America is only 19.7% White

According to the founding fathers, the only Whites were English, Scots, and Danes. Under their definition, America would only be about 19.7% White today.

Doesn't this put it into perspective how stupid the exclusion of Mexicans from America is? In 50 years time, they will be considered White, just like Irish and Germans became White.

Why is it then, that Sup Forums seems to be so opposed to the immigration of White Hispanics into America? It literally does not make any sense if you have any historical knowledge.

Other urls found in this thread:

>white hispanics

Tell me how this is any more absurd than "White Irish" or "White Italians" or "White Slavs"

Someone from the Basque Country could move to Argentina, then move to America, and be considered Hispanic by America.

Thank you OP, I learn something new every day from Sup Forums. Today: Benjamin Franklin was a racist.

Because the vast majority of hispanics are mestizo scum.

>swarthy Swedes
he clearly knew what he was talking about.

snow nigger reporting in

What's your definition of White then? If we apply the one drop rule, that invalidates a very large segment of America.

Brilliant man, he knew something was wrong with the Swedes before anybody else could see it.

>one drop rule

Most Mexicans are at least 40% native. They're all mestizo scum. You can look at the cunts and tell they aren't European. Hell, Spaniards aren't even white. Those cunts have had their European bloodlines tainted by the Moors for centuries now.


yea.. I'm gonna need you to pick one.

Note how he didn't mention Scotland because to us the English are practically black in complexion. Literally, you look like pakis to me. Not talking about the actual anglo pakis, I'm talking about the average anglo.


kys tyrone

Most Scots are generations upon generations of English rape babies. I suppose the highland niggers aren't White, but they are very small portion of the population.

>the inhabitants of Mars or Venus

>not understanding figurative language

Are you one of the 80.3%?

>Mestizos breed more so we should blame the hispanics who aren't mestizos


There are indeed White Hispanics like many Cubans, but the vast majority of our Hispanics are mestizo squat monsters and they'll never be white.

the Eternal Swede btfo once more

will the actual White Hispanics be considered White in the future then?

I feel like the "Hispanic ethnicity" is being pushed by the Jews to divide Whites, and many here have fallen for it.

Yeah, because it's about birthrates and has nothing to do with the swarm of legal and illegal immigrants from hispanic countries.

Benjamin Franklin does not believe I am white. Is we not the supermen?

>Why is it then, that Sup Forums seems to be so opposed to the immigration of White Hispanics into America? It literally does not make any sense if you have any historical knowledge.

Not against immigration, against illegal immigration and mass forced immigration of people who refuse to integrate.

>In 50 years time, they will be considered White

Try 15.

It's already being normalized.

the founding fathers would weep if they found out.

but they were naive and should have added a "WASP only" clause in the constitution.

He said "Saxons exempted", so I suppose if you live in Southern Schleswig or Holstein you might be White.

>swarthy swedes
He's not wrong. Swedes are of course more blonde and blue eyed than the Brits and the Danes, but Swedes are usually able to tan and withstand sunlight, unlike gingers of Frisian origin. It could be argued that someone who remains white and freckly no matter how much sunlight they are exposed to is the whitest.

Shut the fuck with your made up words n shit. You talk like a fag and your shit is all retarded.

They tried, but they didn't expect the kikes to change the meaning of white.

Learn the difference between illegal immigration and "immigration". Then learn the difference between intelligence and behavioral differences in whites vs. hispanics. Then learn the difference between GDP and quality of life. Hint: high whites with a low total population would bring about the most peace and prosperity that can't be measured in (((GDP))). If you're still a leftist retard at that point, KYS.

I think he meant northwest Germany, where historically saxon tribes lived, and where the house of Hannover originated from.

not to mention that they were/are predominantly reformed protestants

maybe he meant the sami?

And bear in mind that burgers consider this man to be one of the smartest their country has EVER produced.

"American education" isn't just a meme, folks.

Some of us are opposed due to cultural reasons rather than mere 'racial' reasons. It's like being opposed to Islam doesn't mean you're a bigot, but you could be a bigot and also opposed to Islam. You are making false/redherring arguments by ascribing one reasoning to be against immigration and pretending that this is the only reason to be opposed to immigration.

Most German Americans are from Palantine, Rhineland, or Bavaria anyways. I suppose this might bump up the number a few percent, but it still means not a single state in America is majority White.

This is the world I will fight for until the day I die God Bless America and The Founding Burgers

But they repealed that law themselves no?

I think they just could not imagine a world where people would forget such obvious facts concerning race, form of government, common sense,... that they didn't bother codifying it.

I mean, how many people today realize that the constitution is based solely on the premis of a living god whence you derived those natural rights from?

>inhabitants in mars and venus

The United States was built BY Northern European Prostestants, FOR Northern European Prostestants. It was NEVER intended to be a (((melting pot))) for all "huwites". The downfall of the US started with the admission of the Irish, Southern Italians and Slavs, NOT the niggers, chinks and spics.

Call me a "divide and conquer" shill all you want, you know I'm right.

Mexicans are niggers.

Hispanic isn't a race

Why should hispanics who aren't brown mestizos with no indian aztec genes be blamed for all the shit brown hispanics do

Spaniards were the ones who colonized the injun land

You are entirely right.

Imagine what could have been; a homogeneous United States consisting of 300 000 000 WASP's,...

You realize the founders weren't all English, Scot, and Dane right? Even back then there were Irish and Dutch and several others who made up the founders. So Franklin's opinion doesn't exactly make up the group opinion.

Spaniards are rarely white. The few whites left in South America aren't the ones desperate enough to illegally enter the country. In any case, it's a good rule of thumb to discount the lot of you. No sense in digging through a barrel of rotten fruit to find a good apple.

Fuck your (((knowledge))) you Jew-swindling-kike. The Founding Fathers were BASED racists-as-fuck; and we're making racism great again.

people dont just become white you fucking idiot, jesus christ americans are so retarded.

and the white hispanics (iberians and castizos) should dominate the mestizo and indio plebs, as they have done throughout history, and not degrade themselves to illegal immigration...

but I'm being too idealistic again.

50 years time? They already are legally.

Nice pic. Need to figure out a good title.

>Not the niggers

>? In 50 years time, they will be considered White, just like Irish ... became White.
franklin did not include the irish in his quote


Behind all that "we wuz native americans" talk is a bean nigger who is perfectly fine with dumping a truck load of trash in a national forest. I see it happening all the time now in Pikes National forest and it's gotten some of my favorite shooting areas blocked off.

Fucking cunts.


It's a figurative speech then, that's good, cause otherwise everything sounds demented.

Dude what a hypocrite he fucked his slaves. I never faulted him for it because I never read him talk shit on race mixing before. Thought he just had slaves and liked to fuck em proudly, turns out he was a self hating slave fucker.

Wow. It's almost like whiteness is a social construct that changes depending on the who and when the term is defined, and is strictly used to separate those who are " inferior" from those who are "pure" and "superior". When in actuality, the vast majority of "white" people are medicore at best.

they becamse white later on, when they overran the east coast, and altered the culture with their papism and alcoholism, while they also politically always supported the progressive parties (republican then, democrat since the 60's) and they were and still are big on civil rights and activism and progress and all that.

not to mention their international agitation with ireland back home, smuggling, terrorism, diaspora funding,...

they effectively ruined the usa and prepared it for waves of east european jews, italians and other inferior stock.

irish people were some of the most based people in american history. germans are also super intelligent. what the fuck did a spic ever do retard? literally nothing throughout history. even today spics aren't doing anything.

op is a spic faggot defending his subhuman people. you aren't equal to irish or german

Tejanos fought for Texas during the Texas Revolution. They were no more a fan of Santa Anna as the Americans who moved there.


relevant article

Nice divide and conquer thread.
I fucking love nu/pol/.

Martians BTFO.

This is irrevelant and based on a xenophobic world view:

>Only Anglos are white, and thus superior
>These other white people aren't actually white because they aren't Anglo, even the Germanics, except for the Saxons who conveniently are a part of our greater ethnic heritage

I recommend this blog to all racially aware americans

>all mexicans are the same
the wealthier mexicans are of european decent.
It's obvious if you've ever been there.
It's the mudbloods that are disgusting.

fuck white ppl

does anyone have that map of the us showing the incline of actual non whites and the percentage of old white people dying out?

90% of Mexico is Mestizo you dumb motherfucker. No one is bothered with White Hispanics hence why theres so little backlash to Puerto Rican and Cuban immigrants

"White" is not the most useful point of view, the question is Species, your Caucazoid or you are not.