Pagan skype group
If you sick of European larping as Ancient Israelites join this group
>Muh form of Judaism is better than yours
>Not all kikes
>Jesus was a blonde, blue eye aryan
>Christianity is european
Pagan skype group
If you sick of European larping as Ancient Israelites join this group
>Muh form of Judaism is better than yours
>Not all kikes
>Jesus was a blonde, blue eye aryan
>Christianity is european
Other urls found in this thread:
Wiccan scum will be crucified man
>Raven Kaldera
Pick one
Fuck off religitard.
Raven caldera isnt wiccan tho
BAKA, Mexicans aren't welcome
He's a retard, doesn't understand that Pagan would throw people like him in bogs to kill them. The Swedish word for faggot literally still means bog fucker
Name one religion war in Europe before Christianity?
>Name one religion war in Europe before Christianity?
what is mithra
what is the egyptian wars
read a book nigger
pagan honeypot, wow OP.
You still haven't name one
The roman invasion of Gallia
The roman invasion of Britannia
The roman invasion of Germania
All larpagan human sacrificing barbarians
How are those wars religious?
P.S no Aryan religion sacrifices humans
Sorry but what have you Nordic-Pagan ancestors accomplished in the thousands of years they've practiced their religion? Christians have accomplished more in the past 200 years than your Pagan Ancestors have in 4000.
Not religious wars and Rome was Pagan at the time. Fuck off
The author's last name is Greenberg. You can draw your own conclusions. Also, Nordic paganism is not the only kind of paganism.
Paganofags will be the fouth to go, after statist, islamist, and sheep.
Practically all of accomplishments of Greece and Rome were from Pagan times, the Renaissance was a rebirth of the pagan spirit. Christianity literally put Europe into the dark ages.
Says the member of Christ's flock. The good ones are sheep, and the bad ones goats, or am I wrong?
>Paganofags will be the fouth to go, after statist, islamist, and sheep.
>Greece and Rome were from Pagan times,
Yes but not Nordic-Pagan. Practically every Pagan culture had accomplished more than Nordic- Pagans.
Muh form of judaism is better than others? Deus vult kill all european religions, totally pro european though. These guys are retards
Nope, unwashed barbarians put Europe into the dark ages. Their conversion into Christianity did not make them smarter overnight, but to say that there was no scientific progress during the Christian Middle Ages is a lie.
The problem is that Christianity just does not cut it out anymore. Too egalitarian and any (((person))) can convert and subvert it from inside. All the shekels you donate to church go to niggers in africa, so they pop 7 kids while whites can barely pop 1 or 2.
They have all the same origin all aryan gods come from the same religion
Even if there's a religious connection, what did the Pagan Nordics really accomplish? They didn't built Babylon, Persia, Greece, Rome, etc. so what did they really do that was so great until they got civilized by Christianity?
It doesn't matter what they accomplished, the point is to value your heritage and stop worshiping a Semitic kike with an Asiatic religion. They are barely relevant, I not asking you to convert to Norse paganism but those of your ancestors, celtic, germanic, slavic, greek or roman
>Even if there's a religious connection, what did the Pagan Nordics really accomplish? They didn't built Babylon, Persia, Hellas, Rome, etc. so what did they really do that was so great until they got civilized by Christianity?
You keep saying pagan nordics like they're different. They aren't, they are literally the same.
Well, their metallugy was so top tier, the Romans just copied and improved upon their weapons. Also, Vikings fully accepted Christianity in the 11th-12 centuries. Until then, and even for some time afterwards, Danemark had subdued England, while Norway had colonies in Iceland and Greenland, while Sweden was establishing the Kingdoms who gave birth to Russia in the 16th century. Not to mention the discovery of the Americas centuries before Colombus. (Talking Viking Golden age here)
Also, Christianity acted mostly as a middle man between the Nordic (sorta) barbarians and the cultural remnants of the Western Roman Empire which the Catholic Church had guarded.
By that logic, why worship the Indo-Aryan religion if it isn't native to Western Europe?
Except they're not. Romans considered them barbarians.
>>By that logic, why worship the Indo-Aryan religion if it isn't native to Western Europe?
The Aryan race isn't native to western europe either
Hahahaha holy shit.
>pole calling others cucked
No, GREEKS considered them barbarians. Greeks considered everyone non-Greek a barbarian, incl. Romans. Romans gained the 'civilized' title after conquering Greece and copying everything from the Greeks. Also, barbarian means 'foreigner' in Greek. Originally, it did not imply whether the foreigners were more, or less civilized than the Greeks.
Fucking burger.
>Couple stays in a different town in the same province for a few days for the census
>Man abandons family to get welfare in Sweden for the rest of his life
Totally the same.
Maybe redpilled Christians should spend their time redpilling bluepilled Christians, while redpilled pagans should spend their time redpilling w*ccans or other assortments of blue pilled pagans, instead of fighting each other. Not that you pr*testans make it any easier. The sole mention of the word pagan makes you throw a hissy fight, and spam "larper" and "fedora-tipper".
You're completely ignoring the fact that the Romans did, in fact, use the term "Barbarian" too and specifically used it to demean Germanic peoples.
Fucking kraut.
Could you make it a discord please like who the fuck uses skype
we can do it too
This has to be trolling, this is literally the stupidest thing I've ever read on this website.
dat nose
>Rome was Pagan so it wasn't a religious war
>Muh noble pagans didn't sacrifice useful warriors and innocent kids
>Implying shittier vikings didn't get BTFO by Christians all the time
Way to move goalposts, and prove you're a legit larping moron.
>>Muh noble pagans didn't sacrifice useful warriors and innocent kids
How is it a religious wars
I'm quarter native, brown hair, blue eyes. Can I join?
It's meant for Europeans though
I don't worship any cuck religion.
You are this guy pagan fag Lord
I would, but ignorant pagans didn't write anything down like the niggers they were.
Naw, I'm just playin, but seriously, paganism isn't coming back.
Hello Goyim
Cal Jung wrote a nice essay about paganism and Odin prior to WW2, as he felt the spirit of the Germans and the rise of ancient powers in the culture. Its a nice read I suggest it.
Theres a reason that they tried to change christianity unsuccessfully, it;s because it a fucking asiatic religion that worships a litterally jew with mary and my wifes son. Pagan literature was burned by the catholic church and christians as heritical.
Pic related, Yahweh looks like this not the fake images you seen created by Europeans which were based off the Aryan gods
>Cal Jung wrote a nice essay about paganism and Odin prior to WW2, as he felt the spirit of the Germans and the rise of ancient powers in the culture. Its a nice read I suggest it.
Erh uh Skype is owned by M$ who is owned by who......?
Most of the arguments mentioned here are totally legit though. lol.
>joining a skype group....
Your memes suck. Better memes indicate that you are wrong. Go larp virgin.
Vikings became the first to set foot in america. :)
In the past most nations that were conquered had their literature and culture destroyed. Sad to say, but that was the norm.
Then you can't claim any we had no literature if it was purposely destroyed by christians.
Well, the Jews made a bunch of idols for their deities including another famous one called Moloch. This is older than the 10 commandments
This was in the first temple of the Jews
Looks like a depraved unnatural degenerate deity
>tfw no proto germanic bronze age pagan gf
Literal SJW heretics who have women clergy and have said that Jesus is not the only way to salvation, they are Heretics. Besides, pic related
>Not accepting any muzzie shits
>Virtually no kikes
>More catholic churches then any other European country
>Birthplace of extreme identity we wuz kangs politics
>Controlled by Kikes at every level of Govt.
>Secular values which gradually broke down national and religious identity to the point where the country doesn't stand for anything meaningful.
Really makes you think, dumb turbo nigger.
>trust no-one, not even yourself
Hope your degenerate ass gets bombed, larper ;).
Hello Varg
This image is quite good
>Literal SJW heretics who have women clergy and have said that Jesus is not the only way to salvation, they are Heretics. Besides, pic related
Christianity is anti-racist, race mixing is 100% ok if they're are Christian according to the Bible.
"There is neither Jew nor Hellenic, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in (((Dead Kike On A Stick)))"
The Slavic stories and lore are a lot then interesting than the Jewish ones plus their actually their actually from your blood
Make it a Discord group instead and I'm in
Sorry, but were interested more in a talking group
not interest in a spam board
>"There is neither Jew nor Hellenic, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in (((Dead Kike On A Stick)))"
This is talking about salvation. Not race-mixing.
Acts 17:26 ESV /
And he made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place.
Genesis 1:25 ESV
And God made the beasts of the earth according to their kinds and the livestock according to their kinds, and everything that creeps on the ground according to its kind. And God saw that it was good.
Ezra 10:10 ESV
And Ezra the priest stood up and said to them, “You have broken faith and married foreign women, and so increased the guilt of Israel.
Deceitful or misinformed Christians exist.
Nehemiah 13:3 ESV
As soon as the people heard the law, they separated from Israel all those of foreign descent.
Deuteronomy 32:8 ESV
When the Most High gave to the nations their inheritance, when he divided mankind, he fixed the borders of the peoples according to the number of the sons of God.
It's talking about Jews, its not a pro-european verse
>citing a jewish source about paganism
rlly makes u think
Good goy, Listen to Jews for you religion and nice lmao