
the endings a fucking let down
Simple solution to these beasts.
Ban breeding. Ban selling. Automatic $1000 fine.
Pit bulls were bred for decades to be violent and aggressive. They were used to entertain dog fighting degenerates. Pitbulls don't even know themselves why they snap and kill the children in their homes. It was just wired into them on purpose a long time ago.
>story is about how pitbulls are dogs bred for a specific purpose and it shows
>without proper training accidents will happen
>story is about two different accidents which resulted in the death of one dog,me almost being attack badly by another, and the attack of my dog
>implying it was supposed to be the blockbuster greentext of the year
Just providing the point that they're indeed nigger tier dogs