Say something nice about him
This is Ben Shapiro
Other urls found in this thread:
he is jewish
>subversive neocon kike drapped in the flag of the nation his (((people))) have been destroying for decades
Absolutely haram.
He'd make a great lampshade
I listen to his show daily and find it very enjoyable.
He's a fantastic constitutional conservative and he always supports his arguments with facts and statistics, he's probably one of the American right's most articulate and strong figureheads.
However some of his views are clearly affected by strong personal bias (The pure strength of his defence of Israel is massively unwarranted for someone who is usually very statistics and facts driven, but obviously he's a jew). and so in some areas he can come off as a bullheaded cunt who is hypocritical to his own criticisms of the left.
t. shapiro shill
I like that he doesn't go out of his way to praise or to criticize Trump. He is totally consistent with the values he had before this election. We disagree on a lot, but I care more about the things that we agree on, and even when we do disagree, he has something to teach me. I listen to his podcast every time there's a big news story because I value his opinion.
The only problem is that he doesn't like racists.
He said say something nice about him.
He is first line into the oven.
He hates niggers, like every kike does
>muh constitution
I don't recall "thou shall fight for Israel's wars, give them billions and shill for fag marriage" anywhere in the constitution.
He looks like a singles man.
I sat behind him at the movie theater and he didn't interfere with my view at all.
he's good on the violin
He's upfront about his bias while talking about news.
did you even finish reading my post
ALL jews are far-left extremists, no matter how much they diguise it with MUH CONSTITUTION MUH FREEDUMS pablum.
Only if he starts first
Right, the Jews are a monolith with no individual consciousnesses.
At least he's not a filthy, hook nosed ki--
After a 2 year break from Sup Forums I can honestly say I am not missing much
There is literally nothing wrong with being Jewish.
That makes absolutely no sense at all. He's a right wing conservative but actually left-wing? What?
>shill for fag marriage
Except he hates gay marriage.
Fuck you and your monolithic entity bullshit.
you tell em goy!
>be Shapiro
>land a job with Breitbart
>have fun going after generic republican targets such as Hollywood celebs
>Breitbart gets killed by DNC assassins
>the site continues going against mainstream narrative
>you continue pretending you give a shit, but your profile's now rising
>people on Capitol notice you, you notice them, you make friends
>you're now deeply ingrained in mainstream GOP
>Bannon finally tells you to stop being a cuck
>leave Breitbart
>blame Milo
>blame anti-semitism
>get a comfy neocon media personality job
>get a college tour so you can tell the anti-SJW crew you're one of them
>slowly indoctrinate the youth into the neocon cult
>slowly indoctrinate youth into believing Israel is the greatest ally
>slowly convince people Trump isn't real change
he's subversive desu
He's very austistic with statistics.
Something nice
I want the Holy Land back, and I want it back, now.
Jews sure enjoy their music
No, they aren't a hivemind. But they will most of the time look for the interests of their own no matter who they have to fuck over. Sop yeah, continue playing detached individual while they unite to push their interests over your, queer fuck.
Shapiro shills for mass third world immigration, calls masculinity "gross and toxic", shills against American nationalist policies, shills for fag marriage (as long no muh gubmint involved), shills for basic bitch feminism... conservative my ass. He's a leftist jew of the socially libertine variety.
Exceptionally intelligent Kike who has his head on straight and is unafraid to speak his mind in defense of Western civilization.
Would protect him and his family on DotR as a thank you for at least trying.
adderall is his superpower
>Shapiro shills for mass third world immigration
When? He's friends with Ann Coulter.
>Shapiro shills for mass third world immigration,
No, he doesn't. He explicitly states that he's only pro-immigration on the conditions that immigrants cannot rely on the government in any way and that they are adapted to the culture and ideals of America before they can immigrate.
>calls masculinity "gross and toxic
Literally where. In fact most of the the time he laughs at SJWs who say that shit on his show.
> shills against American nationalist policies
He "shills against" crap protectionist economic policies.
>shills for fag marriage (as long no muh gubmint involved)
He's personally against gay marriage you dumbfuck but thinks marriage should be a religious institution instead of a government one and should be left to individuals. Clearly since his personal stance is against gay marriage as an act, he's of the belief that churches should turn them away, but he wants it to be the churches decision and not the government for the exact reason that the government could force churches to marry gays.
>shills for basic bitch feminism
Explain. What do you mean by this and where does he do it?
>supports his arguments with facts and statistics
Pretty much this. He spoke bits of truth but too quickly became subversive again after the election. I disagree with enough points that I can't listen to him anymore.
he will be gassed in the future
His shrill, nasal kike voice is like fingernails on a chalkboard to leftists.
go away kikes. We hate you & you hate us & that's never going to change
Your wrong, Mark Levin , Ben Shapiro, & a couple of others are not damn commies; just because most Jews are don't mean nothing.
There are exceptions to every rule of stereotypes.
he can't sing for shit
manlet cuck
Please refraim from using the "k" word.
It is a very toxic term and is considered hate speech.
A lot of people have very sensitive feelings to being referred to as such.
Please desist this hateful behavior immediately or I will be forced to contact the authorities.
>((((((MARK LEVIN)))))))), the neocon kike who spent months shitting on Trump over America first policies, then flipped after he started winning to (((worm))) his way in
>not a subversive communist jew in disguise
Hello Ben
Triples! Kike, Kike, Kike. I don't care if you hate Christ. You're cursed hahah, this is me reminding you.
He made a good video about arguing with commies.
user, your on the wrong board- NO PC HERE!
Please refraim from using the "k" word.
It is a very toxic term and is considered hate speech.
A lot of people have very sensitive feelings to being referred to as such.
Please desist this hateful behavior immediately or I will be forced to contact the authorities.
should be put in a pow camp with the other Sayanim
I've gotten some sound Jew economic advice from him
>based jew
What is wrong with Baphomet?
A lot of people consider Baphomet to be considered a symbol of peace and redemption.
Please, respect their wishes and do not abuse the image of Baphomet.
As for "Christ" please refer to him as JC or don't mention him at all.
Christianity is a very hateful religion and is responsible for inhibiting the rights and freedoms of many people.
So of course I hate JC and you should too.
His show is one of the few Conservative shows I actually like listening to.
He is a fag lolbertarian, sage
unfortunately the show has turned into shit because he never talks about the stuff he's good at. instead of getting the philosophy and ideological talk we get his trash tier political talk about washington and trump. he's been wrong on everything and his entire foreign policy perspective is LITERALLY "israel first fuck america".
he's a damn jew rat with inconsistent and dishonest opinions on race.
I wish I had the luxury of being a libertarian darwinist, nothing would get done though
None of this Drumpf shit would have happened if Sup Forums didn't cast Ben out.
We didn't listen.
faggot who tries to convince proles to side with economic elite
He is very well spoken. I don't think I agree with anything I have ever heard him say but none of his ideas are evil or ridiculous. He did really good on some open college discussion a while about trans where he left his opponents with no counterarguments. But I have only seen a handful of his speeches/interviews/etc.
He's a fucking capitalist, retard.
He's in the same camp as Steven Crowder for me. Something I enjoy listening to, but I don't agree with it sometimes. He's an insufferable cunt about Trump. Even when he admits Trump is doing something positive he has to always interject "BUT LOOK NO ONE HATES HIM MORE THAN ME, FUCK HIM, I DIDNT VOTE FOR HIM, BUT" and he's embarrassingly Israel first in all issues
We need to build the wall. This is why.
Very strong debater as he uses pure logic and backs it up with statistics. Promotes personal responsibility over gibs.
Poor motive as his love for Israel (of course) is glaring and his "Jew level" reveals itself sometimes too much.
Mediocre personality, doesn't have high energy but not too monotonous either.
He tries to be two things at once, pro America and pro Kikestan. He has to choose one and only one. He can't be consistent with his ideology because of this.
>jews subvert and wreck his nation
>he still shills for them
Literal TRAITOR.
Possibly the most adept debater and apologist for conservative ideals out there right now. He absolutely wrecks libtards in debates.
Also when he kept calling Zoey Tur a he until it triggered him and he threatened Ben
Yeah, that wtf I said lib-tard .
Why don't you go read his books- listen to his show for a month or more.
You know, stuff like true conservatism can't be fake for long.
>shills for fag marriage (as long no muh gubmint involved)
>wanting to get government out of marriage
>a bad thing
Another """"Mexican intellectual""""
The only kike I won't bake, I need him to manage my money
your point? he's an ideologue
only morons and rich people who feel bad watch faggots like him.
traitorous neocon kike
wont be fooling anybody again, should just become full on SJW
This is totally inaccurate.
He praises Trump for some things and criticizes other things. He was highly praise worthy of all Trumps actions in the first month in office.
He's a good Jewish boy who married a Jewish girl and made his parents very happy in a Jewish way.
Unfortunately he's a jew.
He is almost as tall as the average manlet.
i only know of articles and videos of ben saying how bad trump is
>wanting poopdick marriage normalized, which ends with the further destruction of family values
Commie please.
I listened to some of his shows during the campaign, fucker is literally controlled leftist kike opposition. If you want to shill for a "le based nationalist jew XDDD" even (((Michael Savage))) is a better choice.
Choose hope
Choose hope
Chew soap
Jew soap
Jew soap
-barack Obama
>Commie please.
Literally all of Shapiros arguments on social stuff is muh family values. His opinion is that churches should be able to tell gays to fuck off without the government intervening and if some fag "church" in (((New York))) wants to marry them, so be it. but the priority is making marriage religious instead of governmental.
Shapiro is very smart and I aspire to reach his IQ level by taking cocktails of nootropics, exercising, and brain training every day.
Jewish manlet larper.
>His opinion is that churches should be able to tell gays to fuck off without the government intervening and if some fag "church" in (((New York))) wants to marry them, so be it.
Actual conservatives fight for ANY legalization of society-wrecking degeneracy, Shapiro is just a libertine lefty in disguise. Following his kike logic, I guess bestiality and underaged bride marriages should be legal too as long as it's in certain churches and the government doesn't forces you to accept them eh?
>I guess bestiality and underaged bride marriages should be legal too
Nah cause neither of those two are agreements between consenting adults. If a gay wants to get married, Shapiro wants it so that the government can never make a church marry them. They can go to their local church, get told to fuck off because it's against the bible and marriage is religous and they can get a secular civil partnership and the government can never do anything about it.
Or just outlaw buggery like in the good old days.
Out of interest do you think Oscar Wilde deserved to be imprisoned?
He is fucking based. The only the filthy go- I mean stormfags in this board hate them.
>I listen to him during the campaign
He was for Ted C. during the campaign- Sen. Cruz isn't a lefty. Oh, I see he bad-talked DJT- well back then we all thought Trump was a Hillary want-a-be. Trump proved us wrong.