user just posted pic related, but cuck mods deleted the thread. So here some additional stuff so the mods dont have another excuse to delete it again:
Disney has club 33, I repeat, thirty-three, like the masons favorite number showing the connection to those guy. Remember all the popular MKUltrad teeny stars coming from Disney. And how are people MKUltrad? They are tortured and abused until the personality breaks, and creates new personalities to cope with the thing to protect itself at which point the new personality/personalities can be shaped. They probably use some drugs to enhance the effect while also building in a trigger to bring the desired personality to the front. Like giving them some certain shirt before the abuse starts or whatever. And since those kids have to be groomed/abused to be superstars you can be sure they think they can not only create the next superstar willing to promote their agenda, but also give all the pedophilic elites some fun time by letting them do abuse the kids. quit pro quo
Disneys Pizzabusiness and Club 33
Other urls found in this thread:
I am the center of It. I got raped as part of Cobains In Utero. Its the disney cult of Father John Misty et Al.
haans, so nothing right?
I am in club 33, there's nothing special about it other than you can drink alcohol in Disneyland. Get this shit out of here.
They deleted it last time, must have been posting something they didn't want...
i didnt say it happens in club 33, just calling it precisely that shows a connection to the masons which use that number all the time
also weird that those disney teeny stars seem to be pretty prone to mental breakdowns on their live
>25k initiation fee
>$10k a year in membership fees
>nothing special
My local country club (I'm not a member) costs almost 3x more than that
This doesn't really look like a dick.
well, guess satan is in on it
Isn't this movie full of hidden "SEX" messages to affect the subconscious of our young?
Like most Disney movies...
>This shit wont stop popping up
>Normies still think pizzagate was about a single pizza place
>Normies think pizzagate is debunked
We wont be able to save everyone in the coming days
>This shit wont stop popping up
What shit, actual evidence of actual satanic child molesting cannibals?
Or just swirls, you know, little squiggle patterns that are pretty common
In the past 48 hours there's been an insane amount of shilling and mods being faggots. This might be as bad as I've ever seen it
i thought mods are maximum faggots since the beginning. but i guess everyone can surpass themselves
am i missing something obvious here or?
underaged or retarded?
The animator was fired from Disney when this was noticed years after the film was released.
Google it you stupid pole fuck.
the triangles
>What shit, actual evidence of actual satanic child molesting cannibals?
>Or just swirls, you know, little squiggle patterns that are pretty common
Watch that and shutup for awhile.
found it nvm
The pedo triangle symbol maybe
About your pic, some background:
This is in front of the IRS headquarter. you see for once he 2 pillars boaz and jachin, symbolizing the sun and the moon, famous freemason imagery. also probably representing the 2 temples (like the twintowers were too)that got destroyed on tisha bav, a jewish holiday associated with destruction of their 2 temples and other misfortunes. the 2 pillars are seperated in 13 parts, 13, always associated with bad luck. valley of Hinnom is mentioned 13 times in the bible, this is where the place was for important rituals to moloch. nimrod, the great hunter, founder of what later became known of babylon, our first civilization where he ruled as king. nimrod was 13th in line of ham, son of noah who survived the flood. nimrod was said to stood before god, as in being on the same level of him or taking his place (hence why all governments are satanic. the pillars are black and white, symbolizing the duality of good and evil, as above so below etc. with the hands doing the as above so below gesture even.
about the pyramid. in ancient times it was believed gods lived on mountains, so they build their own mountain, a zyggurath like the tower of babylon was, on which the man that became god resides on top and oversees his realm with his allseeing eye symbolized by the capstone. it also symbolizes hierachy.
on this pyramid there is written on the black part "we the people" together with the rest of the constitution. above it, the capstone completely seperated from the normal plebs, and the rules of the constitution the elite, the men who think of them as god.
the weak should fear the strong
Boy love symbol. Take a closer look and you'll see it.
Appropriate considering that the ancient Greeks engaged in pederasty. Gotta loveit when the down first appears on a young boy's cheek, ya know? Ripe age.
Hey, Club 33 user, I've never had the money to actually go to a Disney park. Can I stay with you, since you're apparently in the area?
I seriously doubt Disney himself was involved with this shit. It's much more likely the thieving kikes that took over the company and started ripping off other movies and businesses to keep profit going are the only ones involved by way of Disney.
be carefull with the symbology user.
for example the star of davids (what i believe) original meaning is the unification of male and female, and by extend generally polar opposites. its basically another version of ying and yang. only later was it used for a symbol of saturn, and judaism. rothschild used it back on his store back then and made it later a jewish symbol, corrupted and then act like it was theirs from the beginning like they always do.
they do this to:
1. make people who find out about it think thats the real meaning and start worshipping their deity as they believe thats what it was all about from the beginning
b) make them turn away from it and even disregarding the positive expects instead of only the corrupted things
III: rechannel their prayers/thoughts/energy to their deity.
One believe was that magic springs into existence where 2 polar opposites meet. good and evil, the above and below, male and female. especially the unification of the last is one of the most holy events in many cultures where the magic of life happens and the first step for the existence of a new human has been made. Now if you mix 2 things they mix while building a vortex or a spiral, and i believe this is meant with the spiral symbology, or maybe just the energy of life specifically as the pedos use the spirals as well and fuck little kids, and what better symbold for life and energy is there than a kid?
A lot of japanese culture seems to reference it, wether its naruto with uzumaki even meaning spiral and the spirals all around the anime, ranma 1/2 has a technique based on a spiral, and not to forget tengen toppa gurren lagann which is all about the spiral beings (humans) kept underground, in the dark by the antispirals, the (((elite))) out of fear that the spiral being destroy everything out of accident. is this maybe why the elite tries to hide spirituallity from us? because they fear we would fuck it up? or just that we would fuck (((them)) up?
stop this is too deep for Sup Forums. All of this is /x/ tier and we should be focusing exclusively on AIPAC as the enemy. The occult isn't real. stop.
thats what i thought too. i mean he was a kikehater right? but then there is this coincidence? did they fake his signature? or was he satanic?
He committed suicide by drinking coke and pop-rocks. Or was he killed, we may never know.
Wrong! Fake News! Sad!
>the above and below, male and female. especially the unification of the last
I wish your English was better. It's hindering your ability to explain the concepts you're talking about.
whats wrong with that? i thought it was pretty much understandable.
pity you can't read. nice digits tho
Why didn't it count the other side of the W as a 6, the G, and the T's cross.
i didnt made it. however the others would be backwards 6s except for the t. maybe the guy who did it didnt saw the one in the t. i dont know
It may not be real in that only humans can observe it, not machines. It's no less effective in helping humans "transcend" logic and rationality. It still makes its practitioners more effective at complying with the wishes of whatever spirit.
as a believer in scientific positive-fascism I believe the subhumans @ Disney and elsewhere need to be hooded & vanned off to black-site prisons. that would be phase one..
>wasting time and ressources instead of just shooting them on the spot
I've been inside of Club 33, it's like Eyes Wide Shut in there.
any interesting stories, or something to tell at all?
good find OP
>Quit pro quo
not my find. have it from here
which was deleted relative quickly
Wtf am I looking at? Is it obscure on fucking purpose?
>Weinstein (corporation?)
All Disney stars are MKUltrad and used for various sexual and mass propaganda purposes.
Also, all of the MKUltrad stars under their companies have been explicitly marked by an eye/pyramid tattoo: Miley, Katy Perry, Kesha, Britney... All of them.
It's no coincidence that the last (((happening))) took place at an Ariana Grande concert.
Marilyn was the first MKUltra slave they used as a pop icon. If you want to begin researching this, begin here:
"quid" for all i care. im not speaking latin, so i dont care
>that pic
holy fuck
>still spending time on this
This was something I saved from another board. Can't remember the precise context now, but I think it was information related to the whole Belgian pedophile ring. The image purports to show the high level and occult leanings of such groups. The point is, any sexual attraction to the child takes a back seat to their plan to undermine society and is effectively a declaration of war against God. See the movie Prisoners.
>little squiggle patterns that are pretty common
Pretty common in the world of organized pedophilia, and common among individuals with business/social ties to those involved in it.
>satanic child molesting cannibals
You say that as if you think it's not really happening. It is, and it's been going on since classical antiquity. Rome had a bit of a problem with "satanic child molesting cannibals". Organized Jewry has been abusing and sacrificing children for 4,000 years.
its greek symbol i dont get it why pedos are u sing it and it got into some database
while we are at miley, did she at some point officially got a plastic surgery, because her face really does look different imo
>Rome had a bit of a problem with "satanic child molesting cannibals".
These types of claims don't do anyone any good without any kind of source material to accompany them.
>it even has the same little lines flying out of the bottom
are there more examples of the flying lines? what could they mean?
>multiple copies of the Boy Lover symbol floating all around a little boy rubbing his barely concealed dick against the gut of a bear obviously meant to resemble a naked middle aged fat man
god damn
The hexagram is the symbol for transgender. This dates back further than people think. Bull hormones and snake fang syringes.
transgender is just the corrupted meaning of it. originally it is the unification of polar opposites, like unite male and female, and the magic of a new life springs into existance and you create a new life.
i couldn't believe my eyes so i just searched for more evidence that it wasn't shooped and i found this
God help us all
Does no one notice that the girl on the left has detached earlobes and the girl on the right has attached earlobes??? I don't think there's even a surgery for that.
The flying lines would make me think that it's involved with movement/trafficking.
ok well why'd you agree to pay the 25k if its nothing? and continue to do 10k a year?
Don't be interested in esoteric faggots picking their turn with your young son. TY.
>it's only podesta and aids-ridden shriveled-up-dick. TY taxpayer.
>in the military
This is disgusting. Map to polar coordinates and you see what the original image was supposed to be.
im fucking dumb explain that chart and how does wendys a fast food thing connect with agendas
i think that just looks like that on the picture. looked at some pics of her online (hve to bleach my eyes now) and hers seem to be detached as well. maybe that one was just a double. or maybe there are multiple ones around that replaced her.
an early good night to Sup Forums. Going to show my wife this so we can cosplay it tonight while I rape her apple-shaped fat face.
gtk rwn
Thank you for your sacrifice. Before you bleach your eyes, you mind looking at her older pictures and see if she also had that mole on her face or scar? Scar could be something that happened recently of course though.
>not doing kurd / arab rape-play with a woman
oh yes, how common, a triangle spiral with exactly 6 edges and a 7th diminishing tail in the center
just a coincidence i'm sure
find the nearest bottle of antifreeze and drink it as quickly as you can
>rape her apple-shaped fat face.
It's all over ancient texts, including religious texts. Canaanites worshiped a god of child sacrifice. Just a few years ago, archaeologists discovered mass graves around Carthage containing the remains of sacrificed children. The Roman army didn't burn Carthage completely to the ground for simply putting up a fight.
>little boy rubbing his barely concealed dick against the gut of a bear
mole but no scars. also the older pictures you can look up yourself safely. she looked decent back then before the degeneracy hit
Club 33 is crap. My ex forced me to go and the food was sub par. I can cook better blindfolded and drunk. Fuck Disneyland. A waste of money and time.
A little boy and a bear (hairy gay man), it really does sound bad.
these fucking numbers
my the way anyone else thinks here is a major redpill hidden
>the numbers mason
>Club 33 is crap. My ex forced me to go and the food was sub par. I can cook better blindfolded and drunk. Fuck Disneyland. A waste of money and time.
Downplaying shill trying to corroborate the other poster's story while pooh-poohing it.
Animators don't do the shitty box art you dingus.
ty desu
There are five 6's on the logo idiot.
Hitler and Disney were the same person.
You guys are bluepill tier for not knowing this stuff
trying to mislead
Hitler and Disney were the same person.
You guys are bluepill tier for not knowing this stuff
thanks for your posts user , good info
both were active during the same period of time though. didnt disney even have some anti nazi propaganda? if walt disney would have become popular after hitlers "death", then i would be willing to buy it, but that way i dont think its possible unless walt would have run around with the famous mustache or hitler without it