I have a question for the trumpshills. Completely serious, no baiting, i'm just wondering: What would it take for you to turn on him? What would he have to do for you to lose your faith in him?
I have a question for the trumpshills. Completely serious, no baiting...
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Hard to say. Significant, obvious, prolonged betrayal I guess. The situation is complex and erratic enough that it's not easy to judge how things have gone except in retrospect.
Nothing. The alternative is too authoritarian.
I have a question for the shills. Completely serious, no baiting, i'm just wondering: What would it take for you to turn on brock? What would he have to do for you to lose your faith in fischbein?
In all honesty, he would have to do what Hillary would. He'd have to start spending more on welfare and continue to damn businesses and middle class taxpayers the way she would have. Even with his long list of failures and fuck ups he still has my support for the simple fact that he is not Hillary and the terror that she would have been.
Simply put, it was a choice between that demon and this doofus. Considering the fact that he's unable to do anything he's kind of a godsend. The government being limited by its own incompetence is good and a little poetic.
Next election? Assuming there's a worthy successor that actually wants to enact policies that are reasonable and can pass, he's dropped.
>The government being limited by its own incompetence is good and a little poetic.
That's actually exactly the reason I was thinking of voting Hillary in 2016 a few years back. Boy did Sup Forums give me heck for that.
I see that but the risk is that she's able to get things done. Horrifying things enacted by an absolute sociopath. This is a much better option.
shut the fuck up you shill, back to CTR tumblrina cuck you mad yet SJW ??? Need a safe space yet ? that's right you love big black cock blacked dot com
- he attempts regime-changing somewhere, esp. in middle east
- he has a recording of him saying the n-word
that's about it.
>"the n-word"
Do you know where you are?
I agree entirely. Total no-brainer whether you actually like Trump or you don't. At the time I was thinking in terms of having good party deadlock since obviously there would be a big Republican gain in congress after 8 years of Obama, and counting on how Hillary has a warehouse full of skeletons, is so strongly reviled by so many, and her history of fucking things up.
It was really refreshing to have a viable alternative come up. The other Republican candidates were obviously there to be ringers.
Why would I 'turn' on him...he's doing just fine...
Why do people support him in the first place? An intelligent person would not be anti-vaxx
War against Assad is the #1 thing he might do. I fucking hate Saudi Arabia and all the violence USA has been involved in that Saudi Arabia had a part in causing. Obama made Libya a safe haven for terrorists. Bush and Obama did the same with Iraq. Obama started to do the same with Syria, all to the great pleasure of the apex sand niggers in Riyadh.
Assad's winning is a matter of life and death for many of Syria's non-Sunni population. If Trump hits Assad and works to defeat him, I will hope for a fatal heart attack every day.
I seem to recall him being not anti-vaxx but pro-choice, which is the obvious position of an intelligent person.
I voted for him because he was the anti-authoritarian choice
I wish your whore of a mother had been a bit more enthusiastically pro-choice.
As long as the media establishment is against him then Im likely to be for him. The poison of the mass American media market and much of that of the first world is a diluted, self serving, opinionated mouthpiece of the Borg that provides circular logic and an environment of insulated thought that does nothing to inform the average viewer of basic facts and does everything to push a point of view. Until the day comes where the media magically checks itself and plots 180degree course correction Ill likely support in the voting booth anyone they oppose.
Even if he created concentration camps where he gassed every white person
And even if he declared Jews to be the master race and white people their servants
I would STILL support him because you NEED to have faith in his 4D Chess
Actually declaring war on Assad, i.e. repeating Libya or Iraq
Bomb Syria :/
If the opposition had any honor, any at all, Trump would not be president.
If the media started shilling for him.
I think i speak for the vast redpilled majority who a) are old enough to remember and b) have an iq over 110 when i say the following:
if and only if the guy does a bush-style false flag like 911. Then we'll know that he's no longer in charge.
Exactly. I shouldnt know the anchormans nor his bosses political affiliation simply by watching the news.
What would Trump have to do for me to turn on him?
Act like Obama.
My God, what stupid question
Everything Trump himself has actually done has been pretty good. "His failures" have been because of the cucks in Congress not passing anything, leftist judges overturning his shitskin bans, and deep state and media leaking and lying about him.
He can't repeal niggercare unless Congress sends him a bill to sign, same with tax reform. He tried the shitskin ban twice and leftist judges threw it out. He's still fighting them in court and will ultimately win because of his Supreme Court judge. He's deporting spics like mad. He's getting the wall started but it's going slow because, again, the cucks in congress. Every executive order he's signed has been good from undoing things the nigger did to pulling out of the TPP.
The deep state has leaked against him and the media has lied about him and nothing has stuck. Obama holdovers are sabotaging his policies at every turn.
In diplomacy, you have to be polite to all kinds of fuckers and even so, he's not being that polite. He shits on Merkel every chance he gets.
If you filter out the media bullshit then it's all been pretty nice. Especially for one man going against the entire government and both parties. Let's be realistic here. This was never going to be fast or easy.
Ah, you beat me to it. Yes, the media is a good barometer of whether Trump is still on our side. If the media keeps attacking him in overdrive, then we know he's still on our side. It's time to worry when the media begins praising him effusively for weeks.
If he says anything even remotely positive about Israel, he's beyond hope to me. Trump ran on a platform of gassing the kikes and I intend to see him deliver.
I don't think he could do anything to really upset me. but than again I never really hated any president. either I keep living under them, or I die. and Im ok with both
>he has a recording of him saying the n-word
Do you mean "nigger" or "n-word", please clarify.
>he has a recording of him saying the n-word
Nigger's scared to say "nigger."
>Until the day comes where the media magically checks itself and plots 180degree course correction Ill likely support in the voting booth anyone they oppose.
So you'll vote for Bernie in 2020?
Bernie is 953 years old. He will be dead in 2020.
He would need to impose climate taxes, reparations and agree to unlimited third world immigration. In short, he would need to become a Democrat. You see, we are not angry because he is doing things which anger insane leftists. We like him BECAUSE he causes such ass pain in the leftists. I know, you dumb fucks think that it is simply not possible that some people do not go along with your delusions. Leftists hate America, and want to plunder and destroy it. Conservatives want to make America great again. Which means reverse 50 years of leftist lunacy.
If you killed yourself I might consider withdrawing my support