Tfw my crush who I thought was an innocent white angel posted this on her instagram today

>tfw my crush who I thought was an innocent white angel posted this on her instagram today
I want to die

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I feel you. A girl from my old school in America has been non stop coal burning since I left

>falling in love

>"black guys"
>posts only mixed football players

Take your betamax bullshit back to r3ddit.
Not political
Not news
Does not belong here.

hopefully you've learned not to trust women now


>*blacks guys"
>posts pictures of brown mixed people

Mixed > white > black

t. Gay male

Drop those feelings immediately! Trust me that will go nowhere good! I know this shit from expirence. Turn back while you still can!

That filename doesn't lie

Sorry OP

>my crush
Women are holes. That's all.

>tfw used to only be attracted to white guys
>Get BLACKED one night
>now only like black dick and hate white dudes

Idont know if this is good or bad

oh man this is just the beginning for you

>that happened

All those niggers are ugly though.

Good, you deserve it


she's not your crush anymore. drop those feelings immediately.

Top left looks really ugly though


Ban the underage.

>have thing for girl
>going out this weekend
>look on her instakike
>pictures of top 40 nigger rappers and beyonce

Is she a coalbunrer?

have fun with your ugly babies

hahahhahahahaa cuck

>gif attached

being gay is your worst sin.

But hatred is soo easy, it's on-demand, and I can call upon it anytime I want with no preparation required.


>Facebook filename
Fuck off.


neck yerself fagit

>has instagram
>who I thought was an innocent white angel

What lead you to this conclusion?

What made you think she was an innocent angel? Her face? Her virgin status? Solution is to not project high romantic ideals onto chicks you don't know, and don't develop a oneitis.



show her this video

and this

Came here to say that. They're all bad, but top left is especially bad.

Stop this feel. My ex heather started dating a few black guys after me and she's been loving it ever since. I still stalk her instagram and it looks like she has forgotten all about me and the dreams we use to talk about having a family with two white children.

I guess the world is really ending for us whites , we don't have the power we once had.


Iktf user
Bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks


>Thinking you can turn a woman off of a race of men by telling her they are violent and abusive
>Thinking this won't turn them on and actually cause attraction to that group

Germany, do you need me to explain to you why your women voted to flood their own country with muslim shitskins?


Fuck off fag. You are unwanted here and the day of the rope will rid us of you forever.

if she wasn't a lesbian i would believe it.


they look black



>B-but le fug niggers

>1 post by this id

Neanderthals on suicide watch

Mfw not attracted at all to googles



> having a crush

this is all I needed to say

KYS cave beast

Black user here.
If a white woman comes at me a certain way just because I'm black, I automatically know what she's looking for, why, and what she is, and is about.

You shouldn't have crushes on roasties.
I don't... Furthermore, a big reason why I'm not a welfare nog with 3 children is because I walked away from a number of opportunities with trouble seeking roasty ass cum buckets. When a woman outs herself like this, she's doing you a service.

The black guys who smash and pass know what these roasties are. It's time you white guys learned what they are too. There's no joy in smashing a roastie. They're black holes if you catch feelings for them.

Rise above and beyond the modern woman who seeks to bring you down directly or indirectly through her trifling ass ways. As many rappers have said : We don't love these hoes. It's time for you white guys to accept some cultured red-pills about the bitches and hoes of the world.

I lost woman is often the downfall of a man. I wouldn't even recommend fucking these twisted hoes. Never stick your dick in crazy.

Let me know if you want source sauce.

I genuinely feel like a can't fall in love anymore, haven't had any feelings other than sexual towards women the last 3 years and my most recent ex. I don't have any feelings anymore other than the ambition towards a successful career and worth in this world.
Thanks for reading my blog.

Looks like you're a faggot OP

Blacks are objectively ugly. Weird thing is the couple of white nigger lovers I've met have confessed they're attracted to me, I wonder if its because I'm off-white (italian) and have a big dick. One told me she isn't attracted to white guys but would make an exception for me, sort of think that was a way of saying I'm not white idk.

Prove to me that black men aren't handsome.
As far as I'm aware they have higher testosterone and more masculine faces.
That doesn't mean they are attractive- they aren't very intelligent, and women look for both- but they are still decent looking