Why aren't there any Chinese posters here? I thought they have like 2 billion people. That's liek half the world

Why aren't there any Chinese posters here? I thought they have like 2 billion people. That's liek half the world.

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Only Commie party members have access to the actual internet we use, EU probably going to do something similar soon.

Their eyes are so small its like they're sleeping 24/7 so browsing the internet is not a possibility

China isn't a good place.

They can only post if they have a VPN.

If you want to get a taste of chinese posters, just pay attention to the Canadian posts.

start a thread on Tibet and they would come.


google is blocked, so they can't go through captcha.
Only chinese Sup Forums pass owners can post

>Only Commie party members have access to the actual internet we use, EU probably going to do something similar soon.

Good. This is the way it should be. You autists show time and time again that you cannot be trusted to use the internet responsibly

Same reason twitter and fb dont have Chinese users. Their leaders have blocked access to these sites.

Are you a fucking idiot?

Enlighten us then, cause I want to know what China think of things.

They all use VPNs. All those "leafposters"? Ghost chinkies.

We will always have freenet as peer to peer can't be blocked

They have own Sup Forums with Advertise about shop inside it. "ha-ha".

Explain then, dumbshit.

Its banned in the mainland. Any chinese flag you see is a proxy thats not actually located in china.

Huh, til

Why's it banned?

Probably was never unbanned. Great firewall is whitelist-only most times

oh i see. is porn banend?

No, but pornhub is. There are lot of chinese porn sites though

This explains a lot actually

>babby's first meme

captcha is blocked, so they have to buy a pass

huh, wonder how long thats been true. Last time i went to BeiJing (7 years ago) it was blocked completely

Sire, can I have a couple of the links.

>access to the actual internet

Funny fact - Chinknet is bigger than the Internet.

xiuren.org/ is always popular, fairly "softcore" though


I prefer that. I have a psychological aversion to roasties. Thank you.
