Since we've established this is a Christian board full of Heaven-bound saints who enjoyed this Sunday honoring God, any of you anons ever seen any miracles? If so, tell about it.
Since we've established this is a Christian board full of Heaven-bound saints who enjoyed this Sunday honoring God...
I dreamt I was Jesus, I went around healing the sick.
then I woke up and I was really just me.
It was actually a real downer.
no miracles ime
>Christian board
>Worshiping a kike
>Going full gymnast in his mind to reconcile his hate for kikes and his love for Christianity
While crossing a busy street with my class back in elementary school, a car tore by and barely missed me. That same day, crossing the same street, the cunt that bullied me a lot at the time got hit and killed.
the sin commited by the bully barely matters and he is without a doubt in heaven with our Lord
but you are making a great mistake by thinking that God would kill a child just to pease you
No. This is a board for white people. Christians aren't white.
Nah that's you apparently.
I was stabbed in the chest three times on the side, no permanent damage. I saw (hallucinated?) a demon once who was physically torturing me and I prayed and it disappeared.
Christianity is a cuck religion. Jesus was a cuck.
I don't need signs to believe.
>be depressed as fuck one day
>fall asleep
>see some shit i cannot tell you, you wouldn't belive them anyway
Just know that the guy in the heaven is smart as fuck.
I flipped my car off a mountain cliff at about 70 mph.
Suffered a burst fracture, practically destroying my thoracic #6 vertebra. I still managed to run from the scene (for reasons) and hide in the woods in shorts for over 3 hours until I was rescued.
The surgeon prayed with my family and I before surgery, later I learned I had a good chance of dying and about 80% of being paralyzed. The day after the spinal fusion, I was walking (albeit barely) and by the week I was already walking a fair ammount. He, a neurologist and one of the most capable members of society, told me if I didn't believe in God before that then was a good time to start.
2 years later and I'm still trying to find him
I was driving way later than I should be relative to my sleep schedule. I completely fell asleep. My foot was depressing the gas pedal. For no reason at all, I woke up and saw I was heading directly toward a house. I managed to jerk the wheel out of the way, and the only thing my car or I suffered was a bit of burned rubber.
I saw a miracle once I could once see the holy spirit. As a light. It came in everyone
It came in children
It came in my parents
It came into me
It even came into other religions
It came to everywhere.
It was so amazing
Then woke up. It was all a dream
But I still believe somewhere out there the holy spirit is somewhere coming.
>Honorary leaf
There's been quite a few cancer patients at our church that have mysteriously cleared up, so there's that. Have you ever noticed you can only remembr when things turn out for the worst? Is this not the work of the great deceiver, my brother?
My father took me to a retreat for kids in local church. There were other kids from my school. He left me there and went home, while I and others were waiting in front of entrance for the group that was inside to leave and then us would go inside. But the group that was leaving was pushing everyone and I saw someone falling and being trampled. Then my father appeared out of nowhere in the middle of that crown and pulled that poor guy out. He was pale like a wall and semiconscious.
Later my father explained to me that he was half-way back in home when he felt something, immediately turned 180 degrees and ran back to church as fast as he could. Except in his memory, he was pulling me out, while I remember all of it like standing on the side.
Meant this nigger
You're ok Norway, Deus Vult (^:
Funnily enough the night of the accident my mom said she had this distressing feeling out of nowhere and went looking for me all over town without even knowing.
The fuck
Same user btw, I went out of my WiFi's range
>Saw mad shit
>Wont tell anyone about it
You're right m8. I don't believe you.
My grandparents told me that my grandfather had gotten a wound that they assumed was a spider bite, on his back. It looked like a bullet mark, and the doctors who they visited to have it cured couldn't fix it, so they visited this church instead where a painting of Mary was crying these healing tears. He used it on his wound and suddenly in a week it was healed after many weeks without improvement and worsening under the doctors care. I don't know all of the details of the miracle because I wasn't alive, but my grandparents are very trustworthy and good Catholics too. I hope you like it. :)
I survived Lyme Carditis. I walked around and drove my Cadillac with my heart rate under the 20's. I was in the hospital for a month. I was not afraid to die, but God apparently wanted me to stay I am 26 years old.
Only a few survived the disease in Pennsylvania.
I did not mean to reply to myself lol
While I slept my hear stopped for 7 seconds several times a night.
It was scary early on because I had no idea what was happening to me and the doctors did not catch it in time.
I had a cyst on my wrist and my wife layed her hands on it and it was gone. Its was really hot and tingling sensation. At 1st i didnt know what she was doing i thought she was just trying to hold my hand
witnessing the election of Donald Trump reaffirmed my belief in Lord Jesus
Yeah, how do magnets work? the only conclusion I can come up with is fucking miracles
"A wise man always listens for Gods words. Listen to the wind. Listen to the shadows and lights. Listen to people and listen what their words say.
Those people who speak silent words are dangerous. Every word is two. Every man has to mouths. One mouth for his brain, one for his heart. A man's heart might be fooling you, but it always tells the truth to those who listen. [...]"
im just gonna post funny pictures that trigger brainlet miracle believers
christcucks? how do they work?
dont let things like logic and critical thinking bring you down. fucking miracles everywhere in this bitch
I have noticed this too. We've had people healed of cancer at my church too. It's easier to remember those that don't make it.
was riding in a big uhaul style truck on the side of a hill with a river at the bottom, driver nearly flipped it and we were on 2 wheels
people behind us said it looked like the hand of god pushed it back up
it's like, how the fuck can magnets work if god didn't exist? it just doesn't make sense. miracles are literally the explanation for such phenomenons
rainbows are miracles also
This isn't dipshit.
shit, what am I saying. EVERYTHING is a miracle
I've seen doctors in awe over the healing of some people. When actual qualified medical professors call the event, "A miracle if you believe in such things." I'm going to take their word for it and give God the praise He deserves.
shush, christ cucks. don't talk. can't have you getting upset over things you don't understand explained to you. just believe it to be miracles, you probably aren't capable of understanding anyways
Care to share with me your medical qualifications?
ok where was I. OH yes! the fucking rainbows, gods gift to us. I don't know what they do, but it's gods gift so i have no reason or room to complain. it's a miracle, I better not question it.
You can't figure out the bible, but think you're some intellectual authority.... Bwahahaha
ICP isn't representative of any Christian group either dumbass.
you mean my good sense? so somebody got healed. it's not a miracle. it's their body doing it what it's supposed to do, some are stronger than others. it's nothing to do with god. now rainbows and magnets, that's gods work.
Every time I see the bread and wine become the Body and the Blood
today is my birthday
approximately 3 hours ago my friends surprised me with a stripper for a grand total of £120. she proceeded to make me quite erect, then commented positively on the size of my dick.
30 minutes later I fucked her in the back of her car while my friends knew exactly what i was doing and this made me feel really awkward
about 1 hour ago i decided I was tired and came home
I am now here to talk to my fellow christians about goodly things on my favourite internet foroum
howdy and god bless
(Mossad), the paid Catholic shills, and the Paid Russian Orthodoxy shills push this... All of these groups = the Alt-Right meme.
The "elite" is code for Jews and their blackmailed sociopath pedophiles (Hillary's mom was a Jew). Because Jews run a child sex slave ring out of Ukraine/Israel and sometimes South America (see Hatti and Clintons) and use pedophiles as their boot-licking goy politicians/celebrities.
They use the symbolism of the occult because it's a marketing campaign to cover up for Zionist and Jewish Communist crimes/power moves. The occult became degenerate as fuck ever since Thelma (Alestor Crowley), Anton (((Levy))) of Hollywood Satanism, and Navy Intelligence groups took over the scene; although it was always a place for scam artists. Freemasons became corrupted after being bought out by Jews in the mid-1800s -- thanks to Napoleon emancipating the Jews and the Rothschild take over Britain with the fall of Napoleon (See Rothschild's run on the stocks after Battle of Waterloo)
Catholics and Russians are both pro-Communism and therefor cover for them too by telling you it's "Satanists" and not Jewish Communists and their Zionist mafia allies. This is something the John Birch Society did when re-inventing the "Illuminati" meme (see Alex Jones connection).
Moloch = word meaning KING (Assyrian)
Moloch propaganda = Jewish hate of enemy king, like they do to Assad
's'atan = Aramaic word meaning "adversary", any adversary, or many adversaries.
Satan the character = Catholic meme to demonize our ancestral gods and dumb down Bible references for stupid plebeian audiences.
Lucifer = Morning Star
Jesus = Morning Star
Luciferians = Christian monks who pissed off the Pope
Judaism = pre-Christianity
Marxism/Communism = Post Christianity Judaism
Cultural Marxism = critical theory, aka strategy to demoralize the Jew's enemies.
well one day i was sitting on 4Shill and i seen my posts just vanish maybe they weren't politically incorrect enough and they a just got up and miraculously disappeared into thin air ? Spooky
There are probably miracles I have seen but didn't realize were miracles at the time. I have had God protect me from a demon(s), and have heard stories from friends overseas of miracles from the blind and handicap being healed, to angels with swords protecting people in Africa at night.
>larper thread
but they are christian and they have a YUGE following group. all those retard hillbilly rednecks that populate the mid west and some of the north west, yeah they believe all that shit they spew. they follow it blindly, kinda like what all religion has it's followers do. your religon is full of morons who would rather live in bliss of an idea that life doesn't stop for them rather than face the inevitable death that will stop everything for them. get your head out of your ass and start realizing that your life is a joke and so is the idea of god
I was once watching telly. The ads came on and as I zoned out I was suddenly filled with peace and a sense of God's immediate presence. Luckily my program started again though, and it fucked off.
I wouldn't presume to call it a miracle but I had a brush with death that snapped me out of a life of degeneracy and brought me back to Christ. Was very drunk and fagging around a hotel after a rave and jumped up on a railing 20 stories up. Me friends pulled me down and the fun ground to a halt and I took a hard look at my life. Now I've stopped trying to run and hide from God and I'm rebuilding relationships with my family while leaving old party friends behind
Please do tell.
> Lucifer = Morning Star
> Jesus = Morning Star
Venus = Morning Star
Jupiter = Morning Star
>Doctor says patient is going to die
>Tumor all the sudden gone after prayer
>Doctor calls it a miracle
>You're so caught up in the brainwashing that "logical" people don't believe in miracles that you're being extremely illogical. Actually use logic and don't ask society what you're allowed to believe if you want to be seen as logical.
They worshipped a fucking butterfly & late in their career latched onto Christianity.
Your idea of God probably is a joke...
Name for me one thing that ever genuinely dies. That would violate the first law of thermodynamics, so I'd be interested in that.
Temptation gets the best of us all sometimes. It might be wise to make some new Christian friends who won't put you in that sort off position
Why didn't you try healing people after you woke up? How can you know you aren't jesus if you don't try?
Can you elaborate on the john birch society's involvement?
> yeah don't bother listening, they just say shit to make you feel bad bro, just feeeel it with your heart
Everything is a miracle user. Rejoice in his Creation!
> falsely comparing scientific term of death to human version for sake of theistic argument
Semantics like a (((semite)))
> trying to pretend it's different
> doesn't even try to come up with a fake reason
Retarded like a retard.
>for me one thing that ever genuinely dies
an individuals consciousness when they DIE
Can't tell if this is just bait or if you're actually so autistic you can't discern between a scientific definition in physics and the many subjective definitions of life and afterlife.
>tumor goes away
>probably becasue the body fought it off
>meanwhile everyone else is praying 100 times a minute in war torn countries but gods now where to be found
If in your opinion you mean that it "ceases to exist," as opposed to "changes form," then write up your thesis & go get your Nobel prize for disproving the 1st law of thermodynamics Chad.
>If in your opinion
>"changes form,"
pic is unrelated, but kinda makes god seem like a douche bag. I just want you to think about those words I greentexted and how much of a dumbass you are for trying to use them in an argument
I can't tell if you're
1) suggesting that physics and life cycles operate in different realities (subject to different laws),
2) thinking that I proposed any definition as to what the changed form must be ("subjective afterlife"),
3) or accusing me of bait as an Alinsky tactic to hide your pseudo-master bait.
> Re: pic
Try figuring it out for yourself as opposed to getting second hand info from critics.
> Re: greentext
Suggesting that properly labeling something as your opinion or that the 2nd & 3rd lines are even different only exposes yourself as the Dumbass.
Will you go to Heaven when you die? Here’s a quick test: Have you ever lied, stolen, or used God’s name in vain? Jesus said,
“Whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.”
If you have done these things, God sees you as a lying, thieving, blasphemous, adulterer at heart,
and the Bible warns that one day God will punish you in a terrible place called Hell.
But God is not willing that any should perish. Sinners broke God’s Law and Jesus paid their fine.
This means that God can legally dismiss their case:
“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son,
that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”
Then Jesus rose from the dead, defeating death. Today, repent and trust Jesus, and God will give you eternal life as a free gift.
Then read the Bible daily and obey it. God will never fail you.
I can't figure something out if it doesn't exist. it literally just becomes what we create it to be. it's hard to understand something someone else created that makes little to no sense when so many things prove it wrong in so many ways.
and telling me it's my "opinion" is you calling it quits. you don't pull that card unless you plan on never having an open discussion about something that goes against what you believe in. it's like, you want me to believe in your own bullshit, but everything I say is an opinion. you're a real smart one, real argument savvy
Seen a couple of cases of cancer disappear, and couldn't be explained scientifically.
>14 replies by this ID
super cringe.
Trump Elected......huge wart on my finger healed after prayer request.....Probably trivial to you, but absolutely awesome to me
don't like my banter freindo? or do you hate people who denounce god and see it for what it really is. an escape, fear, brainwash. it's many things, but real and logical, no. no it can not be
>Doctor says that should be impossible
>Doctor calls it miracle
>Random user knows better
How many illogical hoops are you willing to jump through to avoid honoring Christ?
>Doctor says that should be impossible
you're a fool and im gonna leave it at that. here are a bunch of pictures. check them out, than take a dirt nap.
> using normie memes to discredit God on a board that uses autism memes to influence politics on a global scale
> wew lad tryharder.jpeg
Careful with those edges my man
>influence politics on a global scale
Oh and
>normie memes
>is such a newfag doesn't realize these where popularized by Sup Forums back in like 2006-2010.
>most of these "normie" memes where created on Sup Forums
>is a newfag
your life just couldn't get anymore pathetic
> can't figure out...doesn't exist
Making a presupposition prevents figuring anything out. Here I'll help you out with something small: water, in biblical terms, is symbolic of word or knowledge. That isn't an opinion, the source material even says as much. Now take that and apply it to your "muh miracles" meme & see if you can't figure out a few of them.
> Re: opinion
I relegated an optional interpretation of your comment to opinion, specifically because that interpretation violates well established physical law... Which I explained.
Nah I'm going straight to hell somebody has to be the warden there stop the escapees
a little harder user you're almost convincing people to change their views on a image board on the internet
I think pic related is pretty relevant to this thread. Man is an awakened beast
when i first figured out about a year ago the way things worked in the bible the true story of Jesus, it seemed as if God answered my questions directly throug things happening around me.
Now lately because ive kept sinning daily it feels further and further away. The thing is i can never stop believing in Jesus anymore even if i don't read the bible right now or if i keep sinning.
im sorry lord pleas forgive me
im not trying to change views, if you're so stupid to still believe in god after childbirth, well than you're too stupid and stubborn to change. im just shit posting in christian threads because it's fun to belittle stupid people
>water, in biblical terms, is symbolic of word or knowledge.
>water, in fairy tale terms, is symbolic of word or knowledge.
fixed that for you. ill be here all day to help you. just make a stupid statement and ill help you. no worries buddy
Actually water symbolises a variety of things in fairy tales, such as cleansing or struggle. I'm glad you think you're helping, but you really should exorcise your own stupidity before attempting to identify it in external sources.
Happy birthday