
Alright Sup Forums, here's the plan.

>Liberals love rapefugees entering their homelands en masse
>We push #OpenDoors on social media until the morons fall for it
>Liberals keep their doors at home wide open
>When they get raped and tortured by subhumans the mass redpilling begins

Still tweaking the idea, what say you?

Liberals are dumb but surely they can't be dumb enough to fall for this.


Kinda nice idea.
Go for it.

I think you're giving them too much credit

there is only one way to find out, no?

Great idea. Another idea I had is to organize gay pride parades through Muslim infested ghettos

All you're going to do is to get Leftists to buy more guns. Pic related.

...you don't remember Operation Freebleeding, do you?

Not so sure about that.

Thanks. I was inspired by that Michael Moore gun grabbing movie where they staged it to look like Canadians all have their doors sitting open because they're a gun-free liberal utopia (and they didn't shut up for months after that).
Keep that thought in mind, it has potential

Sup Forums literally made feminists piss their pants.

I don't like Milo, but he seems like the type of person willing to walk through a Muslim ghetto in a thong for the sake of proving how violent they are. We could get him involved

Everything in your plan has allready happened. Recent study from last year shows that almost 50% of swedes are negative to diversity and would rather live amongst their own than having a neighbour from africa or middle east.

Better yet, sit him down with some "moderate" Persians/Afghans/Pakis and get them to condone boy-fucking on camera

How's that working out, Sven?

I mean, Milo is pretty much praying for death at this point, anyway, so we may as well get some use out of him, fourth generation warfare-wise.

Europeans are mad, change will come.

You're right, Sven. Your people get a lot of shit from Sup Forums, but I believe in you all. God bless, from this American shart in mart.

How mad? The damage is done.

They wouldn't do it. They would promote it, but wouldn't do it.

See that interview of french people asked if they would shelter refugees and all backing down when presented with one kek.

Please link