Haven't seen one of these threads in awhile. Last one was purged pretty quickly. Post 'em
gonna dumb some stuff
>Last one was purged pretty quickly.
Indeed. Wtf is going on?
dont forget this video by the way
other side of the spike would come out on the C.H.I.L.D. center. didnt include it because it wasnt displayed on my map and thus didnt know it was there and only saw the walmart close to it on the map
made a new one about that on behave of that user that probably was banned
Once again. As fucking always. UNFUCKING READABLE.
Does the "Boy lover" symbol show up in that Disney Ride?
Justice will never be served sorry.
its not that hard to follow the red lines from top left
but here is a version i made for 9gag some while ago in hopes of redpilling which is more linear. maybe your brain is able to process it that way .
Every symbol and shape is in play in the dc map, remember this.
is this one fake by the way? please tell me it is
Also, what does this mean? 14 fish?
watch this, its long, but really interesting
We are no longer accepting janitor applications. Thanks to all those who applied!
in egyptian mythilogy there was osiris and isis were all happy together, but seth was an envious piece of shit and thus cut up his brother in 14 parts, put it into a box and threw it into the sea or river (possible the nile, dont know for sure), except for the penis which he threw into the water of its own. isis got the pieces back except for the penis which she couldnt find since it got eaten by a fish. from here on out im not so sure if im right about the story, but i think isis with some spell of thoth then brought osiris backt o live with a replicated goldpenis and made many children
another thing an user pointed out once was
>fishing fourteen
>fishing for teen
but teens are already too old for those i guess
Do you know how many lifes of pedophiles you are ruining with your autistics detective games? Stop trying to protect little children from being raped!
Anyone have the rest of this series in a clear, readable version?
Bumping for justice.
Official thread theme:
That's not what I meant, Hans.
I mean, the image is not large enough. The text looks like this. And I'm not on phone, so don't even start with that shit. YOURS is readable. But the OP is not.
ah ok sorry. OP somehow got a bad version. there shouldnt be any better quality around as this is the original. if you still cant read it open it in an extra tab
Looks great, thanks.
np, had to make up for my ignorance
also if anyone wonders how shills can possibly defend those people:
David Brock is exlover of our friend James Alefantis. anyone else think he knows his employees from his exs pizzaparties?
what could he have been blackmailed with?
Not with that attitude it won't. Keep naming them Sup Forums. Crazy people exist in this world. Crazy, unhinged, well armed, extremely focused people do exist. Not that I would know. Keep naming them Sup Forums. Keep collecting names and addresses. I love you guys. I love the world. I love my family. I fear God and God alone do I fear. Keep naming them.
why would you fear god? i dont thing he wants you to fear him. (((they))) have to fear him, the synagouge of satan does. but not the average pleb trying to make the world a better place. if you do good only out of fear i dont think the big guy up there would like it.
If anyone had better clarity on this one I'd appreciate it
I mean fear as respect, to fear God in the biblical sense. In his righteousness and his hatred for evil do I and all wise men fear him. I think it might be a difference in our languages verbiage.
>synagogue of Satan
You're one of the good ones, Hans
i know its commonly used like that. but still i feel like thats kinda wrong. i think god would want we do the good stuff not because we love him, or at least not only, but because we love our people. easing the suffering because we dont want to see suffering, not because we want some divine bonus out of it. but thats probably semantics.
Robbie Mook's smug ass will not have an answer
no shills itt
must have taken pizzagate off the list of hit words
I understand full well and I respect it Hans. We ought to aim our intellects outwards and keep our powder dry. I will need allies as righteous as yourself in the future. Keep collecting the record Sup Forums. There are still men of action in this world. Gott mit uns.
also note the weird dark area on the girls ellbow. could be something shopped. also the spirals on the dress and the rings aroun her eyes.
Did not notice the spirals before. The elbow looks bruised from someone pulling her.
Maybe we should start investigating some accomplices, like " workingonmynightcheese " for example. We identified bike lock guy pretty easy.
can we get a high resolution shot of that sign? i want to have all those name ready for the day of the rope
kike book .com/events/1142895149161513/
cant find any picture of the sign there, but i guess the list of people who participated is sufficient enough
I made my insta profile a gay ass pic and tryed follow jimmycomet but I think he don't use it anymore he still got 756 or 856 posts
Can we hack it?
thanks. saved.
with every new info i feel more hate and disgust
>brock being offed
so.. is brock, potentially, /ourguy/ now? Why isn't that kiddie diddler squealing?
he's dead
did he really die? didnt hear of that, only that he got a heartattack?
he is never /ourguy/. if he starts telling the truth then only in hopes of getting protection. he will always be that disgusting piece of shit that not only pays other pieces of shit to spread lies and keep people from finding the truth, but who likes to fuck little kids
I'm assuming he's dead, unless he's living in barney franks basement again
really? I know Wikipedia is trash but it says nothing of his death.
its been a while now, I've seen no sign that he is alive..... but that doesn't mean he's dead necessarily
same for me. i just didnt hear anything of him, but that includes that i didnt hear a message of his death
his ghouls are probably reading this so maybe they will tell him to show his face
I've been wondering if David Brock - when he had his heart attack - was taken to the same hospital as Seth Rich.
You should add this information to that.