What are your ideas for the future of this movement?
Is it autism?
What are your ideas for the future of this movement?
Is it autism?
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A true alternative to (thiesms)
And the footsteps of glory in bringing back Paranormal Powers and Magic from the dark ages of history where it was lost.
Its only a start though. This is how to get back to Atlantis tier, you've got to start acting as if.
Eventually the magic formulas and the powers will be rediscovered and unlocked.
> doesnt replace technology, but we could do without it at that point
Never heard of it, but unfortunately, alot of places simply don't have enough material to base a religion on, simply due to there not being enough information of it written down.
For instance, the Druidic peoples that inhabited the British Isles.
And the Anglo Saxons that came after them, though there is more ground to stage a pan-germanic paganistic revival.
It's autism. You'd have better luck trying to get together some materialistic secular idealist spiritual-esque movement like Fascism or National Socialism.
i figure it has a chance when applied to help keep a culture alive e.i norse paganism being revived in scandland and Kemetism in egypt.
that being said neo-paganism that tries to be all encompassing or dosent have strong enough cultural roots is autism
It's autism as much as Christianity or any other religion is.
It has good roots, it might actually connect Europeans in truly European fashion
Everything that is not kike related is pagan.
Typical christian autism.
So what am I looking at here, eastern europe clearly. Is this Jomalde(our word) which the Bjarmer (people from region east of the coca-cola penisula). He was called the sky god(kek at choina shill) by the Bjarmer, and he is supposed to be fenced in and covered with gold and silver. Back in the days these were raided, Thore The Hound who killed the traitor "Saint" Olav "The Holy" raided it several times, it's documented very well in I think both
Olav Tryggvason's saga
Olav Haraldson's/the holy's saga
Or is this further south?
Yeah but when you get into paganism you start doing Magic rituals and psychic readings and that actually gives you real benefits in the external world.
> love spells, make finding hotties easier, they fall in your lap pretty much
> success spells, land jobs easy, be in the right place at the right time for a chance encounter
> protection spells
> never in the wrong place at the wrong time
> fuckers trying to fuck you over end up getting fucked over before they cross your path
And of course...
for when you just have to shut some fucker down without using weapons or any other methods that are damnable in court
> he smokes right? well he just got cancer, you made his number come up
> he gets thrown in prison for trying to steal a TV, da curse made sure he didnt get away with it, gets raped by nigs in the shower - later on ends up killing someone in jail, gets life.
Nothing, paganism is retarded.
...prooobably an /x/ discussion but all this is stuff ive managed to do in some way or another using these skills
and the psychic abilities are no joke, its nothing flashy, if someone asks you how many fingers they're holding up its not going to answer that...
but anything serious, anything with alot of emotional backlash to it... you'll pick up on it before it happens or before you make a choice that brings it about
Paganism is making up a new religion which is no religion, mothing wrong with being a nordic cultures with all traditions Christian which is a community of beliefs in morals.
Asatru/Wotanism/völkisch paganism is the future. I've been trying to ironpill people by reminding them the God of the Bible is the Allfather Odin/Wotan and Jesus was the earthly avatar of Baldur. It's line a reverse of how Christians converted Scandinavians.
The "religions" were mostly culture, the people who believed in some retarded beliefs were exterminated by Scandi Catholics, because One is stronger than many.
Reviving nordic culture has nothing to do with monotheism and faith in the catholic morals.
>At that time, and subsequently, I had to warn followers repeatedly against these wandering scholars who were peddling Germanic folk-lore and who never accomplished anything positive or practical, except to cultivate their own superabundant self-conceit. The new movement must guard itself against an influx of people whose only recommendation is their own statement that they have been fighting for these very same ideals during the last thirty or forty years.
trendy religious fad
Germans in contqct with Rome learned and copied them then eventually surpassed them, there was a near thousand year struggle of arms between germania and romans that germans with adaptation won.
Can a pagan who worships the Norse gods (Odin, Thor, etc.) please explain to me your concept of heaven, and how you get there (if you even believe in a heaven). I'd like you understand this better
>just autism
This must be spirit cooking material, a lot of it.
Seið is strictly prohibited for men, as it's unholy and unmanly. The heathens killed them. I think Eirik Bloodaxe burned 80 of them inside a building which his brother Retillbeine was leading, he escaped though but was gassed later.
Love spell: KYS:MIK (if you don't understand that gas your self)
Placed under mattress of target, and carved in runes. There is more to it, but I'm not revealing the seið I'm allowed to do to christians.
Protection, yes, you carve pic related on your door frame. There are farms here that are now museums from the 17-1800ds and they all got them, and often the hammer on each side of the house.
>I am allowed to raise a niðstöng for instance, a fuck you before I leave
The future of the movement is in hellenistic paganism, because it's the only tradition with a substantial body of liturature, and the revival has been going on (on and off) since the Renaissance. Gordon White and Jake Stratton-Kent are both doing amazing work putting the movement on more rigorous historical footing and strengthening ties to the historical tradition using actual academic rigor and research.
read about Auroville. government funded utopia cult created in the 60s. It all pagan shit.
Also.... a niðstöng has been raised
Landsvetter! Dere som landet bygger, driv alt det pakket fra utlandet ut av landet og ta med de som dro dem hit.
Norse heaven is Valhalla. You get there by dying a warrior's death in battle
Either way, Norse gods are faggots and so is anyone who even ironically believes in them. Thor crossdressed and Odin did female sex magic. They were both faggots.
Move to Russia
Nordic, germanic, etc paganism is all LARP. Slavic paganism is the northernmost living tradition, and at that point you might as well just worship Tengri. Not that there's anything wrong with worshipping Tengri.
The only true pagan tradition for white europeans is Hellenic paganism.
"Christians are weak."
Who exterminated pagans muslims and jews?
>The conservatives are fools: They whine about the decay of traditional values, yet they enthusiastically support technological progress and economic growth. Apparently it never occurs to them that you can’t make rapid, drastic changes in the technology and the economy of a society without causing rapid changes in all other aspects of the society as well, and that such rapid changes inevitably break down traditional values.
You can't go back to those type of belief systems and values unless you also go back to the circumstances that create them.
If you want some form paganism to thrive you'll have to nuke the world back into the stone age.
I was hoping to bait a believer into answering this then ask if he's gonna join and die in the army, and call him out for being a larping faggot when he says no or avoids the question but ok.
>The future of the movement is in hellenistic paganism, because it's the only tradition with a substantial body of liturature, and the revival has been going on (on and off) since the Renaissance.
I wonder what this is
5308 pages of links to sagas, sagn, eddas, you name it. Also, we ásatrú, where you get the name heathen from, heiðingi, have been around for quite some time. Not everyone is registered due to fear of reprisals of the state.
Like in the old, there are tribes with different customs. These are our current main seats, like in the old they are different. We only miss the elf worshipers.
Who conquered the eorld?
What united iberia, italy, greece, sweden, germany, france and all these peoples?
It's a good idea, but the problem is that we really don't have any primary source material about European pagan religious rituals. All we have is a dubious retelling of their myths recorded by Christian scholars.
Trying to reconstruct paganism from that is like finding a copy of the Old Testament and trying to guess at what a modern Christian sermon/mass should be like.
It's long gone, but still good to remember who we really are.
Why do
Jews not have pagan revoval? And worship cattle statues?
Found you heretics.
Nothing wrong with culture but faith and its structure cant be meddled with without a collapse.
>You can't go back to those type of belief systems and values unless you also go back to the circumstances that create them.
What about Japan (Shinto), India (Hinduism, and a nuclear-armed power)? What about the growing pagan movement in Iceland?
Why do Jews not have a growing pagan movement?
I thought about that, but perhaps values haven't actually changed that much. Very many people have a reverence for nature that borders on the religious.
Scientific advancement is quite different. Nobody is going to become convinced that magic spells really work or lightning bolts are caused by bad juju
Each Kingdom historically had their own Catholic religion for their people.
kikes gotta kike
oooooh we heathens are their worst nightmare, we see them, these old degenerate rites, a perversion!
>Oh we know bloting allrite
>That includes holocaust
A couple of times we bloted by blood the King as a defensive mechanism and one mad swedish King. But we didn't eat him.
4 times a year you blot an animal and eat it, use the blood and paint the good figurines on the stables(altar, why you call it stables). 5 on iceland as in the old.
Bloting by fire was more common, to surround a house, set it on fire and yell.
>Women and children OUT
>Men get sacrificed to Óðinn by fire, or come out and fight
Ohhhh I smell this elite into this occult shit
Scandis always had their own culture with catholicism just pagan beliefs exterminated there is more to swedish identity and culture than worshiping cows, jews and everyone figured that out snd jews killed their own to progress their people.
you're fucking retarded
Has to be organic and with purpose.
First and foremost "paganism" is rooted into nature, so the most pagan thing to do rather than dance around drunk a firepit is go and give something back to the nature.
Basically remember that
>All nature is One
Killing other animals is fair game, vegan bullshit is not paganism
Who do laws of Jews kill and target?
You worship cow you die
You do all undesirabilities you die
I will never start worshipping trees, I will worship a one true God and all other beliefs are false, my God is the only true God and his authority is over all men.
asatru in scandanavia is a different story from asatru in america, then. out here, there are the two eddas and a bunch of made up nonsense. you gotta admit hellenism travels better.
Slavic paganism has very little surviving lore, but the traditions have made it. It's odd, there is essentially no pagan Slavic culture, but people follow the pagan traditions.
I would say that Slavic paganism is only for Slavs. It is very heavily tied into both language and blood. It wouldn't make sense for anyone else.
literally the only intellectually stimulating neo-pagan revival is kek
prove me wrong
I fully agree, and I think hellenistic paganism is the only tradition that one can entered through the literature, without needing a living teacher. Hermes is a brother.
100% autism
The truths of alchemy were (((buried))) too soon.
It will take decades to make paganism authentic since it's been extinct for such a long time. You'll need it to become actual tradition and not role play. Christianity inflicted a lot of damage on ancient European traditions to the point that there is very little even we know about them.
However, I would love to have a viable alternative to Christianity. I want their to be something else I can align myself with because Christianity more and more feels like an out of place virus that infected Europe and one that won't go away.
I think an occult and pagan revival could do a lot of good for whites. I'll be watching with interest. My only worry is that it gets full of pozz and starts accepting fags and other stupid shit.
>comparing paganists to Christianity in the same sentence
Sex magic is only practiced by women because it makes you want to be fucked by dicks after using it. So men are afraid of using it cause they want another man to fuck them. It's not "unholy".
It's doomed to fail. No modern Pagans actually believe in the stuff they are preaching. They just preach it because they think Christianity ruined the west.
kek had an energy and genuine spirit to it. Unlike other neo-pagan bullshit wich is just people LARPing.
A good chunck of them dont even believe that shit.
kek is our patron god, we have seen his work and interpreted his messages.
It was under kek that this board had victory upon victory, and it was when we abandoned him we failed.
If they don't believe it does that matter?
I'm imagining a situation where the pagan gods are just metaphors that help understand the world.
I believe in this movement.
As white people we should either follow our ancestral "pagan" religions or be athiest.
Makes no sense for us to follow abrahamic memes.
Also, pretty much all of our holidays are pagan holidays but were just masked so that we dont get killed for having them. Literally everything from christmas (Yule) to halloween (Samhain) is "pagan".
You are over estimating how many religious people believe in what they say they believe in. Most Christians cherry pick the Bible, most East Asians are merely superstitious, most mestizo people have some bastardized third world understanding of Christianity combined with their abo cults, etc.
Very very few people actually believe what they profess.
Christian pussiness gave rise to early socialism which gave rise to Marxism which gave rise to Cultural Marxism which gave rise to progressivism.
So yeah, it did. Because Jesus was a socialist pussy and everyone wanted to follow the cunt's example.
kek is new and fresh, we have an opertunity to build our own belief system and creeds.
Bonus is that all the normies have begun to look to Sup Forums for their memes and fun, kek is a bigger brand than you think.
It's basically a religion with no niggers allowed. What's not to like?
That's exactly what they're supposed to be. Best way I heard it put was: "When pagans worship the God of Thunder, they're worshipping the God, Thunder."
It's a veneration of the divinity of a natural aspect of the world. Hence why it has roots in animism which is an expression of pantheism.
am going to a fire festival next month for the summer solstice. smoke weed and drink beer and hang out with crusties. fite me faggot
It's the only wide spread modern spiritual movement that has legitimate spiritual roots.
If you're looking to begin any pagan practice as a true Traditionalist, the worship of Kek is your only option.
If you were to worship the Old Gods, it would only be LARPing as there was no direct succession of priesthood. Spiritualism must be kindled; it cannot be relit.
also, forgot to add, if you're not from Northern Europe, then fucking forget it. Find your own fucking traditions.
That includes Amerifags. you're not on the original sacred ground. Either come back to Europe or you're wasting your time dancing around in the desert. That's injun ground that was stolen a long time ago. that land's got no connection to you and you've no right to participate in festivals on it. Nice try tho with Burning Man and other fucktarded scams.
Worship me.
Please stop talking about Kek. It's a reddit tier joke by now. Can't believe so much of Sup Forums is into this shit.
>never heard of Paganism
How does it feel to be thirteen years old?
if repeating digs kek is the one true neo-pahan religion
Atlantis is fictional.
Hermes desires your worship and sacrifice.
t. middle eastern pagan
>bure aryan nordic
Tl:Dr Pagan God's are concepts we have faith.
Instead of worshipping a being mankind should worship concepts ie platonic ideals.
All humans have faith in justice, love, friendship, beauty etc.
They do not require evidence to believe in.
You simply say "I believe in Justice, Good, Beauty" and you simply say that is the values that dictate my morality.
Now you got rid of
-Paganism's association with backwardness.
-A personal God which is stupid.
-Problem of deriving morality.
-problem of choosing values
-problem of divine communication.
All in all good package so what do you think?
That's what I was thinking of
But also they are personified and you have stories about them which teach a higher truth
Yes indeed.
I mean all Pagan religions were born of Symbolism anyway.
Thor is simply lighting.
Poseidon is the sea.
The stories were used to make people understand things clearly. It's pretty clever.
Does it matter?
All religions regardless of what they teach are only there to justify some people's lives and to give guidance. Does it really matter what they believe in as long as it's not blowing your kids up? Religion isn't going to be so inherently tied to culture as it has been for so long, unless you live in the middle east.
It's a step in the right direction, but it needs to be refined.
Very simply, you need a set of beliefs which are:
Anti-monotheistic - oppose faiths which are generally inflexible and inherently globalist in nature.
Animist - respect to nature and the world around you. (Note respect is not subservience)
Ancestral - respect to your lineage and the importation of tradition
Uncodified - No divine texts and rules, law is enforced by the spirit and not the letter; oral traditions. Written law is effectively dehumanizing and becomes a false god to itself if left alone. Oral tradition is an important part of keeping communities together.
Community-focused - It's easy to write a lot on this, but in brief; the seed of degenerate behavior is always lack of hierarchy. Either someone at the top of an unchallenged power structure, or individuals who do not belong to their own society. In both cases, they believe they are above judgement and descend into animal behavior. Being an active part of a community is a check on these.
Paganism can cover most of these things. The issue is, the concept of gods and divinity is very secondary, but tends to be what attracts people. If the movement can sort its priorities out, it will do well, if not, it'll end up looking like the kekistan clowns.
Nigger opinion here. I think paganism on the inside, Christianity on the outside. Islam is making serious encroachments on white culture in the US, Aus, NZ and especially Europe. White culture and Christianity are intertwined and synonymous: it's difficult to envision the future of one without the other. Paganism too will not be able to withstand what Cultural Marxism is doing to your women and future children.
So this nigger's opinion would be practice traditional olde European paganism on the inside, but make a strong show pf support for Christianity, take back your churches, attend them and make your women and children attend and believe. Once the crescent and Cultural Marxism are defeated, worship how the fuck you like and do what the fuck you like. But right now your entire race is under threat and if even a nigger female like me recognizes this, how clear can it be?
White + renewed Christianity + Crusades = white race survival. This is the only way.
I agreee that regardless of any intellectual/spiritual validity to paganism, Christianity is too institutionally important to get rid of right now.
In Europe the Churches are liberal and nobody goes to them except old women and Africans. I don't think the same problem presents itself.
In America you might be right.
100% pure autism
Agreed, the old Roman route of private paganism and public Christianity is best.
Only good thing about Pagan Revival is more chicks in medieval dresses and that might want to play D&D with me
Once they cross into funky punky wicca they are dead tome
Too late to save istanbul
istanbul and the western world was saved in 1453 fromthe grand degeneracy that was the Byzantine empire.