Why would a professional assassin have a little fistfight with their target and then leave him alive after firing twice...

Why would a professional assassin have a little fistfight with their target and then leave him alive after firing twice? At first I was thinking maybe they hired niggers to do the hit like they do in the sopranos, but that doesn't fit the MO of any other deaths on the CKL, the creepiest of which seem to be done by a professional(s).

Can anyone provide a real answer this question? I want to believe, I really do, it's just not fitting together for me.

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also if it seems like you've seen this post before, I've posted this in other threads but could never get a response other than "shill", etc.

To make it look like it WASNT done by a professional, thus shifting the narrative away from that possibility from the very outset?
Holy shit, think like a Jew for 4 seconds

so if they hired dirtbags off the darkweb they probably offed them afterwards?

Like we give them $xx,000.00 up front them meet up for another $100k and take them out at the meet ?

Its an old ploy even showing up as a theme in Mummy movies... killing the slaves who bury the queen etc so they can't tell anyone where she's buried.

They beat him to say what he leaked. DNC needed to know who he was talking to and the extent of the damage.

It wasnt a professional, they were just SEIU goons shill.

The gun shot wounds were non fatal, the "fist fight" bruises could well be signs of torture. It is speculated that the gunshots wounds were meant to simply get him inside the abulace. Hence the reports in previous threads mentioning one of his devices logging in a abandoned hospital.

Next time say Seth Rich so my filter picks it up.

But anyway. It's clear as day, that they shot him without intending to kill him (accidently?) but then changed their mind about it while he was en route to the hospital (said too much to the police already, threatened to speak out?)


Because they don't want it to look like a professional assasination? They want it to look like some nigger robbed him. It's not like this pro assassin is going to lose the fistfight.

>hiring losers for something like this
It would've been blackwater tier at the least.

Because it wasn't an assassination, it was a robbery.


the actual murder took place in the hospital, pedro.

Cleanse leafs

George Webb is saying "Two Hush Meetings at Two Hospitals Mean Seth Rich Went to Both Hospitals"


Bumping for Seth.

Professional hitmen aren't as easy to get as you think. What the Dems were doing would not be okay with the FBI, etc. The Dems had to do this in a half-assed back-alley way.

fuck off shareblue we know your going to be charged in couple of days! Also since th Doc last night was fake, what going to happen now?

they probably used truth serum on him

>only giving someone bruises
Fucking lmao you're delusional

>can't even hire professional hitmen
You're delusional as well

This. Ally niggers spill instantly. They'd need somebody loyal: something like a homosexual veteran immigrant.


read about the black sites where terrorist suspects were interrogated, see their interviews, watch a few investigative journalistic documentaries. They were usually made by leftys but they are informative.


That's besides the point if you think they were trying to torture him before killing him you're as autistic as anybody who actually believes half the shit they post in these terrible threads
Y-you don't ACTUALLY believe this shit, right?

Could have tried to bag him but somehow he got away then they iced him. They could have staged the break in to the FBI vehicle after then lied about the time.

I said the bruises could be sings of torture but they could have actually been signs of a scuffle, remember the hospital worker that said he was hit by small rounds? why would a thief go around carrying a smaller than average weapon?




>nothing robbed

dc googles "rob" dnc leaker but get super scared they might get caught so they shoot him and run off because that's what dc googles do because they are normal people who are super smart and afraid to get caught. went down like this:

"excuse me mr. honky, would you please be a kind old chap and relate to us the time from your golden watch and/or your crispy new iPhone. perhaps your fresh 20 dollar bills have the (((current year))) on them. i say old chap, thanks! oops my sidearm accidentally shot you once in the back!! shall i call the lorry for you?? no need to get the bobbies involved, now old friend!! oops shot you again!! so sorry mr. cracker honky. oh noez, tyrone, what if the bobbies arrive!! best to run off without acquiring any payment for tonight's endeavours. i completely concur with your focused appraisal, sharkeith!" - SHARIAblue official account of what must've happened that fateful night that the dnc leaker accidentally got shot twice in the back and "robbed". of nothing.

Most likely it wasn't orchestrated by the normal Clinton Death Squads. It was most likely plotted by amateurs, people who hadn't done this type of thing before, and as a result it's blowing up on them. That is why they are so scared

>blacks kill each other more
>more unsolved black murders

"they" you believe it was multiple thieves? where did you read that?

you mean why didnt a professional assassin zip tie his hands behind his back, kneel himm down and execute him with a single point blank shot to the big and the head?

Because hes a professional assassin thats why.

>dnfkekdjfj duh pikttuushuurrss

another illiterate shariablue communist.

You guys know that some Freemason cop did it to earn his 33rd degree right?

>they can't refer to a single person
gb2 elementary school retard

>"durrrrr i'm retarded and didn't think of how fucking stupid the picture i posted was" - u

It wasn't a freemason, the cop was in the illuminati. Get your facts straight

I quoted you. Don't pretend you are stupid.

oh. so you are brain damaged, too.

>when your reading comprehension is shit but you're too retarded to know it


>Meantime, however, until we come into our kingdom, we shall act in the contrary way: we shall create and multiply free masonic lodges in all the countries of the world, absorb into them all who may become or who are prominent in public activity, for these lodges we shall find our principal intelligence office and means of influence. All these lodges we shall bring under one central administration, known to us alone and to all others absolutely unknown, which will be composed of our learned elders. The lodges will have their representatives who will serve to screen the above-mentioned administration of MASONRY and from whom will issue the watchword and program. In these lodges we shall tie together the knot which binds together all revolutionary and liberal elements. Their composition will be made up of all strata of society. The most secret political plots will be known to us and fall under our guiding hands on the very day of their conception. AMONG THE MEMBERS OF THESE LODGES WILL BE ALMOST ALL THE AGENTS OF INTERNATIONAL AND NATIONAL POLICE since their service is for us irreplaceable in the respect that the police is in a position not only to use its own particular measures with the insubordinate, but also to screen our activities and provide pretexts for discontents, ET CETERA.


Come on dude. You don't think that if the DNC knew he was the leaker they wouldn't also know what he leaked? You think a criminal organization with their power and resources would be interrogating someone on the street like Jack fucking Bauer?

There are hours between Seth leaving the bar, and being shot.
No one can presume to know what happened in that time period.
Botched robbery, or otherwise.

they is commonly used as a plural

>You think a criminal organization with their power and resources would be interrogating someone on the street like Jack fucking Bauer?

Yes, actually, they have a history of it.

He was meant to die in the streets, but they got him in the hospital anyway.

So you ignored my post originally because you were fucking wrong
You got salty and called out a "grammar error" that WASN'T EVEN ONE
You're fucking wrong but can't admit it because you're a fucking autist lmao

Those are your words faggit


it could have been this fucking easy

This reasoning just doesn't work for me. The very IDEA that a major political party would knock someone off is enough to keep people off the trail, that's why they've been able to get away with it in the past. Why would this time be any different? Esp. since everybody expected hillary to win

You're either really fucking dumb or a 2/10 troll

Fuck off shill

The Nightstalker killed most of his victims with a .22 or .25 pistol.

Kys, shill.

kill yourself shill rat

So why didn't they pop him in the brain then? I'm telling you dude, people that powerful can afford to hire killers that will do the job right (see: Vince Foster)

also, what history? it just seems like a clumsy and unnecessary risk to me. yes, it was 3am or whatever, but somebody still could have walked down the street and seen something

You goddamn T_D niggers. We're trying to have a real fucking discussion so either contribute or fuck off.

The user you responded to will fail to mention any other instances where they interrogated anyone like he says they did
He's a disinfo shill

says the Le master baiter

Because they wanted him to suffer?

It's clear you have never lived this life.

>so if they hired dirtbags off the darkweb they probably offed them afterwards?

How come no one is talking about this DNC (Clinton) staffer that was shot and killed by two men A DAY AFTER the Seth Rich assassination? Rafael Aguilar – 31 yrs old – Carmelo Marmolejo-Calixto – 33 yrs old Hillary Clinton Campaign Aide were shot in a car at a South Carolina parking lot.


Hmmm...what do those black tear tattoos mean again?

>The user you responded to will fail to mention any other instances where they interrogated anyone like he says they did

I fucking gave you a picture, dipshit.

Do you think he got a ring mark on his face from nothing?

That doesn't make any sense you retard, they get assigned a job and they want to make it slow?
Yeah right, great logic there

>Because they wanted him to suffer?
that is not how it works when you are assassinating somebody to shut them up. if they wanted him to suffer he would've just been abducted and tortured to death at a secure location.

>It's clear you have never lived this life.
and you have? you're a fucking joke, m8

Yeah right, shill

my guess is the night stalker's objective was to kill not to incapasitate, small weapons decrease the odds of a fatality.

Oops! I meant Seth Rich was killed by two men, not the two latinos...

Pic sorta related; shows segment 3.

So I've seen this Seth Rich meme gone pretty hard during all of trumps daily scandals and I just wanna check with you guys what it's about.

From what I gather people suggest that Seth Rich would be the DNC leaker and that there'd be no Russian hack even though CIA or was it FBI confirmed it to be so on multiple occassions and this someone points to the democratic controlled deep state or what's the scoop?

Sorry for being lazy but I want some good old quick rundowns.

My point was that they wouldn't do it on the goddamn street where anyone could walk by. You don't think they just came up to Bernie at Starbucks and started wailing on him, do you?

>and you have? you're a fucking joke, m8

Yes, I have. Not for DNC/SEIU teamster & mob friends though.

Doing it at the DNC is pretty comparable.

>even though CIA or was it FBI confirmed it to be so on multiple occassions

oh fuck off

Fuck off shill.

Fuck off, shill.

Kys, shill.

Comey said it under oath. If he's lying it's a pretty big "big if true" so you can fuck off.

Even if that's true, they still did it in a locked room somewhere out of the way.

Cannoli eating goombas are nowhere near on the same level as the illuminoids behind all of the dark government shit, my friend

Seth Rich was not exactly Bernie, kike shill.


Just what we need, another FUCKING LARP piece of shit on here
GTFO shill faggot

Warren Flood, DNC official, changed metadata to russian on the "guccifer 2.0" leaks. This is proof they were trying to frame russia. And further evidence that they killed seth rich.

Why do you have to be so fucking lazy? Bullshit is "confirmed" to have been Russians.

>5 posts by this ID
>every single one is calling somebody a shill

What do you believe happened on that night? enlighten us.

Wtf, people MASTURBATE to the thought of a convention killing somebody. If there was evidence that Trump maybe killed somebody, reddit would organize local orgy events to contain their enthusiasm.

IIrc Seth isn't tied to the hack, just Hillary's emails.

>they wouldn't do it on the goddamn street where anyone could walk by

Days before, Podesta wrote in an email that they want to "make an example" of the leaker. They wanted a public destruction.

True, but people also masturbate to the idea that the government is behind Sandy Hook, or 9/11, or the OKC bombings. That's why they get away with everything, at the slightest inkling of something weird going on hundreds of thousands of idiots flock to it and make the entire thing seem ridiculous. If they had just popped Seth in the head and been done with it, we wouldn't be any closer to catching "them" than we are now

>want public destruction
>do your best to make sure it seems like a botched robbery
How fucking stupid are you?

I was referring to the idea of interrogating somebody right there on the street when anyone could just walk by

you keep ridiculing everyone yet you won't share what you think, is all about earning them cryptoshekels hu?

Seth was drunk as fuck stumbling home from a bar. Two nignogs try and rob him, get in a fight, then pop him twice get scared (the police gunshot location thing is common street knowledge) and run off.

until someone can come up with a better explanation, that's all I've got



M-MUH CONSPIRACIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

where did you get the two nignogs story, is the msm improvising now?

>can't refute point
>sperg out about irrelevant shit
Where have I seen that before?

It depends who's ordering the hit and the difficulty of the target. So when Hellary Clinton herself wants someone powerful dead for political gain (Scalia) all of her resources are then directed towards making that happen, gathering capital and hiring a professional, paying off secret service agents, etc. And it works out smooth like butter, mostly.

But when John fucking Podesta wants you dead because he suspects you might be a leaker and he wants to make an example of you, regardless of evidence, he doesn't go talk to Hillary and try to make it her top priority. No, he tries to keep it quiet and a secret from her that he was in any way responsible, and uses whatever resources he personally has available to him as a child fucking cannibal on a lower level than the high priestess herself. Like getting his friends to spread fake rumors about Russian hacking or getting his union worker thugs to fuck up a hit job and then having to get some other union thugs in a hospital to sloppily finish the job, for some hypothetical examples.

If your hitman isn't at least this cool, just fuck off though.

>are nowhere near on the same level as the illuminoids

You think they're the ones intervening personally?

They have people for that, who have other people, who have other people, that put them into contact with hitters.

Are you samefagging? the question was meant for the other id. Over worked and underpaid. are you kept locked up by your shareblue masters?

>there can't be two people who don't believe our crackpot theories

you replied with the wrong id faggit