Do you take pride in your public appearance Sup Forums?
I try to always wear a collared shirt tucked in when I go out.
Seeing grown men in public just wearing a t-shirt makes me cringe; it seems degenerate and poor.
Do you take pride in your public appearance Sup Forums?
I try to always wear a collared shirt tucked in when I go out.
Seeing grown men in public just wearing a t-shirt makes me cringe; it seems degenerate and poor.
>clothes make the man
Why don't you just wear a full suit and fedora while you're at it.
I live in Florida. It's hot. Fuck you
There's nothing more disgusting than a man in public wearing a tshirt. Put some clothes on.
did you know that you're fucking gay?
Whatever you wear, just make sure it's been washed and doesn't look like you just took it out of the hamper. Nothing more degenerate than faggots wearing dirty clothes.
t. Shlubby subhuman
*tips fedora*
>I care about my fashion and only men's fashion
>I'm not a massive cock gobbling cum guzzling closet faggot Sup Forums I swear
Sure thing nigger.
Collared shirt untucked master race reporting in
I always wear a blue shirt similar to this minus the faggy accents. No frills no thrills. Navy or Khaki shorts. If khaki pants, I wear duckhead.
There's nothing wrong with t shirts. I do love nice collared shirts.
Matter of fact, short sleeved collared shirts like polos look weird. You either look like some dweeb who bought a golf shirt at macys or some nerd beancounter from the 1980s.
I pretty much only wear collared shirts or t shirts in the summer. In the winter you can mix it up with henleys and sweaters.
t. faggot
The main thing is just be fucking clean and groomed. I don't really see an issue with a t shirt as long as its clean/not wrinkled and doesn't have some cringy logo on it (no vidya, memes, banks etc. Stick to a nice plain tee. I do like golf type dri fit polos for when it's hot since I live in Georgia. If you're going out to eat or meeting someone new especially you should wear a collared shirt.
All the brain washed fools in this thread that think taking care of yourself and your appearance is not manly. Jesus Christ such good little goys. Please do more fidora tipping memes.
I wear whatever conceals my firearm better, Take this Sup Forums tier fag shit off Sup Forums SAGED
Absolutely not, however, my occupation doesn't warrant it.
>Taking are of yourself and your appearance is not manly
Not at all what my post implies
>Taking care of yourself and your appearance = / = Caring about another man's appearance
Nice try roocuck. That's nothing but faggotry. Care about yourself but don't sit around and judge other men's choice of fashion because you're too cucked to leave the house in a t-shirt.
>my dad is very rich and I'm unemployed
I bet you wear "boating" shoes also.
I'm employed. Tell me how more about how a collared shirt offends you
Sperry master race checking in
You faggot.
>Jesus Christ
yeah he was a fashion icon wasn't he?
Nobodies offended. I wear them everyday.
We just think you're a bitch for thinking this makes you a man.
Clothes don't make the man. Please stop making my wardrobe into the new fedora.
Long sleeve plaid reporting in.
I never said clothes make the man, though dressing nice is an aspect of being mature. What makes me a man is my work ethnic and commitment to my family
>camo bdu jacket
>cheap sunglasses
>vape mod
>work boots even though im unemployed
i stopped caring a long time ago
i hate when faggots half ass dressing nice. it's like a 7yo wearing a suit jacket with a t-shirt. either go all out or take off your try hard pants and get cozy. tucking your shirt in for no reason makes you look like a legitimate retard.
t. best dressed
t. cargo shorts and XL t shirt
Good point, keep those english classes going, poo.
Doesnt seeing the white men of the world be ungroomed man children bother you canuck?
collared master race. tshirtlets are fucking degenerate
I hate t-shirts, they feel tight on the neck
Polo shirts look smarter and are more comfortable
What about a Nehru or Mandarin collar?
No cuz I'm not a massive faggot who concerns himself with how other men dress.
Collared shirts are gay as fuck
I have a thing against suits too
I actually have been rocking the mao collar, I think that these will become a hot thing.
This. Realistically OP looks like a sperg and a half whenever he leaves the basement
What's your net worth? Just curious
I get dressed even if I'm not going out. When I go out I give it extra attention, but I hate wearing pajamas all day even if I'm not really doing anything. I see people outside in their sweatpants and I'm disgusted. I really appreciate people who maintain their appearance because I have to look at them when we pass by in public.
You look like a waiter at a japanese steakhouse wearing this retarded shit.
>I'm fancy
>be fancy like me
Maybe if there were a reason, but westerners should be digging ditches and laying barbed wire right now, not wearing a collared shirt.
I bet you're soft.
>i dont care about how my own people conduct themselves.
Okay, friend.
To be honest I don't give a shit, it bothers me more when I see people out in public that are fat asses. I hit the gym 6 days a week and will wear any damn type of shirt I want.
Shut the fuck up, stirring trouble for no reason.
i always see poos and arabs wearing those
that guy looks like a tryhard tool
>a collared shirt is fancy
This is the opposite mindset of the fedora tbqh.
I bet you wear death metal t-shirts to funerals, don't you?
t. chav
If you are in shape anything looks good. If you are a fat slob and try to dress up, you just look like a try-hard fedora tipper.
That's Conor mcgregor lol
>That guy
If you don't dress like a mobster you aren't white
Conor McGregor, UFC champion. He's just really rich
He's made more money in 1 fight than your entire town
He's made more money in 1 fight than all your ancestors
He also looks like a fag and is a manlet.
Because those are bad clothes
Oprah is one of the richest people on Earth. Doesn't stop her from being black.
he has too much money and just buys nice clothes he doesn't know how to match
he's still a tryhard tool.
I find collared shirts to be more comfy than t shirts. Is it autism?
>actually thinks I button it all the way up.
learn to style
I always wear stuff like that
Appearance is everything. You will notice how people treat you differently when you are well groomed
in arrival you a judged by your appearance, in leaving, by your wit
which is more important faggot?
socrates was a poor-fag homeless guy, but goes down in history as one of the greatest philosophers. doubt people will remember your dress in 10-20years/in history as opposed to your intellect.
hermes belts are gay and reserved for the real housewives of beverly hills
Never take fashion advice from Sup Forums lads. They'll have you wearing Izod shirts and above the knee chino shorts and leather sandals. Tfw getting no pussy
Conor is proof that the Irish are niggers
What's wrong with chinos shorts?
I live in Florida. T-shirts, shorts, and flip-flops here. Not even most rich people I know dress up, unless they're going out somewhere nice or its part of their job. The rest of the time, they just schlub around dressed like everyone else.
Nothing funnier than seeing someone trying to look "presentable" with huge sweat stains on the back and underarms of a collared shirt.
Yeah but you probably aren't that smart, so do both. No point to be ugly and stupid.
collars are for slaves
>What's wrong with chinos shorts?
Shorts are a sign of childhood, they have their place for men, but not in a semi-formal situation
Shorts + long sleeve shirt = American douche look
Hey bro me too.
Sleeves rolled up or left down?
This looks totally gay and you look like a total loser if you wear that. He only looks good because he's ripped as fuck. Would prolly look better in a tank top.
/fa/ is that way faggots ---------------------------->
>Do you take pride in your public appearance Sup Forums?
It's because he's new money. He grew up poor and now's he rich. Poor people tend to have tacky taste.
Titan tier master race
Keep buying expensive clothes, good goy.
I wear a suit during the week (work) and fatigues the rest of the time, because I'm a /k/ type of guy.
they are shorts, real men dont fucking wear shorts outside of home, gym or pool.
You're a faggot, seriously. Some arbitrary resin circles on a weaved cloth is something you actually concern yourself With?
Vanity is the value of women, whereas men should be concerned with internal fortitude and psychological substance.
You have limited cerebral capacity and you actually focus on the manner in which someone concerns themselves with (((fashion)))?
You're such a fucking faggot, holy shit.
>wearing the cotton jew
Florida here as well and I never leave the house without a button up collared shirt
but i wear the most casual type possible and never tuck it in, basically the kind of shit you can find at a mall for like 10-15 bucks a piece, not the shiny fancy kind either
pair of jeans
and i book it like hell from A/C to A/C otherwise yeah it gets hot but fuck it , i hate shorts, and i hate wearing t-shirts. shits pleb tier.
polos are too preppy as well
he looks like a bottom
lol he'd beat the shit out of you and fuck your girlfriend in front of you while you watch.
>assuming you have a girlfriend
You can wear a collared shirt, a nice dress pants and expensive shoes with a 50$ hair cut and I'll always get more women in my sweaty t shirt, dirty shorts with a long scraggy beard. I dress up when i want to but honesty buddy it's pretty fucking gay to do it daily
Anyone has the picture where Conor is wearing a big fur and he is sitting down in a couch?
>they are shorts, real men dont fucking wear shorts outside of home, gym or pool.
I live in Hawaii atm. I'm wearing shorts.
Deal with it.
baby blue is the most beta acceptable color in existence
at least up your game to royal blue if not navy
I know Americans mean well but it's cringeworthy to read their thoughts on sartorial issues
My joints get easily stiff and need to always move freely otherwise they hurt. I hate dressy clothes with a passion.
The most I'll do is a non-graphic tee. I'm fairly /fit/ so a tee looks good regardless.