I have a question for the trumpshills. Completely serious, no baiting, i'm just wondering: What would it take for you to turn on him? What would he have to do for you to lose your faith in him?
I have a question for the trumpshills. Completely serious, no baiting...
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Hard to say. Significant, obvious, prolonged betrayal I guess. The situation is complex and erratic enough that it's not easy to judge how things have gone except in retrospect.
Nothing. The alternative is too authoritarian.
I have a question for the shills. Completely serious, no baiting, i'm just wondering: What would it take for you to turn on brock? What would he have to do for you to lose your faith in fischbein?
In all honesty, he would have to do what Hillary would. He'd have to start spending more on welfare and continue to damn businesses and middle class taxpayers the way she would have. Even with his long list of failures and fuck ups he still has my support for the simple fact that he is not Hillary and the terror that she would have been.
Simply put, it was a choice between that demon and this doofus. Considering the fact that he's unable to do anything he's kind of a godsend. The government being limited by its own incompetence is good and a little poetic.
Next election? Assuming there's a worthy successor that actually wants to enact policies that are reasonable and can pass, he's dropped.
>The government being limited by its own incompetence is good and a little poetic.
That's actually exactly the reason I was thinking of voting Hillary in 2016 a few years back. Boy did Sup Forums give me heck for that.
I see that but the risk is that she's able to get things done. Horrifying things enacted by an absolute sociopath. This is a much better option.
shut the fuck up you shill, back to CTR tumblrina cuck you mad yet SJW ??? Need a safe space yet ? that's right you love big black cock blacked dot com
- he attempts regime-changing somewhere, esp. in middle east
- he has a recording of him saying the n-word
that's about it.