Start dressing like a white man

Start dressing like a white man

Other urls found in this thread:

sexy legs

Sup Forums is too poor to afford CPs

digging the Hunter S. Thompson look my dude

Yeah I wish I had alot more CP in my life

Dress like a fruitcake?

That might be ok when you're 18 and in college, like "yeah I'm gonna express myself and enjoy my freedom" but that dude looks mid 20's, it's time to start not dressing like a faggot.

realtalk where do i get shirts with patterns like that.

>culturally appropriating polynesian style clothing
fucking racists

So dress like a fag?
Real men wear baggy jeans, tracksuits, hoodies or fleeces

buy a vacuum cleaner

>booty shorts
>socks in view
>ugly sideburns
>hipster shirt
Are you gay user? Just curious because I am and you're triggering my gay radar.


Holy shit. Gain height, op.

from your initiation into the Alohanatti

Like Jim Carrey??

I bought a few shirts from them. All of them were too short.

When are you faggots going to start dressing with class? ALWAYS wear a collared shirt.

A real white man dresses like this

Or this


fuck OP w2c that shirt, very Romeo + Juliet (1996) vibe

Whiter than Leafs

Secondly reminder that a woman forced these threads on us

Oops. Clothing threads. Not the usual meaning of that term lel

white! white! like a cracka do.
nice tennis shoes. they kind of remind me of the ones in jail except without the velcro. get some white socks.

Dress like Ace Ventura

You were okay till the dark socks. WTH?
The shorts are a little short, but still better than those culotte type things (WTH again).

Haole shirts are good with everything except a suit (Don't forget the Panama) or a real conservative situation.

Or you can learn to fight like a white man.