Well Sup Forums?

Well Sup Forums?

If you give a fuck about this, you're a waste of spunk.


Now lets see some white people holding posters forbidding blacks, Hispanics, Asians and Brown people from culturally appropriating white people attire.

Well, I don't give a fuck about accommodating to any of these rando's feelings, nor do I expect them to do the same for me.

It might not be in good taste but I have the rights and freedoms to dress up like these people. There is no law against wearing black face. What are they going to do besides screech and say that's "not ok."

Well if we get a picture of a white male in a 1800s colonial uniform standing over a pile of dead niggers I would be fuckin' proud of it

That black girl hate's her craving for the beautiful white cock.

If someone wore a Roman soldier costume id be fine with it

fuck off cultural appropriation isn't real.

What do you want burger

Fucking nigger


Is that girl even Japanase? She doesn't look it, too dark.


Fuck off. And a big FUCK YOU to any shitskins who preach this cultural appropriation bullshit.

>we're a culture damnit
>stop making our culture look like a culture


An actual Japanese or other Oriental wouldn't care. The one's I've worked with, the legit " fresh off the boat" Asians loved shit like Wal-Mart and always shared the culture from home.

Any Asians who get offended by " cultural appropriation" are second or third generation children of immigrants who were raised in America, speak perfect English, and may as well be your typical white, college SJWs.


I don't understand the top left one.






This. I don't want to see a single nigger wearing Vineyard Vines for cultural appropriation to their own ghetto culture.



Good times

Where are these from?
Have Japanese wifu and she simply cannot comprehend these.
Whitey wearing a kimono is about as offensive to Japanese as a Japanese wearing a cork hat would be to an Australian. Ie, zero.

Japs must be the biggest appropriators of western culture. They love our shit and we love theirs.

I know my asians and I would put money on the chick in that poster being chink not Jap.