What to do Sup Forums?

What to do Sup Forums?
My beaner country is totally controlled by jews and mindless leftists.

In case you don't know, these are the last changes that were made in the Chilean Law.

This year, we had a new law that allows massive immigration , so we were getting a lot of Haitians. Even if we are not a first world country, we had to deal with this incredible amount of immigrants, but thats not even the worse part.

Last week a new law came out.
ALL the schools of the country must have "no-gender" bathrooms, this means that a 9 yo girl must go into the same bathroom with a group of 15yo boys.
How did you deal with leftists in your country?
It seems that we will become the next Sweden, beacuse the media hasn't said anything bad about it, "it's called progress, deal with it"

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Isn't your country supposed to be Catholic? How the fuck did a bathroom law like that pass? I thought Chile was the country where tons of people participated in Pro-Life marches and shit.

>ALL the schools of the country must have "no-gender" bathrooms, this means that a 9 yo girl must go into the same bathroom with a group of 15yo boys.
This isn't a big deal to be honest, unless you have a small dick and you're afraid the girls are going to see it when you go to the urinal. In that case you can just use a stall.

Dude, that was years ago
We are a "Progressive country" since 2005


Forgot to mention that a lot of people in the country is against this (like 90%), but the media just doesn't say anything bad about it, so most of the people don't know.
There are facebook and twitter groups, but everyone who says anything about it is just a transphobic who doesn't want a safe space for trans kids.

Pic related.
How are they even allowed to vote?
This is just crazy, they can vote now, even if they had ben here just a few weeks.

I'm not a racist, is just that most of the immigrants are people with no with no profession, I'd be happy to work with a great professional in my area, but all they do is ask for privileges and money on the street.

Soon we will be Sweden 2.0

How about some sources to back all these claims up?

You are from a third world country.

All first world countries are leftist, at least by Sup Forums's definition of the term. Do you think that's a coincidence?

Maybe you should consider accepting the fact that liberalism is the only sustainable path to a successful, happy and wealthy society. All conservative regimes are filled with misery, oppression and ignorance, and are doomed to fall eventually.

If you and everyone in your country did that, you might actually see some prosperity in 20 years or so.

Last year I watched some news where your shitskinned natives were rioting and now this.
I always thought your country was a save heaven for europeans.
Please kill all the commies don't let it become another socialist shithole like europe.


I have heard of this Haitian immigration shit. But what's the reason for it? Why Haitians in particular? Your country is a third world country and it wants to shit it up more. Why??

>I'm not a racist
don't use that phrase, that's one of their socialist tricks to bring you in a state of defense

Fuck I thought Chile was the last hope for latin america. What about Pinochet?

No surprises here.

Since you don't live here you don't know, I'll put something about it, but I don't think you can understand spanish.

If so, you will find a lot more.



Sure, thats why you are rioting.

I wish we were third world, so we wouldn't have to deal with this, and I would be fuckin' yo women whiteboi.

The worst part is that retarded people like you, who believes in the media and social stratagems made to wash your brain are the ones who will make this next years the hardests of our time.

It's over, we need a global uprising to deal with this.

Sweden might be shit but atleast we dont have gender neutral bathrooms (atleast what i have come across)

We are already that, there are more immigrants than Chileans in santiago, this is not a lie.
You can find the polls if you know spanish.

The worst part is that we don't even have a chance of fighting back.
In the whole media, no one can say anything about it.
We "progressive now"


Meme crusade in Chile now

>We "progressive now"
Hope your people will see the fall europe as a warning before it is too late, and with all that immigration you now fighting the commies won't be enough, your country will face hard times, god bless you.

Where are these laws being passed? Which politicians are responsible? Who are the owners of your media companies?

Are haitians muslims?
are your immigrants already looting and raping?

Remember when this happened? This was the moment Chile was lost.

Y u no save little brother


> Are haitians muslims?
No but they're arguably worse.

You know.

Dude today at subway i saw a fight, two niggers were fighting over a girl (black as well) they were yelling shit in their language really loud and every one was watching.
They are loud, they don't bring any good to society, they come here to have their child so they can't be deported ( as if we would deport them anyway, leftist fucking love'em) and they don't even learn our language.

Viña is full of them, antofagasta is full of them, fucking puerto montt is full of them and don't even say santiago it almost look like a beachless miami with more delicuence.

I never really think bad of any races but now i really understan europe and other countries with the same problem. And yet we are welcoming them with a smile and telling them to bring all their family with them.

Fuck my country. Will migrate to the extreme south or to south korea once i finish college but staying here is not an option

How can you be worse than the rioting, robbing, raping, murdering savages we have


>Law #20.084

Most of the owners of the media are the "Claro group" and "Andrónico Luksic" who has been known for making deals with billionaire jews

The main responsible behind this law is Rolando Jiménez and the Chilean chamber of Deputies.

Nobody knows how did this happened, It just happened.

Can someone explain to me what the kikes end goal is?
Whenever a nation seems to be doing good, they come in and fuck it up, always by trying to make the population feel bad about themselvs so they import niggers
Why do they do this? Is it a part of a greater plan or do they want the holocaust to be real this time?

>Fuck my country. Will migrate to the extreme south or to south korea once i finish college but staying here is not an option
That was my plan but with south america instead of korea, but it seems you go our way to hell pretty fast.


Which is the better nordic nation -- Chile or Romania?

Extreme south in my country i mean, (google these locations):

Torres del paine
Puerto varas
Punta arenas
I'm phoneposting so it would be a pain to link u sorry m8

>I'm not racist, but
Hate to break it to you, South Texas, but you are or you're going to be soon enough.

Someone in your military grows tired of this shit. 4 year later half the current cabinet and your version of a PM goes out of the door of a helicopter. This is why, bring awareness to stupidity so all knows, then watch it all burn. And later it will be all good. Here's hoping they don't start censoring free speech. May Texas guide you.

>there are more immigrants than Chileans in santiago, this is not a lie.
wtf man.
Last time I was in Chile was 10 years ago and there were zero (0) immigrants

Frutllar and Punta arenas looks really beautiful. but pretty cold too.
Are your house prices differantiate much from north to south and how great is the chance that you kick out the commies?
Do people still remember what they have done to your country?


Maybe now you idiots will understand how we have felt the last 20 years.
Having an unknown numbers of mostly illegal immigrants that leech on our welfare, public services and create more crime than we have ever see.

We can't even count them because they cry racism, even the most PC census say we have at least:

500.000 Paraguayans
300.000 Bolivians
160.000 Peruvians
80 to 100k of your own people

Oh but it was easy to call us names while not suffering from massive immigration.


Where? Because I sure as hell don't see any rioting, nor has there been any for as long as I have lived.

>sees flag

Remind u that most of piñera's gabinet was jewish. If he wins again, we got them jews once again on the power, well they always have the power so it won't make any diference

Meh arguing with a leftist Scantinavian is a worthless cause. Shame about their women. But piper must be payed. In their case, Achmed's dick must be suck.

You too Argentina, fuck this shit has to stop.

If I got DubTrups, We may have hope, please kek, hear my wish!!

It seems we don't have a chance of winning.. but still, have to stand proud.
Just so you know, a few weeks ago, some actor said something bad about jews, HE HAD TO APOLOGIZE immediately...
>pic related
Just how much power do leftitst have in Chile?

Can we win?
Will meme magic save us?

Imagine the scandal it would make.


>chile starts to internate commies in camps
>chile kicks out immigrants
>hope for the rest of the world
>Europa rising

Dude, we have been invaded for over 30 years now.
Just search to simple things
Crime rates in Argentina.
Ethnic composition in Argentina.

Look how both things drastically change in the 1980s

We used to have the same GDP and HDI than Australia by 1980, even bigger before.

Europeans will come here to escape hunger and war.....well that may be the case again if we don't fuck it up and you keep on being enrriched.

Relax not all hope it's lost.


Take the true redpill.
Totalitarian Monarchy.
Come back to the empire.

As long as the people around you willingly stay asleep there's nothing you can do, and when you finally lose your mind and start murdering people they'll use it against you.

And I imagined Argentina always as a really nice place from ww2 books were they described their life there after the war.
There goes my romantic image

Buying in the south is cheap AF. U buy land for a cheap price and build ur house urself. U can buy in a condos but is almost as expensive as in santiago so is not really that worth do that.
If u buy a land u can also grow fruits and shit and is not that far away from the city, you can get extra money from that and the quality of live there is just exellent.

Thanks the jews who came to argentina in ww2. U are fucking full of them more than anything

Save us onii-san-
... don't you have even bigger problems like muslims?

Our jews went to mexico at least.
Sounds good hope my state holds together until I have enough savings.

Riot, organize a protest? Stop being a cuck and posting on a Mongolian silk weaving forum and actually do something about it?

And you will mix with an asiatic girl?

We already had the Mapuche Problem, now we have the Black Problem. The question is, what are you going to do, Chilean Man?

Daily reminder to vote for JAK in the election, Ossandon in primaries and Piñera in Second Round. If you vote Broad Front (greens, Bernie Sanders Chile edition) you should kill yourself

We're not Mexico tier shithole.

But we used to be far better than now.
And I'm not saying everything was coolm of course there were less social laws that didn't protected the workers like now, but now the workers are worse even with those good laws.

Crime makes them feel deprerssed about buying nice things cuz some random nigger is going to shoot them for it.

Inflation is the secret tool of taxation that eats their salary every day.

Unions abuse their status and destroy the relations between worker and factory/bussines owner to the point everybody backstabs everyone.

Welfare, as always, keeps on roting our family and social institutions, divorce laws fucking with the stability of the families and creating new fucked up children.

Catholics are complete cucks, mate
just look at the toe sucking pope

Pinochet is disapointed at you, Juan

>Inflation is the secret tool of taxation that eats their salary every day.
we have the same but also with a 1/3 of your income goes out for tax too
>Unions abuse their status and destroy the relations between worker and factory/bussines owner to the point everybody backstabs everyone.
same here
>Welfare, as always, keeps on roting our family and social institutions, divorce laws fucking with the stability of the families and creating new fucked up children.
same here
By EU standards you would be progressive

It's not so easy, this is not USA.
If you say anything on the media, It's like declaring war on trans people, jews and women.

Leftists are a bunch subhumans, women and faggots but the right is full of jews who don't even care about the country. I can't even be NatSoc because I'm not white.
Feels bad

Chilean left = fags
Chilean right = Jews
Chile= Fucked

The only way to make a change is to making a politic party


Voting for ossandon in both.
Don't want that clown once again and his jew cousin in the power

Literally anyone that I know it' been making fun of fags and gays my whole life.

Being a National Socialist it's not about being white.

You will never get the votes unless you are part of a public movement.

Ossandon has no chances at the primary, I'm even surprised the right it's going to have a primary.

Feels good to be on my own little row boat.

If we do a party our only way to atract votes is to go full trump and say literally what the people wants to hear, may be populist but it would work if we belive in meme magic.
"We'll kick out all the peruvians and bolivians of the country"
"If bolivia keeps whining about the sea we'll go on war"
"Bye AFP, hello national fonds"
"We'll evaluate every uni at the country and we'll make a standar level of students"

i am pretty sure that exposing different ideas in some sectors its very probable it can be possible

Yup. It's obvious that the right wing will vote for piñera. I like ossandon, he is at least concequent with what he says. If he do well in this election he may be elected in the next one

Traditionally protestant nations are by far the cuckiest.
> America
> Sweden, Scandinavia generally
> Germany (Bavaria is uncucked relatively speaking)
> Netherlands
By comparison, Catholics have
> Poland
> Italy
where being racist is pretty much normal, people hate fags, etc.

This it's not a bad idea but you'll need to lift a candidate under those concepts and we have no one willing to say all those things.

Traditionally protestant nations are the highest standard of living in the world user.

well memed :DDD

Jews apply the same tricks with us.
They consider it's necessary to destroy us.

>Argentina is white confirmed.

We need the old gaucho style of thinking, at least we were respected back then.

Yeah thats quite a trouble
We would need someone with a dominant attitude
I don't think a woman would do it unless is a strong one, people is tired of bachelet always apologizing always very sorry for everything, always giving excuses
Piñera being the clown he was even if he does something well people wont respect him
If a new party with new people that looks strong, young determinated to bring the country back to its glory would be an instawin

>All first world countries are leftist, at least by Sup Forums's definition of the term. Do you think that's a coincidence?

In soft regions are born soft men - Herodotus

Pretty simple concept. Obviously someone growing up with money, education, food, love from parents (often too much), too many comforts is going to be a pussy compared to a Brazilian who grew up in a favela trying not to get attacked with machetes for not paying taxes to the drug dealer that owns your neighborhood despite you being 13 years old

We just need the candidate, we don't really need the whole party, the rest it's done with propaganda.

>Chilean left = fags
>Chilean right = Jews

Pretty sure thats the left and the right in every country, Paco

Dude a candidate without a party is nothing, we need to be representative in the congress. Without people in our side we wont be able to do anything

we need a party , because all partys are shit already , some are decent , but it would preferent to have a new one , composed whit people that see exactly the problems and is redpilled

The election it's in november you ain't getting a party by then, what we need it's a meme candidate to push the issues into mainstream politics and to mock the current policies.

name 1 meme candidate enough powerful and redpilled

> That somehow has something to do with whether they are cucks or not
Nobody on Sup Forums bitches about Sweden or Germany because their living standards aren't high enough.

We had a case where our socialist democratic party tried to establish a union for the employees of the Red Bull media outlet, despite nearly nobody felt the need for an union and didi mateschitz forbid it and fired all those who conspired with the socialsts, state media also run by the same party made a big deal out of eat, basically showed him as the pure evil capitalist that commies hate.
In the end leftists still thinks he is a slaveowner in some kind, even though he is the one who creates a lot of jobs in austria.

That's quite obvious.
If we were to make a party we would need to make ourselves a name. Have connections. If this were to happen it would be on 10 years from now on.

well yeah catholic countries tend to be more conservative so, less diseased

anyway catholic germans are total cucks. don't think catholicism itself helps.

I got nothing.

It can be done in least, Revolucion democratica it's barely five years old.

Yeah that's what i said. A party is needed. A candidate young and strong is needed as well, someone impetuous.
Also if he shows bonds with the USA or england would be a garantized win, people here love anglostuff and something like that would do it

>be country of people who are only 1/2 white
>government decides 1/2 is too much
>imports niggers


>anyway catholic germans are total cucks. don't think catholicism itself helps.
second that.

it would be worth the try , i would like it

And Israel is putting a colony in the south