This is a masculinity thread

Post what it is to be a noble, respectable man. What needs to be revived in today's society?

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Speak truth and nothing but it

just fucked my qt twink bf a few hours ago, what's up?

be educated

Being a man means doing what needs to be done.

Lift weights, eat meat, and slay pussy.

Omg don't you realize the society is the problem it's too easy for powers to be to control it + it has gone to degenerate at this point to be saved

Come together with fellow men under one nation for common cause and ultimate goal to prosper

No bagels no cripple cocks more scepticism of traditional breeding methods; or more surrogacies etc etc etc. Money that has value. You know. Pretty simple stuff but seem like unconquerable mountains sometimes. Doesn't need to be. And already changing. Nothing is new though, so put two and two together, and you end up with "Men are from Mars women are from venus". Good luck

That's pussy talk
Sweden will be forever known as a cuck nation

>being dom is now cuck

Help those who've fallen.

No that's being a realist have you seen your universities your nation your government ?

and the reason literally is , giving women ( mentally underevolved subhumans / 'everchildren' ) power to decide matters of society.

Being a man means not backing down faggot. Nothing is impossible. Only the weak say "there's nothing I can do"

But I've seen and heard many people like you. You always stay where you are and not change for the better.

Brotherhood. Men need to start taking better care of each other.

You would need straight up fascism in power to change it but people today won't even vote for normal right let alone far right

Men need to get the fuck out of the house instead of spending all day on the internet talking bullshit and complaining.


that's a nice painting of our king

If your such a man why are you on Sup Forums what are your real plans and when are you going to start implementing them?

A true man also knows to not be mislead with naive thinking and also knows to choose his battles

Resorting to violence is for the weak minded black lives matter, antifa, SJW's and feminists.

We are strong men. We speak truth and are noble.

Too bad your king would spit on you for being such a faggot.

Change your ways brother

homo/feminized version of masculinity

>why are you taking time off to have discussions with fellow people

>He knows my 24hr schedule

'needs to be done'

according to what ?!

u are precisely that sorta tool for gynocentrism, that created all that mess in the first place !

You don't get to place of power with speaking the truth not all are ready for it Hitler knew that he spoke of what they wanted to hear to get to power to make real change.

Well, I think that respecting yourself first is paramount.

It's not just about not allowing others to talk trash about you, though that is one aspect.

Rather, its all respecting yourself.

Would a person who respects himself be....

dress poorly?
swear needlessly?
be an idiot?

all people have to do is just say,

If i truly respect myself, would I allow myself to do x or others to do x to me?

And if I allow it, do i have a right to be angry if someone disrespects me?

Raise a large family and pass along your values to your children. Thats all.

the romans (wich you people romanticise so much) fucked men and were still intellectuals and pure people
dont really see the problem with it

He walked into gunfire for what he believed.
>Croatia needs sorting

Watch old western movies and emulate the behavior of people you admire there. Christianity needs a revival of its virtues. Clint eastwood could bang 18 year olds in his 70s if he wanted and there is a reason for this. One of my personal favorites is ancap master Al swearengen from dead wood.

one of the few good answers

The truthful individual is salvation.
Sort yourselves out buckos.

Coming from a Canadian it doesn't mean anything really

Diggers of the Earth is the most manly job in the world.

Who said I romanticise romans?
>lol why do you like nietzsche so much? he was gay. so you're gay lol the hypocrisy

summer, let it be over

stand up straight, look people in the eye, ask people their names, have a good handshake. simply doing these things will immediately communicate that you are masculine to a stranger.

a man should also be physically strong and take care of himself to project pride. in clothes, you should project strength without being fat. posture, chest/delts/back/forearms/neck

a man should not have long hair or piercings

I've been working on this. Keeping my teeth touching, tongue on roof. Head straight up.

My field of vision changed, it's much more first person

I need to do my eyebrows

Music of men

the best thing you can do to assist this is to squat or deadlift. otherwise it's something that, at least for me, is remarkably easy to forget about and relax on. i didn't squat for a while until i wanted to improve my deadlift, and a few weeks after squatting heavy as opposed to avoiding squats with hack squats and leg press etc my posture improved incredibly. there is something magical in how a squat forces your hips to get under your midsection, and this corrects everything above it.

just one white man's opinion, but it's a lot easier for me to just keep squats in my routine than to constantly think of cues to make sure my posture is on point, because my posture has never been fucking good at all

Beat your women, Be educated, Do not drink, smoke, or do any other dangerous drugs, Have a White man's religion not some kind of sandnigger bullshit. Own at least one black or brown slave.

I never lifted in my life. Most I did was Muay Thai / Jiu Jitsu - > Calisthenics, stretches, conditioning.

Emphasize male traits like being preoccupied with things that women never care about--philosophy, STEM subjects--Sup Forums has these.

In general realize that men are essentially baseline women that have been upgraded over into a different and superior design. To throw these improvements away and/or ignore them causing them to atrophy is moronic.

Make full use of your sex drive.

Emphasize other traits like physical strength, psychological dominance, confidence, what is generally known as the masculine aura--it is a biological fact that it realizes you more as a man.

You aren't really a man until you're past your twenties, but the twenties are the formative period.

Just a few things I thought about.

The thing you need to do is find yourself a "tribe/group" to belong to, in America we used to have this till we gave our culture to the massive corporations that hollowed it out so that it can be everything to anyone just for the sake of improving their bottom line. Find your "group" and live to the standards they set and expect from you, this is how you earn your masculinity. Faggots that say you shouldn't care what others think of you are just scared of failing to live to others standards, this can be a just fear for the shame it brings and sometimes the standards they set can be legitimately too difficult to obtain, this is why you pick the group you want to belong to with care. Now those that are outside this group, disregard their opinions for they don't live to your standards and thus shouldn't have your ear. They may do things that earn your respect but until they do treat them as possible enemies.