I'll just leave this here.
Check the comment section.
White Couple In Georgia GETS 28 YEARS for being RACIST
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So they got basically twice the max punishment for a brutal rape or for a murder for waving around shotguns?
Yes, but it is okay. The black lady has no hate against them no more.
>be american
>be racist
>get jailed for a 4th of your life
>When calling someone a nigger is worse than murdering a whole family
Really makes you think, doesn't it?
>be american
>point out genetic differences
>spend all your good years in jail
play stupid games win stupid prizes
Welcome to America
Are people really surprised that whites in this nation are growing more radical?
seal of approval
[pic related]
you burgers are just some 80 years behind for this great movement
The punishment isn't for "being racist": It's for threatening a family with firearms.
Is there a shortage of people in the Georgia penal system?
HAHAHAHA. serves them right
Why didn't Jared Taylor or Brad Griffin or the League of the South help these confederates?
>wave around loaded weapons
>threaten family with said weapons
>scream random racial shit to make sure you get hit with a charge of hate crimes as well
>get surprised when you get sent to prison
This is a fucking outrage.
these whites are niggers, good riddance. i hate blacks too but I have better things to do than brandish shotguns at children. guarantee these "whites" got food stamps and watched 40 hours of television a week
America, land of the free
That long sentence is absolute bullshit, but they SHOULD NOT have fucking done that.
It was a shit thing to do but that sentence is cruel and unusual, judge needs to be disbarred instantly
Niggers do far worse daily to whites and don't get punished half as hard.
Things like this make sure I'll never care about some dumb low IQ nigger getting blasted away by a cop.
Sorry but what they did was probably the dumbest shit I've ever heard of.
That sentence is probably way too harsh but seriously idk how much meth they must have smoked to think gate crashing a little nigglets birthday party was a rational thing to do.
Imagine if it was the other way around and it was blacks toting shotguns and yelling dumb racist shit at some white family birthday party. They'd have been gunned down to the last.
In any normal country, such act would be punishable with $200 to $2000 fine, but in the Land of Free, they freed the shit out of them.
That judge deserves death. Marxist scum.
They could have killed that while family and gotten a lighter sentence
>No evidence
Really makes you think.
How many months did Epstein get sentenced? The injustice system is a joke.
Free Dylann Roof!
>break into someones house
>murder man
>rape woman
>kill baby
>get 5 years in jail
He was a good boy, he dindu nuffin
It's a combined 35 year sentence, one got 20 and one got 15
Its already happened, remember?
When the old lady came back a nigger body slammed her to the ground than threw her and her dogs in a pool.
Slap on the wrists, of course.
>4th of your life
In Georgia? Can't be. White People are Gods there? Can we go no where that these niggers can't get us?
>They'd have been gunned down to the last
No they wouldn't as a matter of fact the whites that live in a neighborhood where that would happen would probably be used to niggers doing shit like that on a daily basis.
I'm surprised it hasn't happened sooner.
This sentencing is a fucking joke. This is grossly out of proportion for waving around guns. Should have gotten a few months max.
>It's for threatening a family with firearms.
Nigger do this to whites on a daily basis.
This is BULLSHIT.. Im actually outraged about it.. And i would be as outraged hearing about a white judge giving a black 25 years for meaningless offenses.. I used to talk about this in the 90's.. Its bullshit. That is someones life you are dealing with, just as the black person.
If there is anything true about this disordered chaos we call civilization its that it is corrupt.. and a person who was rational and sane, as a human being, would be against it with non-violent revolt, who also understood the violent people..
This is bullshit.
The average lifespan in America is 112, didnt u know?
How do they deserve 28 years if even the black mother says she forgives them and is crying about it?
I know of a north african who killed a family of 4 chinese people in Bron, France who got 10 years.
Where is the justice?
This. They should've been given community service, serving a black neighborhood or some shit. Actual prison time for being a stupid flag-waving racist? That's a bullshit waste of tax-payer money.
Everyone should be outraged at this sentence, even black people. It's their fucking tax dollars!
>Slap on the wrists, of course.
Well that's fucking nonsense.
You know how many people in the hood drive by eachother holding guns screaming slurs every fucking day?
They were put in prison for the confederate flag alone. That's all that separates this from Baltimore or Chicago every single day.
>threatening to kill
ehhhh.... If that's true fuck her.
Anybody threatening to kill people should be jailed.
wtf i hate laws now
Murderers and rapist don't always get that much time, sentence is definitely cruel and unusual. A fine and maybe a year and jail sure, but 28? For not even hurting anyone?
We all assume we'll live to 100 when we only live like 6 or 7 decades.
Even so, 28 years is more than you'd get for armed robbery.
So why aren't the BLM leaders in jail?
They've called for the deaths of white officers.
They've called for stabbing white children and burning them.
Some of which has come true, and nothing.
Get fucking real.
Dumb fuck nigger lover.
Go back to africa and catch ebola.
>You know how many people in the hood drive by eachother holding guns screaming slurs every fucking day?
this this this
This is rediculous
Niggers are farm equipment anyways
>say some words
>get worse punishment than a person who commits a brutal rape of a child
land of the free
and i'm gonna assume the woman got 15 right
They just wanted more diversity in the prison system. Its not fair that only black people get all that free room and board.
It wasn't for being racist. Read the shit they did. Its pretty degenerate.
The judge is a racist.
white niggers
they can fuck off
but in other news
the other niggers can fuck off too
and the judge, and the police
and the fucking media
she only said she forgives because they got a prison sentence ha
wtf the captcha has german streets - maybe the fucking muslims complained google maps wasn't accurate enough so google are scrambling to invest more in arabic german street maps with all the 9yo kids schools marked easily to see
Just because you're mad about niggers getting away with shit doesn't mean I'm going to give up on the idea of civilization, user.
>two wiggers decide to crash a little nig's bithday party
>threatens to kill them and pulled out guns
>Sup Forums:they dindu nuffin
There are subhumans in every race. Just imagine the 28 years of these retarded getting raped by niggers
Niggers involved in murder get less of a sentence
>Arresting black people for litteraly du-in nuffin
That would be racist user.
nice, judged them as they were niggers. ironically
No one's arguing it was a shit thing to do, but the punishment doesn't fit the crime by a longshot
>guy gets 13
>woman gets 6
It's not for calling someone niggers. It's for threatening a family with armed weapons during a kids birthday party. Yeah it's a harsh punishment. But it's kind of hard to sympathize with these white niggers. Not to mention they were drunk driving around their trucks yelling racial slurs.
Under your fucked ideas there is no civilization and I don't need some slack jawed back water nigger loving neet to tell me about it.
You're a dumb fuck ape lover, a nation wrecking enabler.
Small balled pussy virgin.
they literally didnt do anything. but drive by. the niggers got uppity and eventualy the cops came and left without any charges being filed or anything the white people were charged with being discussed. then some jewish orginization contacted the black people to get a case going and had them come up with a story to press charges with. The judge is a SJW and went apeshit after the whites to prove a point. Sup Forums figured this shit out last year.
Who is the judge on the case?
>zero proof of threats
>the guy got more time for doing the exact same crime
They will probably get it reduced. Now you know how black people feel like when some dindu gets shot. They've been blacked by the judicial system.
>Tfw you should've pulled the trigger and gotten out sooner
Some of you faggits should get 28 years for your racist and hateful posts
>judge (((McClain)))
Even "terroristic threatening" is punishable by up to six years max (people usually only serve a year if that). I haven't read up on what they did, but how bad could it possibly be? A white family living in the hood most likely deals with worse shit everyday.
28 x $40k = $1,120,000
The government is going to spend over 1 million dollars imprisoning these people
Hate crimes
Stupid prize for stupid players
Black user here. Shit's a tragedy IMO but I hear they pointed guns at children and were doing all sorts of crazy shit. It's 2017, the world suffered enough do to such ignorant shit. I'd say the same and want the same for a black person who did similar shit against a white person. 28 years is some serious shit desu. So, no doubt the punishment is harsh. World's signaling it's had enough of this though. Get your shit together or you're going to get rekt. This goes for the nogs in BLM too. I don't condone the ignorant shit they do either. I'd think it a tragedy if one of them got 28 years as well. But you gotta cut this shit out. World's tired of babysitting ignorant ass people causing chaos.
Yeah, they were only sentencesd because they were White, non-White gangsters do this shit all the time and grt off scott free. Our judicial system is heavily corrupt and messed up, full of deranged state and DA attorneys wanting to give people decade worth sentences while they feel morally superior to them. It really is the most vile and wretched thing I've ever seen. I hope they get millennia in the Lake of Fire. In the new Reich, there is no reason why anyone should have a sentence longer than 10, maybe 20 years, anyone that bad warrants execution, not more time in prison.
Hold your horses, conservatives / alt-rights.
Now while I don't agree with the duration of the prison sentence, you and I still need to accept the FACT that saying you will KILL SOMEONE SPECIFIC is NOT protected by the first amendment. Direct harassment that endangers the personal safety of a targeted individual IS a crime, and it is time you so-called "constitution experts" get this into your thick skulls.
There's a bunch of witnesses. They were literally driving drunk yelling before they went to these people property into the birthday party and started threatening the kids and family with guns.
Gtfo please
You only get 4-8 years for robbing a bank
Kill yourself ape.
Why did the woman get a shorter sentence than the man?
Not true.
>On Monday, a Georgia couple was sentenced to a combined prison sentence of 35 years for terrorizing a Black child’s birthday party with Confederate flags and threats.
>Torres was sentenced to 20 years, with 13 of them in prison, for aggravated assault, terroristic threats and street gang terrorism.
oh, the irony
>a pair of domestic terrorists using fear TO TARGET CHILDREN
>not a major crime
>not inflicting major long term harm to young children and their psyches
what's it like being an uneducated, antisocial little shit? has it helped your popularity among the other 8th graders?
>A white family living in the hood most likely deals with worse shit everyday.
I bet it sucks but I doubt it.
neck yourself
23 years is about 1/4 of a long life
Because equality
Tfw your pussy pass is denied.
Watch the fucking video you spastic
Where did that happen?
land of the free xDDDDDDDDD
Nah. It was all Kool and sheit in 8 miles. Dem crackas have it good in da hood . Dem even turn MCs and sheit.