The run down on The evergreen situation from an insider

As most of you know now, shit is going down at TESC. I am a first year student and I am here to fill all of you in on what the media isn’t reporting on. It all started 3 weeks ago. A black-trans fag made a post in TESC 2020 facebook group asking all black and brown people to join a certain program next year. Everyone applauded him for his bravery. Well then a student of Puerto Rican dissent copied his post but changed black/brown to white. And that is when shit hit the fan. People started fighting but none of that is too important. What is important is that RA’s and other upperclassmen and community leaders in the page started threating white people and students thinking that everyone is over reacting. What happened next is that the student who made the edited post printed out screen shots of all the awful shit the niggers were saying and taped them up around the dorms. THIS IS WHEN SHIT REALLY HITS THE FAN. That night at our cafeteria a group of about 10 nogs surrounded the student who made the edited post and were verbally threatening him and saying they were going to kick his ass. What would you do in this situation? Well the student called the police and two nogs were latter detained by our police services for questioning on the situation

Other urls found in this thread:

This is when the Admins started getting involved. Now all hell is being released in the OG facebook group. The admin of the page (who was Bernie sanders campaign manager for Washington) started receiving threats for not doing anything about “the Nazis” being in the group. The threats were so intense that this student tried to take his own life (he didn’t die though). This is when things started settling down for a bit. Then this past week is when all the Bret stuff started to happen. The emails started to circulate and that is when the full on chimpout started to happen. The police are barricaded still in police services. The admins are all receiving threats and this is where we have gotten all the sweet video of the commies and liberals doing what commie and liberals do. What really pisses me off about all of this is that these children are destroying any reputation that this school still had (which is very little). I hope this all make sense. If you have any question send them my way.

Race riots in school? Man, that takes me back.

in normal times this would be interesting, but since mass hysteria fueled campus protests are the norm, this is just another attention seeking tantrum.

Have a bump.

I bought a new knife just to stay safe. I'm honestly scared to leave my room for anything but class. They are willing to be over ran with mob mentality to get what they want.
Very much agreed
thank you kind sir :^)

This is what 600k white people died for in the civil war

OP of the general here. Have any screenshots of all these posts in question?

I will dig them up. Give me a second to do so.

"Evergreen College the American Future"
Make this into a General.

The edited post was deleted but here is the thing that started it all.

Based Puerto Rican. How is he doing now?

Get a gun. Who the fuck is going to enforce the no firearm meme? The police?

How the fuck is he based

He got moved into an apartment on campus away form the dorms. People were livid over that saying why should he get special treatment when he harms black people with words.
Standing up to hypocrisy

Exposed the racist hypocrisy by a classic white/black word swap. Pretty based, if true.

for placing a mirror to these spoiled assholes ideology
stay safe OP, from the looks of some videos being in public could turn very dangerous quickly. are you still going to class is class even being held?

Yeah I am but I longboard to class to get there quick as possible. I also carry a knife now just in case. The campus is small af so I can get to class in 2 minutes

Are all black students on board with this?

How smart is the average black student there?

fucks sake i would drop out and demand a refund

>Puerto Rican dissent
Confirmed for student there

All the blacks and even most of the whites.
>how smart is the average black there?
about the average iq of blacks so 80. They just like screaming there chants and dancing and twerking to them.

The smart ones will be keeping their head low. It takes absolutely nothing for the nogs to turn on one of their own. The smart ones know this, and keep quiet to protect their skin.

Niggers dont want to be civil, they only want to chimp out and do nignog stuff (chimp out). Why cant the states open up an arena where people can go and fight to the death? That would be a great chimp out place. Just drop some nignogs in the arena and let them fight robots or themselves.

good thread. bout time we had a good one

>telling white people they can't come to school "or else" then trying to kill yourself when it blows up in your face

I posted this meme on a discussion and people wanted my head. I'm keeping a low profile now
Thank you

>nu-Sup Forums once again can't read


Idk man Puerto Ricans are pretty chill. They love their culture in Puerto Rico but then assimilate here and then they hate Mexicans. They're actually pretty racist usually, even the darker skinned ones.

Gas all low IQ humans regardless of race


That wasn't the Puerto Rican. The Puerto Rican was some rogue minority that probably hate niggers.

>Spics getting reparations

No one made you jump the fence Paco

The broken english really drives the point home, in my mind.
Purge when?

Fucking this
They are only good for entertainment. I have to say this whole ordeal is very, VERY, entertaining.

I've only got one question:

>“We demand that the video created for Day of Absence and Day of Presence that was stolen by white supremacists and edited to expose and ridicule the students and staff be taken down by the administration by this Friday.”

What did they mean by this? How the fuck did someone "steal" it, and how do they know it was white supremacists? And how hilarious is the video?

Of course the most pressing question is: Does the video still exist and can you post it?

Why are your school administrators so spineless? They were literally letting themselves be threatened and harassed. Weakness is the last thing to show in such a situation.


What even is that all about? they are talking about this video by bearing.
also this for your viewing pleasure
cause if they dont submit they will be called racist. Funny thing is, is that they are being called racist anyway
shit memes from shitty people I guess

I think its the equiv if calling niggers shaniqua or jamal

Just to be disrespectful as she is white.

Niggers being subtle racist and then crying about systematic racism and oppresion.

What you mean by 'still barricaded'? They have literally kept the college police locked in a building?

My only experience with them suggests they are lazy as shit. I work with one and not only is he the first person to bitch about having to do some extra work he tries to avoid every single task he can.

He is even lazier then the black man that is on our team. The amount of work put in by each of us is as follows.

white man
me (another white man)
white man
potted plant
idiot puerto rican

These people need to be hauled out in the street and shot.

Students constantly out side protesting them and not letting them get into there patrol cars. Also the admins told them to stand down.

i would do more than demand a refund
i would sue the fucking school
this is your chance to bankrupt a corrupt libshit university and get rich user

Don't they have guns? Commies flee at the site of anything resembling a firearm.


Blacks like to cal white girls 'Becky' - Rebbeca - (typical white girl name thing)

>that pic
>"as latinx"
these people should be gassed

Its a campus in Washington. Nobody has guns and you will arrested if you do so.

If only there were some giant trashcan all these students could be thrown into

This, desu. The school 100% has failed to provide a safe environment for the entirety of the student body, and furthermore has failed extremely hard at solving this situation.

Find a smart lawyer jew and go to town.

Lock the dorms, lock the classrooms and burn the whole godamn campus to the ground.

>you will arrested if you do so
>arrested by the police
>who are trapped in their office
Literally nothing is going to happen, and a gun is 100% going to keep the dumbass nogs away.
If they do anything to you, add it to your lawsuit.

Its niggers, not commies. Not your usual enemy, these are blood thirsty orcs who will never stop until all humans (white people) are dead.

>sue the fucking school
Look into this OP.

I meant the cops.

i just....
just literally cant understand this....
ive been here for almost a month now and how do you people do it?
always being racist, anti-semitic, islamophobic, and hating women
is it satire?
or are you "people" literally this ignorant and jaded....


the eternal jew has you balls deep

I am really thinking about it.

So did you know this school was shit, or did you figure it out too late?

Nice bait.

The want reparations because they were forced to speak English ? wut ? should have stayed in Mexico then.

I know, Evergreen is a really messed up place.

You should see how many of the "Marxists" get arrested for domestic violence.

But keep up the good fight there, and don't let the niggers and Uncle Ted's get you down, Evergreen will sort itself out.

Rich white Jews' livelihoods are on the line there.

I did know but I came for the design your own program thing. Little did I know that they only help you if it has to do with social justice. I am transferring out after this year

Don't think about it, act on it.
Seek legal advise.

I think you should know that I, and many here, are free of hate. I don't hate women because they are an emotional ball of irresponsibility and nonsense. The same with shitskins, I don't hate them, they are just deficient. Enjoy your .02 cents. I hope it was worth your soul

and the moral of the story is: Niggers ruin everything

just imagine for a moment that you decided to better yourself by going to college. And you made the mistake of choosing evergreen college. Or Missouri University.

this is what you get for giving blacks passing grades, when they did nothing to earn them.

Did you mean to post the same video twice?

How is that white supremacy?

Also, the video was not hilarious. I have never felt more let down.

You really need to, and should be spreading the idea to other students too.
The only thing those administrative types understand is legal action, and this kind of suit is enough to shut down the school.
At this point, the school needs to go bankrupt to teach other campuses a lesson on how to manage their student body. This is quite ridiculous that the are willing to put a portion of their student body in harms way to appease the mobbing of a minority on campus.

But seriously, spread the idea of suing for failure to ensure protection on campus. The entire reason they are allowed to make a campus into a
>gunfree zone
is because of the law enforcement specifically dedicated to controlling the campus. The administration telling the officers to stand down is a direct command against the responsibility of the officers, and the administration.

With the evidence you presented, I'm sure a lawyer would take your case. You can basically claim you don't feel safe and sue for the damages of (1) dropping out of school and forfeiting tuition (2) having to apply to a new school (3) probably throw some punitive damages in there for gross negligence on behalf of the school administration and police

Or get assaulted by one of these nogs, get them to leave marks.
Criminal conspiracy.

sound like the perfect opportunity to fuck shit up, write trannies are just fags in a dress or something in chalk on campus and watch as it burns down

Damn I really could. I will try to find other students to file a class action law suit

curious bi-George being cucked

You should certainly let the administration that kind of talk. Things are going to move in a different direction if that point gets driven home, I have no doubt in my mind

What's the dumbest thing you've seen a nog do there?


Is there any vocal resistance to the SJW uprising from the student body?

*let the administration hear

Why doesn't the college expel the disruptors?
Are they actual idiots?

Class acts are typically a scam. It is better for individuals to launch their own suits, and the combined pressure WILL make the campus cave.
Spread the idea along these lines:
>it is the campus' job to ensure our safety, and they have failed at this.
>the police are unable to do their job, and I feel unsafe as a result
>I am probably going to look into legal action, I suggest you do so as well
With enough students thinking this, something might actually change for the better.
It is unfortunate that it requires a fucking lawsuit to fix something so ridiculous, but that is slowly what our country is turning into.

social justice niggers... man that is worse than isis

>Students constantly out side protesting them and not letting them get into there patrol cars
that's criminal behaviour

why aren't they being arrested?

Weak shit. Step up your game kohai:
Call lawyers who specialize in education law (dealing with schools basically) and tell them the situation.
The consultation is free. Do this sooner rather than later.

The administration told them to stand down. They technically have command over the police department on campus.

At our beginning of the year assembly, a bunch of BLM people interrupted a guest speaker with a sign saying "Evergreen uses black students as diversity checks"
Not that I have seen. I feel like I'm the only one


>Niggers ruin everything
don't forget to thank the jews who brought them here

it is not vocal but it exists.

I work at the weed store closest to campus. Most students just want to finish the year and leave. So they are not vocal, but fucking tired of it.

>Not that I have seen. I feel like I'm the only one
Fear pushes people to silence, and there is very much to fear on campus right now. Guaranteed a majority of the students are thinking the same thing.

This. How is this any different to any other criminal gang?

>The administration told them to stand down. They technically have command over the police department on campus
the police can be ordered to ignore crime?

sounds like bullshit

>I work at the weed store

I really would like to think so but I don't think this is the case. I would say some are feeling that but most are with the Mob. White guilt plays deep into these peoples mindset.

Draw Pepe somewhere in the school, Kek demands it.

I think that you should dial the specific number of the closest non-campus department and tell them that there is blatant obstruction of justice occurring, as well as whatever else you've been able to see. You're not going to lose anything by doing it, I really think you should

They have to go back