How are we even considered to be same species? How is this not a homo erectus or some other species?

How are we even considered to be same species? How is this not a homo erectus or some other species?

There is only one race, the human race

We're the same species (unfortunately) since we can create fertile offspring, but race is just another word for sub-species. What really disgusts me is that abos are the same species as us, because somebody was retarded enough to put their dick in one.

Can't animal species create fertile offspring? Also we have some Neanderthal genes so they did create fertile hybrids too

whites and blacks are the same species 'cause they can produce fertile offspring.

but wait, so can coyotes and dogs. maybe taxonomy needs some revaluation.


The ugly girl looks like albino nigger

>The average white girl is more attractive than your average black girl.
>The "white" subhuman "girl" has non-white skull proportions whilst the black girl has clearly defined european features from race-mixing.

OP, read this from someone who knew better than anybody.


This place is 18+

That's an adorable and dangerous pupper

The smartest guy in the world is a black man (Neil Da Grass Tyson)

That old white guy racist af


Left pic is cherry picked.

but that would mean we are the same species as neaderthals

That girl has black features. Clearly she is mixed.


And niggers aren't part of it.

How is using "girl" unappropriate? Do you call young females "woman"?
The black girl doesn't look like she's over 30.
And that ogre can't be even considered a viable member of the female gender to even be defined normally so that's why I put the word "girl" in quotation marks.
I don't get it lad.

Europeans are Neanderthals, Blacks are Homo sapiens and asians are Denisovian, with some Neanderthal DNA.

Wtf is this true?

Google "Erectus Walks Among Us", read it and enjoy your red pill.

Erectus? Damn near killed us!

Oh man! I'm killing myself here!

real talk tho

If it walks like a white man and talks like a white man it must be the same specie

Sub Saharan Blacks have no Neanderthal DNA, just Homosapien DNA.

Whites and Asians have Neanderthal and Denisovian DNA respectively.

well, we can breed with them and the progeny would be fertile, so yeah, we are the same race.

Yes, mules come from horses and donkeys, but they're sterile.

>Erectus Walks Among Us
Thanks, I've been interested in genetics and human origins for a long time but I've been disheartened by the politically motivated edits to literature, I was hoping for the straight dope.

one raec le human raec

they stopped referring to humans as just homosapeins. the reason is that the human genome project was discovered to have been mostly lies. there are no cancer genes . to many without the gene for a specific cancer get it and when say 3/4 women who have breast cancer dont have the gene its a issue

so they started digging deeper despite every one calling them racist because the genetic fields of science had already been demonized

they found some evidence that there are multiple parallel races of man living at the same time. so they expand the term human to cover even shit that doesnt exist anymore like neanderthal and most early hominid groups

white people allow this because now they claim credit for all neanderthal achievements which even predate any interbreeding but india and china can do the same

out of africa isnt wrong they just decided they had to accept other species as human. the primate family tree starts in africa and diversity in it mostly originates in africa

a byproduct is that they refute the notion we need to classify different ethnicities as sub species and say like 20 species are human

it is

Lions and tigers can fuck to make ligers, argument destroyed!
Any other arguments as to how niggers are homo sapiens?

Before it became corrupted, there used to be an honest scientific field known as Physical Anthropology [i.e., the study of man]. Then around 1900 came some new baloney known as Cultural Anthropology, which is a whole different thing. Cultural Anthropology rejects the idea that race is important and biological. Cultural Anthropology is mostly about fake Jewish or Marxist “scientists” trying to convince people that all of the human cultures are equally important but of course they’re not. White Western culture is superior. Cultural Anthropology is now considered to be a legitimate part of anthropology even though it was founded by liars and race-deniers.
