Go to the park

>go to the park
>see mixed race couple

Other urls found in this thread:


I hate that feel

>go on Sup Forums
>see pajeet post

>knowing how its going to end.

were they pooing on the sidewalk?

Elliot dont do it bro youre easily a 5/10 and rich you can easily find a decent looking chubby girl dont do it

My wife is a different rage than me. We've been a couple for 12 years and no one has ever told us anything. I love how everyone is so butthurt but wont dare say anything to us in person. Fucking pathetic.

Almost nothing pisses me off more. And here in America I have to see it several times daily. The pent up rage is indescribable.

>go to the mall
>see white single mom with nigglet
>she asked for this
>smile for rest of day because justice is alive here and there

You and your disgusting cunt whore wife aren't worth the time of day to speak to.

If its Asian/White its acceptable, though your male children are going to be mentally ill

'm surprised how most of the guys on this site havent figured this shit out yet. Actual coalburners like this one although may look pretty, most likely has mental issues or genetic issues so there is no point in whinging and crying about it. I say genetic issues because it is not normal to want to breed out with your race and if you do, it shows that your genetics need resetting or revamping as they are inferior. Swedish men are pretty shy, so i suppose that might play into it as this poo probably has the confidence to talk to her, whereas Sven just sits in his room getting frustrated how just because he said hi to a girl, she didnt automatically suck his dick.
If we forget him being a Jewish puppet for a minute, Donald Trump is a definite alpha male. If you act like him (put your own vibe around it) with the confidence and sitting gestures, hand gestures etc. Pussy magnetizes towards you. Happens all the time to me although you need to not be a fat ugly piece of shit for it to work.
Hope this helps i suppose. We wont win if we dont gain confidence for who we are as an individual.

You need to see a therapist

>work at fast food
>see mixed couple/mother alone with kids
>spit in their food
>three years and still going

come find me SJWs im tired of it anyway. and order something while you're there

jej don't shoot up a school now Toby

What ethnic groups are in India besides dark skin pajeets and lighter skinned pajeets?

Same is same. You can't culturally appropriate our interracial angst, that's for people in diverse countries to complain about.

If you don't see the problem with race mixing then you don't need to see a therapist you need a bullet right between your eyes probably along with your entire family to get the point across.

Enlighten me with your facts

You are no one to talk considering your entire country is inbred.

>be half black half white
>date almost exclusively whites

Blacked ~30 white girls by now, feels good knowing I've triggered someone (probably) by just having a good time.


We need to influence the next generation of young white boys to be proud of their race and who they are/ancestors were. Once you lose the boys your nation will go to shit

t.kapahiyapki balpanki kashkya pajeet biryani

>going outside

Yesterday in celebration of my college graduation I saw a mixed race couple marrying, literal meme BMWF where the dude had dindu nuffin written all over him.

Pissed me off I could do nothing to stop it without getting myself offed.

Stop spitting in peoples food you fucking degenerate

let me guess, black dad?

>mfw never seen a mixed race couple irl

I've seen a lot of interracial couples but never seen a white woman in one that wasn't a mentally ill, obese undatable wreck.

Yeah they're kids are ugly as fuck, like they took the worst genes from both parents but who really cares? The White Race doesn't need women like that for anything.

Nah go fuck yourself mudslime piece of shit, the only thing I have interest in lighting you up with is this

I've perfected the art, I'm not stopping now

I don't even buy fast food anymore, knowing how easy it could be

Has he lost his mind?

why are you brown?

>brown hands

Hahahaha what

People know this already. People buy hamburgers made from parts of animals they'd never eat if it wasn't ground into a uniform paste.

I like to think fast food employee spit in my food as an anonymous kiss from a roguish prankster stranger. :)

>see a white woman with a nog child

Pajeet pls

>go outside
>see white girl walking with yusuf
>take bus
>see white woman carrying niglet
>walk to school
>see white boi with asian gf

Every time i see something like this i get filled with rage
one of these days...

Typical Red neck without cell in his brain. You can't even argue something that you are willing to kill for. If people in the west thought like for just a day the west would fall in the same day. Keep your retarded talk and let's see where it takes you. You loser and underachiever.

Gratitute for funding establishments making profit of your detriment and letting college kids and blacks beg for 15 bucks an hour

this.normalfags need to go. get out of here.

>Brown hands
>Nazi flag

don't be such a nigger.

What? I know its the internet but you have to use grammar so people know what the fuck you are saying.

You're taking revenge because you have a job? Well okay, you can be sure your corporate masters will someday replace you with a machine that doesn't spit in people's food unless they request it, like I would.

I work construction in the deep south it fucks your skin up

I don't reason with subhumans stopped reading your post before finishing the first sentence

My name is Elliot and this Rodger's thing had really made Sup Forums more immersive for me

When I went to Berlin I saw so many Turks with German girls

No, I love having a job. But its at the expense of the general public. The whole industry is toxic, but hey, its easy money for me.

Just wish it wasn't so corporate heavy, like shitty places like McDonalds, but more homemade style places like Chinese restaurants and Pizzareas

I was born in Berlin and I've never seen such a thing.

>A Hispanic white supremacist
You can't make this up

>go outside
>see white roastie with niglet

yeah sure juan

>seeing slutty white girls walking with nigger boys
>knowing the pain they will suffer later on in life
Honestly I've ascended beyond anger and reached shadenfreud.

This post is classic Sup Forums

I'm sure virgin OP gets mad at the sight of any couple.

>dude ur mexican lmao

Yes I've truly been rekt how will I recover. The skin on my body not exposed to constant sun is as white as it gets.

Ugh look how fucking shitty this fucking nerd's life is.

No wonder he has to resort to tribalism to feel better. Looks like he hasn't washed his sheets since his mom last did it.

>mixed race
>in India


Based pajeet
I hate seeing mixed race couples too but I have a black gf and like triggering nigcucks at the park who give me dirty looks at the same time. Kind of hypocritical but whatever.

>ur a nerd that lives with mommy XD

Wow you guys are truly too much for me guess I've been btfo huh

Fuck everyone else shitting on you, you're alright in my book.

and by so many you mean like 2

Get some new sheets you fucking degerate spic


>all they have to come at me with is complaints about bed sheets and my tan

As expected of pathetic cucks.

>Go to the park.
>A couple walks by.
>A doughboy of a man walking with his wife and his wife's (black) son.

I almost had to do a double take, it was too perfect.

it's like you're living in Castle Wolfenstein


This song was a few years ahead of its time

He's not, just the light isn't that strong


they're ugly and they don't deserve better
also not every white girl in Germany is German, migrant-migrant relationships are a thing at a much higher rate than migrant-German relationships

has there been a woman on that bed that was not your mother or sister at any point in your existence?

Yeah several, one of them looked like this


fucked up belly button

jk, you will never win with Sup Forums, don't even bother with these retards, good on ya brother

i actually see a shitload of young white mothers with white babies around here
lots of niglets though too

>Going to the Park
>Not Working

>tfw no negro nazi best friend

I think he said /other/ than your mother

Do I really have to post a picture of my fucking face to prove I'm not a nigger or a mexican?

My mom has been dead for 10 years and I don't think she ever looked that good

No such problems here Raqesh.

you don't need to post your face, but you could improve your lighting

could also post your eyes

They (yte womynz) love the black meat.

I can`t believe the levels of jealousy and salt that I`m hitting whenever I see WMBF couples. There are like 3 of them in this entire city, and since I happen to visit one bar 3-4 times a week thanks to my unemployment the rage never seems to die out.

I hope you showed her the windmill of peace blinds while you were at it.

Fuck you leaf I'm not taking any more pictures, if isn't enough you guys will just keep coming up with shit to bitch about how I'm somehow a fucking mexican

Of course, my flags stay put no matter what they aren't coming down for the sake of a woman

Are you me?

Top class, mate. How did she react?

Depends... if she is euro-Hispanic or Asian he is ok.

Dude was your sheets.

Australia never disappoints

I've fucked an even 6 women with all my nazi flags up. Their initial reaction ranges from horrified to "meh that's kinda weird" but once women are in the bedroom they want to fuck and will accept whatever. But it's especially fulfilling to fuck the brains out of an obvious triggered SJW while you know they are looking at flying swastikas and SS flags as you pound them.

>not white
>nazi larper
nu-pol in a nutshell. give me your reddit username so I can upboat you fellow pede

Look I have 4 dogs and live in the desert okay shit gets dirty fast

If that skin is not white please show me what is. Yes I'm a skellington but what the fuck does that matter. larper? I just have nazi flags it's not like I'm claiming to be goose stepping through the streets killing jews

the only real reason i would care is because they may be sick and i'll get whatever they have. but why would you care otherwise? i imagine the whole point is that they won't be able to tell and get you fired, so if they can't tell how is it even hurting them? just the principle of it?

lol fag

>go to the park
>see mixed race couple
>don't care as white couples don't get babies anyway
People about to type ">sweden" is a part of the problem.


A nigger true to my heart. Where do you get those flags?

The one video of Molyneux where suddenly everything turns red and he is screaming, which one is it again?