Why are leftists and white women so drawn to Islam?
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Easy to manipulate, retarded.
This is what happens when there's a lack of a positive male role model or righteous moral upbringing.
They fetishize people of color like animals. You also trigger them hard if you bluntly state that to their face. That POC are nothing but subhuman props to further their egos.
Lol this stupid cunt converted to marry a mudslime and they just ended up getting divorced anyway now she's just Muslim for attention (hence the yt channel) and actually fucking hates her ugly fat self deep down. Just look at some of the titles of her other videos, she's an insecure mess
Raised without fathers. Raised without religion.
Naturally drawn to a strong, patriarchal religion. Weird.
They're dumber than dogshit, that's why.
I think that headscarf is cutting of the circulation to her brain....
I'm curious to see if she follows the fasting that ramadan demands
Who cares, she looks like she could use a few Ramadans
Stop posting this pig. You are gonna martyr her and make her another liberal e-celeb. You saw what happened to Anita Snarkiesian and Zoe Quinn.