hey Sup Forums i fixed Balkan
Hey Sup Forums i fixed Balkan
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I approve
here is small before and after
bretty gud nigga
hey how about you go fuck yourself
We need to return Constantinople to the Greeks.
Good, but why does Albania still exist?
>that bosnia
just cut it in half
Looks pretty good, except Monteniggers should be independent and Albania gets more of FYROM
i cry everytiem
You are not Balkan, you are not Europe, so just go fuck yourself and gtfo of this thread
could have been a great empire if your religion and rulers weren't retarded
>Bosnia exists
>Moldova exists
It's like you didn't even try
Well, if Serbia and Croatia (Milosevic and Tudjman, since nobody wanted fucking war except for them) made a deal and just did some genocide on Bosniaks, we wouldn't need to have that fucking Bosnia on the map.
early on it was fine but incompetent leaders ruined it
Bosniaks would do some ISIS shit if Serbia and Croatia annexed them.
Moldova is fucking shithole, Romanians do not need them or their fucking people. If they annexed Moldova and Moldavian economy, Romania would just go bankrupt
>Implying the Balkans isn't beyond repair
>Giving clay to albanians
Such a serbian thing to do
They wouldn't if you finished what you (both croats and serbs) started. Is there really even a proper reason they should exist? And it's not like your economy could handle Respublika Srpska either.
Well, you guys repaired your shithole after WW1, so i see no reason why we couldn't fix Balkans.
kebab remain unremoved
Well this is what happend.
Yugoslav wars:
>>Bosnia wants independence
>>But a lot of Serbs live there
>>Let's have war
>>Croatia wants independence
>>A lot of Serbs live there, so they want to stay with Serbia
>>Let's have war.
So instead of Croats and Serbs fucking dividing the territory of Bosnia, Croats sided with Bosnia since they didn't want to lose Republic of Serbian Krajina.
Well, i gave them territories in which they live.
I gave territories to Serbia in which Serbians live.
Same for Bulgaria, and same for Croatia.
I gave north of FYROM to Serbia, since you guys got cucked by us for about a 100 years.
Remember boy, if it ends with EV you are Bulgarian, if it ends with SKI you are Serb
>He actually didnt go full autismo and erase croatia
I can live with this bre
Talks about muslim buildings in Serbia, has two capitals, since one is reserved for muslims.
Dobili bi vise teritorije da ste izveli Oluju na Bosnjacima.
Well now, that's not fair to Bosnia. If you're gonna exchange so much land, just give all of it to Bulgaria/Romania/Hungary/Croatia. Split it between these 4. The rest are failed states
>a serb giving up krajina and kosovo
>biggest mosque in Europe is in Syria
And you guys think they remove kebab? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Fucking nuke this failed state.
haha Bulgaria is a shithole, my Canadian friend. you can't lump it in with the other three
You do realize that Bosnia should be completely divided between Serbia and Croatia? Only reason why there is still Bosnia on my map is because muslim Serbs that live there don't want to accept the fact that they are SERBS!
>giving kosovo to the albanians
kosovar alboshit detected
fucking mispelled serbia as syria. that's how low i think of that failed state. split it between bulgaria and croatia
I just came back from a Euro trip. I went all over Eastern Europe.
Greece and Serbia were the biggest shitholes. Especially Greece, it was PACKED with refugees. You can tell they are going through tough times. And Serbia was literally a hole in the ground. Pajeet-tier.
The best were, by far, Hungary, Bulgaria, Croatia and Romania.
How do you survive in Greece man? I felt literally depressed being there. So sad.
Remove the Balkans, just make it a playground for the countries that matter.
did you enjoy fucking the cheap Bulgarian whores in Europe?
Let's be real, dumbasses in my country voted for Communism in the 90s, they voted for war.
They fucked up, and now we have to get whatever still belongs to us.
Most of Kosovo should be given to Albania, exceptions are orth (as you can see on map), little bit of east and little bit of south.
Those are territories where Serbs live.
And for Krajina, i think that it's fine now even if they kept it, since Serbs and Croats are fucking same people, only thing that divides us is religion (Croats=Catholic, Serbs=Orthodox)
They were really sexy. But the value for the dollar wasn't great.
The cheapest whores were in Greece and Serbia. But they weren't very good looking. It also didn't feel too nice fucking a woman in a bankrupt shithole like Greece or hole in the ground like Serbia.
Actually no, i am from Vojvodina.
most of the whores in Greece and Serbia are Bulgarian, you said you found them sexy
Bro, nobody is getting triggered so you can stop.
You didn't visit any of the Balkan countries, so just stfu.
Nice job but Posavina should be Croatian
Bulgarians were sexy. Serbs were too. But you can tell when a whore was Greek. Her skin was shit coloured and she had bad teeth, as Greeks can no longer afford healthcare.
I spent a lot of time in Europe. Trust me, the girls I fucked in Greece were Greek. And they were really cheap. They begged for my Canadian cock down their throat and cum on their face, and it cost me like $15 kek. Almost as cheap as the serbian whores, which you are right they were very many. Disgusting sluts desu
Ugh, gypsyland still exists, why?
he's a Bulgarian diasporite butthurt at Serbs because of BW2
And Krajina should be Serbian, but i didn't change it.
Bankruptios, you are delusional.
Greece is bad. But I do admit that Serbia is worse. Serbia is a pajeet-tier hole in the ground. Somalia is better than serbian shithole.
Butthurt for BW2.
Butthurt for WW1.
Butthurt for WW2.
leafbey, you're pathetic
>Moldova still independent
>ugly Bosnian blob remains
2/10 you tried
>unites the living hell of everything
>forgets Moldova
you should fix the map a bit. Albanians get the Albanian part, rest of Macedonia is indie and Turkey gets the Turkish part of Bulgaria
But Posavina is still majority Croatian while Krajina hasn't got as many Serbs as before.
Why? You lost land to Albania. ALBANIA. They took the heart of your country while pathetic serbs just watched. You lost Montenegro and they are joining NATO, and leaving you in the dust. All your neighbors are leaving you in the dust. It must hurt being Serbian. It's just so unbelievably embarassing, pathetic and humiliating. Sad, emasculated, poor country with no hope for a future.
Cheap whores too.
>Give failed state bankrupt Greece to Turkey, they are Turks anyways
>Serbia is a hole in the ground, split it between Hungary, Bulgaria and Croatia
>Give Romania Moldova
Balkans fixed.
im okay with this
You approve of us having to provide gibs to a failing economy thats half albanian anyway. At this point I don't even want southwestern bulgaria anymore.
>leafbey's butthurt
bulgaria is the worst shithole in the whole balkans, read i think everyone knows why you're so much envious of us :^)
There is fucking reply with fixed map in this thread, here you go
mass reconvert the remaining Bosniak mudslimes and shoot those who don't want to, problem solved.
>envious of a shithole that loses land to Albania
>a shithole that got bombed and humiliated
>a shithole with a population of dirty savages
>a backwards shithole with no hope of a future
You think I'm envious of that. Serbia is a fucking hole in the ground! Kek!
>this damage control
stay butthurt, leafbey :^)
Why are Slovakia and Hungary in the Balkans?
>literally lives in a hole in the ground
>flag checks out
Because they are.
Im all for this, but when we try to do that, we get sent to Hague.
This man tried to convert Bosniak from muslim to dead and they arrested him.
Niggerland education, that's why
I'm pretty sure it won't be long until you get a second try to remove those kebabs brother
Give option convert leave to turkey or die.
No muslims are tolerated in europe no jew either.
Well, i just hope we my people will decide to join NATO before that. Since if we try to remove them before we get into NATO, we are fucked
>damage control
fucking parrot
>albanian gets triggered out of sudden
why i'm not surprised?
Well, that is nice +~-!?MEME?!-~+
Guess I'm a Serb then. Donald Trumpski too.
youre fucking retarded man
Heгo штa! Пpaвa CPБEHДA!
>when you're people are too stupid and backwards that they continue under one country even though they are literally the same people
It should just be The Balkan States
>lives in a hole (serbia)
>said hole also is Russia's assrag
>literal shitstain of a country
>that loses land to Albania
no u
nice passive-aggresive tone. are you gonna defend now leafbey or what?
Approved, although of course the (((ethnic))) Russians would never allow Transnistria to merge with Romania.
Eh. Looks quite good.
gj, todor..
Why isnt there a total war in balkans?
I want to see germany france fucked up and their leaders hanged in streets
>ywn live in the glory days of your country
Feels fucking bad man
Full support user
Tnx, Agim!
kys shkja
We switched on online war map game, now.
Just to save our own body from the bullets or such.
why so triggered?
Because no one nowadays wants to die or live in misery for a piece of land
make everything serbia
inb4 serbia diaspore no, iam not, i just want serbs to kill everyone around them.