Made a new thread because people were misunderstanding the early posts. I'm now going to go Step by Step for people who are new. Telling people to just go look at the old threads seems to not work as well.
SETH RICH Follow the Crumbs!! Thread 2 - duc in altum
Other urls found in this thread:
pig pin photo was just recognized by kek
Witnessed. Kek willing.
wtf is pig pin
I've been in every thread and I'm still kinda confused.
Guys I already read through the documents OP linked and it turns out it's just another big juicy nothingburger, it had no substance but it sure made me sleepy... I'm so very tired... why don't we all grab a snack and take a nap? this story isn't going anywhere. we have time to sleep...
the pig pin was from the dc general video - apparently there is/was a school on the lower levels (and i think i remember someone saying you had to pass through that "pig pin" to get to the school....?
Has potential pizzagate relevance. Farms, etc.
Aren't you supposed to click the 'I'm not a robot' button before posting? I've seen this pasta 55 times today
4 Nights ago this IP address was posted on Sup Forums with the message WATCH FOR FALLING ROCKS
IP was traced to D.C. General hospital and the digging began. Most people think it was originally posted on reddit using skype finder but I can't find any evidence of that. This is what's strange. was assigned to D.C. General in 1992 along with the entire - chain
in comparison NASA Headquarters has the same amount of addresses -
D.C. General Hospital is now a Homeless Family Shelter with maybe 400 people there a day. and it still owns every IP
seth went to both hospitals
was at one for 8 hours
both hospitals had "hush meetings" (when you have a VIP, you can't reveal identity or have anyone talking about it)
webb goes to hospital, bunch of people coming out of restaurant (12 nigerian guys)
they were also having a nighttime hush meeting with one white guy leading the meeting
"do any of you know seth rich?" was asked
>black people turn white as ghosts
they all pointed "the information officer is right over there"
now webb has direct testimony from capone
said "parents were there; he was sitting up in hospital talking"
capone's story changes regarding whether he was at the beach or at the bar that night
"we still haven't been able to get bernard / bernie warren yet"
"we've been advised by LEO to not go to warren's house"
webb: "joe capone says to me - he was sitting up in the ambulance and people were talking to him in the ambulance"
>many inconsistencies
"seth rich can't be dead if he's taken 1am to medstar and they could still keep him alive"
warren was "on loan" to howard hospital
The Healthcare providers at D.C. General are Unity Health Care, Georgetown's HOYA Clinic and Healthcare Alliance a supplier of reduction priced pharma.
MedStar relates to everyone of these providers and every one but HOYA Clinic has members with SEIU (Hoya is a college volunteer program so it can't be)
shkreli trying to get in touch w/ webb
OH WOW! It's FUCKING NOTHING! Once again, good job you idiotic, fucking Seth Rich truthers. How many times do you need to be told that there is NO CONNECTION between his death and the podestas/clintons? Fucking idiot "MUH SETH RICH" narrative pushing fuckheads. I've looked into this extensively and there is NOTHING TO IT. Just head to bed right now or else. I am fucking sick of you people constantly pushing our buttons. STOP POSTING ABOUT THIS GUY
>the pig pin was from the dc general video - apparently there is/was a school on the lower levels (and i think i remember someone saying you had to pass through that "pig pin" to get to the school....?
not sure if you have to pass through the pig pin first but ya in this vid around 3/4 way through they end up in a horror movie style school area with desks etc
i'm not sure if this is DC general or just a random hospital but this is where "pig pen" comes from and at the end of the vid they go up the elevator and find out there's actually people working at the hospital on the upper keycard floors (strange as fuck)
shills went ape-shit at this stuff when it was first posted: #
is pol about to uncover a black market organ market?
MedStar's Dr. David Levy started the Hoya Clinic
pol may be about to uncover a massive network of all kinds of sordid shit.
>Specialty pediatrics
That is a fucking pedosmile if I have every seen one!
>no video/photos of people working
It was a total clickbait vid.
it's bigger than that.
i mean the rumors of rockefellor getting 7 hearts and 2 livers
debunked many times over online
but still, private medical treatments can be as expensive
as all get out and wtf is with all the hospital related shit,
if they want to torture someone they just need
any ole empty building, unless its just a black ops
communication hub with a secure network
What... The... Hell.. Explain please
Link to debunking
any snopes type of site will debunk it for you
MedStar's Bonnie Levin, miss Uber herself! She's in charge of pharmaceuticals Healthcare Alliance is pharmaceuticals. Levin and Levy are both linked to D.C. General
Georgetown comes up yet again
I have read and re-read this thread and the one before this... and i still cant wrap my head around wtf is going on here.
Who is to say someone didnt know of this creepy place, get the IP address, post it here to send us on a wild goose chase?
I mean it definitely seems like there is some fuckery going on at this place, but how does this tie into Seth Rich? Im so fucking confused right now.
Oh wow Snopes... Thanks for the big tip... Crew strikes again.
you are not alone,
but i love a good murder mystery nonetheless
lol just google rockefellor heart transplant
rumors, internet rumors are he had upto 7
but there is no evidence to support that
Double Bump
Bumping this for some good info
>>no video/photos of people working
>It was a total clickbait vid.
totally possible. the point of the vid is more that it's not unrealistic that Seth could have ended up in a place like the people in that video find..."abandoned" hospital with power that results in Seth's phone IP if he was taken somewhere to be tortured/murdered and then dropped off at the final location
(or if his phone was stolen by whoever and turned on when they were hiding out at a place similar to this)
about an hour after was posted this popped up. Neighbourhood IP which I belive means that they share a network together? Correct me if I'm wrong.
Which is why why the shills are freaking out like this.
Follow along and get all the info.
Hey guys. Haven't been here much since /ourcop/ posted. Any major developments?
Call me what you will. You know what this looks like? A Halloween horror house that was not completely cleaned up. They use abandoned buildings for stuff like that. And we already know this, but a good write up. Hope we know the source for this.
You have no idea ahah but hold off on Skippy related stuff for like 10 minutes we'll get there.
it's a dumb harry potter reference, what is there to explain?
Not your country, lady. Shut the fuck up.
Yes this is obviously what it is. It's the new shill method to fire our weapon used autism at incorrect targets. There is LITERALLY NO REASON TO FIND THAT IP INTERESTING IN RELATION TO SETH RICH
I meant the blood and crappy dungeon.
Any ole abandoned building can have anyone in it. You know how much DNA evidence you would leave by torturing someone? Better for it to be in a controlled environment, like an old repurposed hospital.
It means some shopping suggestion engine that doesn't know its head from its ass spat out a bunch of similar numbers almost like the one you entered. DELET THIS
Shit I fucked up - BACK TRACK
Jennifer Palmieri's sister Sonia Palmieri works for MedStar. Has it been varied that she was working on the night? Jennifer had that whole pysco twitter rant during the leaks. She just recently deleted around 16k if I'm not mistaken
We're about to uncover the whole enchilada. We must persevere and keep the fight going no matter the cost, if they start killing us we just start getting louder. They may take our lives, they may take our money, but they will never break our spirit! This September all will unfold. We are already winning, what we are experiencing right now is a cornered beast
Wait, what the hell is this? Nothing in the description or the comments reveals anything
Totally not buying the "Oh yeah there were people there and I just walked away lol" thing at the end though, but the building itself is bizarre
There was barely anything online about Sonia as if everything had been scrubbed or altered. Then I found these
I have proof faggot ahahahha we'll get to it in a bit.
Ive been away from Sup Forums for the past week. If im reading this all right, does this mean the medicanon was right? If so then god this keeps getting more and more interesting
Urban exploration video. Shows a phone room called a "server room"
Shut the fuck up about your fucking laundry list of spoopy big businesses. Tell me how those IP addresses were created from a networking standpoint you teenage larpnigger.
I actually mean the whole thing, I skip a day and all of a sudden the Seth Rich plot is now related to some weird, surreal pseudo-abandoned hospital. I'm only asking to get spoonfed though so I'll lurk for a while to see what this is about
seth rich threads need more quick rundowns
Yeah like the basement walk-in cooler at Comet Pizza, with all stainless interior surfaces.
google search
The most important IP of them all is
This Address leads to HealthSTAR Communications HQ in NJ. the IP was originally registered to Recal-Redac a Defense contractor that made acoustic systems in the 50s to 80s then made software before being sold to the the Aerospace company Esterline.
Which is a defense contractor with a Healthcare company.
They harvested the organs from Seth rich
Shut the fuck up you nigger and tell me whose ass those IP addresses were pulled out of.
Pizzagate is tainted with an air of illegitimacy. You're right on principle, but let's not mix our peas and carrots unless we have good reason to.
stop being cryptic and just fucking tell us so we can meme cunt
Crappy summary - contains faggotry, errors and some unproven (so far) assumptions:
- Seth Rich was almost certainly one of the leakers of the DNC emails to Wikileaks
- Seth Rich was shot twice on July 10 last year with a gun that had been recently stolen from the FBI
- Seth Rich's phone pinged Skype from an IP that was assigned to this shady rundown hospital
- This IP block also has some very interesting deep state customers and tech vendors
- There are strong connections between the Clintons, drug running, organ harvesting and the DNC
Theory: Rich may have had his organs harvested at this hospital as revenge for the leaks. The exact order of events that evening is difficult to pin down because there's so much conflicting testimony.
HealthSTAR is also called Centron they basically deal pharma for all major companies
> Seth Rich's phone pinged Skype from an IP that was assigned to this shady rundown hospital
This still bugs me. You typically need to actively attach to a wireless router with a password. Under the circumstances, how, why?
>- This IP block also has some very interesting deep state customers and tech vendors
The "IP Neighbourhood" has no articulable connection to anything. More likely, it was created by some recommendation engine that has no idea what it's being used for.
Two theories:
- the hospital might have had an open wifi network, Seth was brought there and his phone sent a Skype presence ping out somehow
- there's a Raspberry Pi or something somewhere on the premises, attached to the network. Seth either used it to proxy his own calls or had a Skype bot set up on it.
>no google results
HealthSTAR is a big company with 15billion is backing it from an investment firm.
Proof coming donkey
Checked and Checked.
I don't know. Maybe an open network somewhere in the building?
It's not uncommon for government agencies to have large IPv4 blocks (and hardly use them). The folks typically taking care of their networks are lazy and incompetent as fuck.
What's with the Harry Potter reference?
Or is the saying from Harry Potter a reference to this?
I'm right there w you, user. I dk wtf is going on here. I still haven't seen why or how the IP address has anything to do w Seth Rich
nothing to add but a memorial day bump and a hey we see you to all the dnc shills
HealthSTAR basically deals drugs to MedStar's Bonnie Levin
Can someone please for the love of god show me the proof that one of Seths devices pinged this location, other than just some user claiming that?
Show me the proof and ill hop on board but right now this looks like the same tactic that was used during Pizzagate to make us all look like crazies and delegitimize what was going on then
I'm not interested in muh proofs, conspiratard. I'm interested in what the fuck an "IP Neighbourhood" is. Go on, explain it. I've been setting up IPv4 networks for business for over a decade and I already know you're full of shit. Deliver or gtfo
This. Make sure you're providing credible info and show your work. A bunch of claims you have to stitch together is easy to pick apart.
Cartel HealthSTAR! and wait a second? Is that a Brandywine living facility???!?!? Right across the street!!!
How's old Brenda J Bacon doing? She owns them all right? Did she get that deal when she left FTI Consulting? That one Clinton/Podesta infested company?
FTI CONSULTING. Look them up for some shady shit. Probably put through the 15 billion dollar backing deal for HealthSTAR
Remember when that shady scumbag Declan Kelly was with them?
HealthSTARs name was scrubbed from IP search
The allegation was that a "Skype resolver" pointed to as the last known IP address of Seth's Skype account. I don't know enough about the Skype protocol to know whether it's possible. It's conceivably possible, if Skype conversations were sent peer-to-peer without going through the central server.
What the fuck does have to do with Not a fucking thing from a networking perspective. Get out
whoops last line meant for
Bump Oracle Corporation Zionist
IP Goes to houses owned by Equity Residential CEO is Super Jew Sam Zell. Rothschild Vanguard Sony Campus Jewish Center of Columbia University Bloomberg Tower BMW AG Building Germany US Bankruptcy Court building Serbian Gov Building F5 Networks Kredietbank KBC Dutch Private Bank Barclays Bank Rothschild Optum Technology United Healthcare SEIU
The IP address is registered to Kredietbank KBC a Dutch Private Bank's location in Belgium.
I personally have connection's to the Dutch Global Elite and I can assure they are a real thing and use banks just like this to basically launder their money.
what's also very disturbing is this video that came out recently, Kredietbank could have been who he worked for:
That video is a must watch in my opinion