So a year back a married the perfect girl. Catholic, a virgin, a soild 8/10, and the perfect house wife...

So a year back a married the perfect girl. Catholic, a virgin, a soild 8/10, and the perfect house wife. Made my lunches for work, cooked me dinner and breakfast, and the house was immaculate.

Just found out last week from the doctor that the reason why she hasn't gotten pregnant is because her womb is barren.

I am certainly not gonna be a cuck and adopt. And no fucking way are we gonna get a surrogate mother. So how do I divorce my wife for not being able to perform her wifely duties?

Just marry another one, fag.

>So a year back a married the perfect girl.
>a soild 8/10,

Lets read that again:
>So a year back a married the perfect girl. Catholic, a soild 8/10,

Once more:
>married the perfect girl, a soild 8/10

Get a surrogate mother you faggot. Why not?

Lol you sound like a fucking faggot

An 8 is perfect. 9s and 10s are deranged.

>An 8 is perfect. 9s and 10s are deranged.

The beta has spoken


>So how do I divorce my wife for not being able to perform her wifely duties?
text her this.

Remind me why getting a surrogate is cucked, again?

Should have done your homework before marrying her.

If you divorce her you're a fucking degenerate who is destroying the chance of raising a child in a stable household. Divorce and both y'all are damaged goods. Go surrogate.

No maternal bonding so your wife won't care about the kid as much

Pray for a miracle.

Well with that attitude, holy shit.

You can't get divorced if you're Catholic. Unless you want to never remarry again.

If you're not Catholic than she's a complete idiot for marrying you.

Anyway, you're a fucking loser and this is a stupid thread.

All the medical tech and innovation in the world and OP chooses to be a faggot as always.

hahahahhahaa you fell for the biggest bait ruse lie ever hahahahabahan

>jew mini
You picked your fate

God has a plan. If she can't have children then there is a reason you can't have children. Praise the Lord, He is good. Amen.

It's a factual statement, women release certain chemicals in their brain during child birth that forever links them to their child. There is no stronger than that between mother and son, it is the deepest relationship women are capable of, I thought everybody here knew that.

Kind of jelly desu.

I don't want kids so this type of setup would be perfect for me. Send her my way OP.

I hope you don't find happiness.

>catholicuck trying to get a divorce

Ignore the cuck, he might as well be baiting or had no affection from his mother.

I'm not gonna lie, it seems like the more attention a given girl gets, the less and less sane she becomes.

>A catholic wife who CANT get pregnant

Sounds like you hit the lottery to me...

And remember, adoption just means you get to pick an a white alpha child who will be loyal to you for life for saving them from a shitty existence.

Take it from an adopted white kid

no, ur a virgin! xD hehe

>literally you right now nigger