Gf's 19 year old sister starts dating black kid

>gf's 19 year old sister starts dating black kid
>ask gf if she thinks its weird (I don't reveal my power level)
>gf tells me to stop being racist it's 2017
>casually send her statistics on abuse in mixed relationships
>tells me to stop it but deep down can tell it worries her
>months later after black kid takes her virginity she ends up getting a black eye from him

>ITT: stories that never happened

It's kind of fucked up that you would be feeling smug about it, rather than bad for her.
But I guess all women deserve it, burn coal toll etc

>It's kind of fucked up that you would be feeling smug about it, rather than bad for her.
No, it's not. She stopped being a human worthy of consideration the second that nigger put his dick in her.

Is she fine now?


Why would you feel bad about natural selection?


yes it was not severe injury. They broke up and luckily he did not murder her

I feel bad when crippled people die. Why would natural selection make it ok?

bitch probably deserved it. stay in your lane hoe.

>luckily he did not murder her
damn too bad.

Nice fake story.


Trump is not her president

She's not allowed back. Shame her for life.

>sister starts dating negro
>family warns her it won't end well
>she's to intelligent too listen
Tyrese runs off after knocking her up and giving her a black eye
Burn the coal, pay the toll.

No, I could believe it.

Most black kids (72%) are from single mother families. Think of the mix:
no father figure, a distracted mom, and probably a rough neighborhood. Add to it a sense of unfairness, inferiority, frustration.

The lack of father means there is no one to show HOW to be a man or, if the kid gets physical on the mom, there is no father to keep the kid in line. The kid is hyper-masculinating to bully his way.

Those kids are unruly, loud and disrespectful in school.

The distracted mom and the bad 'hood pushes the kid into hair-trigger rough behavior. The kid says and does things without thinking. There are no authority figures in his life that he respects. Almost all of the blacks in prison come from father-less homes.

The door is now open for you to tactically employ nigger jokes around her. If done right, humor will solidify your attempt.

AND add the two most important factors low IQ resulting in pure time preferences and bad impulse control.

Don't forget genetics. Likely the father was a 2 strike pitbull, and passed some aggression on to his offspring.

Stopped there lmao LARP elsewhere

No she's ruined forever.

Been dating my wife for a year and finaly meet my father in law. He has five other daughters through a different marriage I only met one of wifes sisters. Wife leave to go do something and I am alone with inlaw, I don’t remember how it came up but I sad one of the worse things that could ever happen if I had a daugter is if she was with a black guy. Two hours later I meet one of her sisters for the first time and she is with a black guy total looser on welfare and multiple kids out of wedlock. I look at inlaw feel bad for the guy. Two years later same sister found dead in apartment with we suspect nigger got gave her to much of her medication but cant prove anything, half breed kids have ghetto funeral inlaw was devastated. My wife started out with open views with the races now is the same as me.