Here's an idea for getting a bunch of people in trouble. How about we start an initiative to get blacks not pay their taxes, the few that actually do. Here's how it goes.

>start tweeting #NoTaxForBlacks
>Imply blacks shouldn't pay any taxes until the government adressed racism in the USA
>No property taxes, sales taxes etc
>Spread to the rest of the world, as indigenous people shouldn't pay taxes AKA WE WUZ THE FIRST PEOPLEZ N SHIET
>Blacks USA and world wide refuse to pay taxes

This could have multiple outcomes
1. Less taxes roll in so welfare decreases
2. Many blacks jailed for tax evasion
3. Tensions increase resulting in race war
4. Lots of memes

What do you think Sup Forums, could this work???


also strategy general

I think this would actually catch pretty well

I appreciate the deviousness have a bump

I think the people you're most likely to hook with this owe no net taxes anyway

Most likely outcome would be letting them pay no taxes

Buuump. This is a great idea. Some of the more extremist BLM members will absolutely go along with this.

There are a few places this would have to get this into.

1. Black twitter feeds

Nothing spreads this shit like people quoting and adding the thinking emoji

2. Hotep facebook groups

You would not believe the amount of the groups, and the shit tier quality of the content there

3. College campuses


If you're gonna do it don't talk about it here. These Sup Forums threads always sink le ebin twitter raid. Keep it to discord.

Yeah, but image the backlash, refer to outcome 3.

holy shit are we really gonna do this?

yes sir


How about this;

yes sir

Guys this will need high energy, nonstop memes and strategic ideas

>1. Less taxes roll in so welfare decreases
Less taxes roll in, so they increase tax rates for whites to feed nogs. Well-played.

Actually, i have thought about this, and think this is an excellent idea. Disgusting communists and other academics did this during the vietnam war, if I remember right. I think (((Noam Chomsky))) did this.

It could really take off. People already don't want to pay tax. This justifies it.

One serious problem;
>earning taxable income

see outcome 3, this will work

holy shit that's genius !

no reparations for slavery, no taxes.

give us the gibs now, or get nothing

So long as they don't raise taxes in the process!

bretty gud

Get on it boys. We need memes and infographs asap.

That wouldn't lessen the welfare. It would just increase debt

Dont forget this meme, Black twitter loves Arthur's fist for some reason

positive gain feedback loop. very nice indeed

well I bet a lot of high income liberals would hop on this too. NFL, NBA athletes. So much tax fraud would be exposed, so many smug liberals hated.

>implying blacks pay taxes

>One serious problem;
>>earning taxable income

dont forget the white-knight sjw nu-male beta cucks who want to make the girlfriend's bull happy



good idea. bump


Thanks for the image

Remember the hate when the athletes didn't stand up for the anthem? Imagine they publicly dodge taxes

"No taxation without reparation" might be a good slogan.

Well taxes are racist so I think it's a good idea. Why should the black man have to pay taxes that go to pay for racist police to shoot them for no reason?


holy shit yes

"Hey hey Hoe hoe, No taxation without reparation!"

It would be fucking glorious. Multi-millionare assholes complaining about social equality while dodging income taxes.

We need more like this Ideas, anyone?

Play it off as niggers shouldn't pay for the white cop to kill them.

Word it in such a way that it convincingly sounds to them like they are paying for their own extermination at the hands of racist cops.

"hey hey, ho ho, black tax paying whites, we say no!"

>pay taxes that go to pay for racist police to shoot them

here is your hook, right here

We must always play the long game and always be 5 or more steps ahead of them.


holy shit yes this is beautiful

"10 reasons paying taxes is destroying black neighborhoods"

"why pay for the bullets that kill us"


Kek! This guy tweeted the same hashtag in april.

>paying taxes

NEW CODE /NTFBG/ no tax for blacks general


this shit needs to happen

Imagine all the smug blacks that make loads of money doing it though, blacks denying to pay their state's respective sales tax. The shit at KFC counters when they deny paying the tax.

The number 1 reason these things don't always work as intended is because blacks are to damn stupid to use grammar or spelling right.

Subtle outflow of information and memes is key, it's important for them to believe this is their own idea, and their own thing.

psyop getting chuckleheads to post this shit on twitter

Not quite right. Try something more like this...

"When your ancestors suffer 400 years of slavery... your grandparents suffered Jim Crow and the KKK... when your community suffers police brutality and daily racism, and you realise that every time you pay TAXES in your wage slave job, you are funding Donald Trump's golf trips!

Enough is enough - white people, we are owed repetitions. We are not paying any more taxes to an openly racist president. The black tax boycott will continue until we get what we wants.


god damn this is beautiful

good point


ifa i take yo money, and bust a cap in yo ass, it murder

whitey take my money, and kill my ass if i dont giv it up, it TAXES

But user..

The Blacks already don't pay taxes!


gee I wonder who could be behind this post

top kek, Sup Forums truly is the not-jew

Inb4 this picks up steam, and (((they))) get behind it and the media convinces society that dindus shouldn't get taxed.

>The day Sup Forums helped niggers become even bigger leeches.

great idea, then add some bullshit "deep meaning" behind it and we got antifa tweeting it 24/7, and if antifa is tweeting it, then we have blm and other dindus tweeting it

outcome 3

do it please, they will fall for it if you do it well

this is gayer than the look of your flag. fucking leaf.

Diversity Tax Freedom Act #17

Other images to include would be various ones of Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Eric Garner, etc.

Try get trending on the #BlackLivesMatter Twitter. Make sure to look as real as possible

This may be the funniest plan I've seen on Sup Forums yet

outcome 3

I could actually see this do well over here as well.


Here's a meme


damn tyrone, shit cash

Until Darren Wilson is in JAIL.


Do something along the lines of:

"My ancestors were enslaved so white people could gain from it, now i work a low paying job that barely feeds me and still white people gain profit from it. Nothing has changed, just look at all the clubs for rich people, all old white men, im fed up with this #NoTaxForBlacks #StillaSlave"

But in Unga Boonga language.

>Look as real as possible
>Tyrone Johnson

Awesome work

Lesson 1- If you want to mess around with taxes always ask the jew beforehand.

Don't forget to make it about slavery to make it more convincing though, like maybe notaxforblacks to pay back for slavery or some shit

OP is genius.


Here we go......


This is the best plan I've ever seen on pol

Tyrone, clean off the pro-Trump stuff and don't call the BLM people "thugs" in that one tweet

"Slaves trades had no taxes on them, yet those with slave ancestors are taxed" *Thinking emoji*

Love the idea

I've seen many plans on Sup Forums in the years I've been here. The general trend seems to be plans of this nature get smarter and better slowly but steadily.

Which is good, growth should be steady and organic, not forced and sudden.

this is going to work pretty well


what did you mean by this?

Like you need to stir shit up, how many months till the white genocide?

I'm already pushing this meme on worldstarhiphop
