Everything is propaganda

Taking the redpill was the worst decision of my life.

I remember walking down the city with my parents, looking at all the pretty lights on the buildings. Being stunned by all the entertainment around me. Wanting to go watch every cool new movie that was being presented.

It was like a world of dreams unfolding before me. Endless entertainment. Massive cities dedicated to showing off the progress of humanity.

But, I came here one day. And laughed.

I laughed at the absurdity of everyone here. And I left feeling humored.

But then I came back. Over and over. And I began to see everyone's pain. I began to understand. I took the redpill.

The sprawling metropolis I now saw, its all just... Filthy propaganda. All of it. Everything to benefit the Jew. The abhorrent, disgusting Jew.

The Jew trying to push racemixing, the Jew clinging to everything like a rancid parasite. Using everything as its tools to eradicate the white race.

Every movie, nothing but propaganda.

All the pretty lights and buildings. Propaganda.

I can't even visit the hospital anymore, without fear of me being slaughtered in surgery by some shit skin because of my race, and heritage.

Nothing is meant to entertain anymore. Nothing is meant to progress humanity. Nothing is meant to make a difference for the better.

Everything, is now malicious propaganda, to push a horrid, disgusting agenda.

Everything is grey, emotionless, cynical, and insidious. Everything is the tool of the Eternal Jew.

I want to fucking die, Death is the only thing free of the kike's fucking disgusting, meddling hands.

We can't win.

Its far too late.

Other urls found in this thread:


an hero is the solution

Become politically active, you're not alone.


If you come to live an unhappy life because of your resentment for the Jew, it wins. Don't let the hate consume you, use your understanding as amor and live a better life for yourself. Being unraveled by knowledge is weakness and you owe it to yourself to be strong.


>I don't wanna grow up, I'm a Toys-r-us kid: the post

>thinks death is free of Jewish influence

Oh, user...

Not even a Bog rundown will make you chuckle, friend?

Getting stronger is painful, brother. Keep getting stronger. The alternative is unthinkable.

Also, remember, there is GREAT comedy in the world. You don't have to pay some snarky Jew or a nog in a flashy suit to make you laugh anymore. The divine comedy is all about you. I watched a nog trip over a curb today. I laughed and no Jews earned a nickel from it.

You've got this, senpai.


Its a shame really.

I want to scream to the fucking skies with how I feel. I can't talk to my parents or they'll reject me, because my father's mind is polluted. Hell he dates a Jew.

I can't talk to any therapist because they'd be blown away by what I want to talk about.

The only people who I can rant about this to is Sup Forums.

This sounds like some defeatist propaganda. Don't listen to OP.

The black cube ensures the snare, death is no release.

If you push against the communist/leftist angles more than the kikes it's easier to be somewhat normie desu. Just volunteer with whatever group coincides with your views, eat healthy, lift, and work on your marksmanship.

Its not. I'm very overwhelmed by how much control they have over everything.

And I feel like the only way we can rebel at this point is with violence.

Reason and fucking logic with these people who've had their brains dissolved by all of this bullshit is wasted on them.


You havent been redpilled, youve been sidelined.

Now he has reverted to concert shilling and insisting on false-flagging. Don't be fooled people.



This is what happens when a little child actually believes the stormfag propaganda.

>The mind of the wise is in the house of mourning, While the mind of fools is in the house of pleasure. 5It is better to listen to the rebuke of a wise man Than for one to listen to the song of fools

Tell me then, if this isn't what is happening, what is?

that is why it is called the red pill, it is much easier to stay inside the matrix eating fake steak than it is to live in the real world

channel your anger into action

recently i made this photoshop to show my displeasure at jewish propaganda, for example

join us in the meme war to help free others from the matrix

Awareness is the first step towards correction.

For the Newfags

dude breath and get the fuck out of the city, out here most women are based and hate coal burners, all the men are jacked based and armed to the teeth.

>And I feel like the only way we can rebel at this point is with violence.

Then you are allowing yourself to fall victim to their ploys.

That is what their entire system is hedged to create.


And amongst conflict, the liars prosper.

Give up if you want, my will is unbreakable.

Don't skip my posts you fucking shill piece of shit.

What do you plan on doing?

I'd love to know. I want to believe that there are other plans.


>it's a shill measuring low-level hostile online sentiment.
alphabet agencies just working out how much funding is needed to curb the scourge of right-wing extremism.
>most of their funding is for rightwing shit

>What do you plan on doing?

The mechanisms will not be explained on a cantonese water polo honeypot.

If you want to help, keep learning.

Do not stop.

What a shitty, unproductive, pussified, loser's attitude.

If that's what you really think, why don't you just kill yourself right now, and quit shitposting?

Otherwise, get involved, join the cause, and spend the rest of your life being the change that you want to see in the world.

Your choice - do you want to be a dead little bitch boy, or do you want contribute to something bigger than yourself?

>alphabet agencies just working out how much funding is needed to curb the scourge of right-wing extremism.

Just the opposite. They want to know how much help they need to capitulate conflict.

Some of them probably think they're doing what you've said, but that is not the true motive.

Shill or not, you're here forever.

The red pill is a hard one to swallow my, anonymous friend. I'm happy to see I'm not alone in this struggle to live with the red pill...

Haven't you ever wondered why this place is subject to non-stop subliminal suffering and hatred?

It is not coincidental.

>capitulate conflict.
I think they'd prefer to have it (or at least the threat) rather than stopping it. How will their budget increase if all's well on the home front? still, Ariana grande would've gave a boost to the homegrown initiative. every dollar counts.

Thats right white boi, hows it feel to have your whole race collapse infront of your eyes, while knowing that you cant do a damn.

Now you know how the indigenous peopld your ancestors wiped out felt.

What test is that ?

>I think they'd prefer to have it (or at least the threat) rather than stopping it

They cannot profit without conflict. They would not even have their jobs without conflict.

This extends to every micro and macrocosm of involvement. Scratch off the veneer, and you will begin to understand the nature of the forced duality.

It's a delicate balance, but one they are determined to maintain.

Meditate, try to make real human connections and spread the word.

If all that fails, you could always kys.


>invent everything in the world
>shitskin villagers
>couple of mud huts, no wheels, no writing and land they don't know how to use

I still say we finish the browns off

it's just basic metadata, it's not a test.
it's kind of saying that from any type of response a more conclusive representative modal can be made of you and your personality type (including no response). Basically it doesn't matter what you say or do online, it helps people sell to you.
That's how Hiro makes all his shekels.

Lighten up boyo, you still have your life and your health. Politics is propaganda, always has been and as long as two people exist there will be Politics. I don't blame the Jews really, they embrace human nature and fight for ascendancy while we reject it and foolishly think we're above it all. That's why we're losing, we think we're above the human fight for survival.

It will change, sooner or later. The sheltered little lives we built for ourselves will come crashing down and then the true European will be unleashed to the woe of all.

>Death is free of the jew

Not exactly.
Jew beliefs have shaped human history. Islam Christianity Mormonism and all.
Through sheer belief and scamming people they created our God's in their image.
You die and are judged by a jew.

>one they are determined to maintain
hence false flags to amp up on the street shit and downplaying the high up conglomerate corporate shit.
>everything is middle ground and will ALWAYS need supervision from your friendly neighbourhood spooks

Pulling an "an hero" is a coward's and a selfish man's way out. Try to come to terms with yourself and resist (((their))) control.

Yes, off yourself you FOOLISH NAZI! Then my evil will rain forever! Ahahahahahahahahahahaaa

>everything is middle ground and will ALWAYS need supervision from your friendly neighbourhood spooks

I don't even mind them.

It's this disingenuous 1-way mirror relationship that we have, that bothers me.

My ultimate redpill. All racism is created to stop us from working together and taking down the Elite.

Go say hello to them, if you're in a city they're probably close by. They'll have to rotate the roster though because you've interacted with them.

>white cuck
>doesnt know anything about history
>thinks whites invented everything

Your ancestors were flinging their poo at eachother and swinging from trees when mine were building empires and civilization.

yes you foolish slave goyim, you will never win. never take up arms against your masters!

oh wait, you have... 50 million guns? and hundreds of millions of people? oy vey, all these millions is making me want to demand reparations!

>*makes degenerate art, music and cinema to appease the carnal pleasures of the goyim*
>*creates central banking to rob people of their wealth on national, and even global scale*
>*establishes israel, making it an ethnostate for jews but push for migration in western countries*

that'll keep them busy. now, to where's my talmud...

God damnit. I know this is a bait and everything.

They Live is real life. I know it sucks, but it's almost true: virtually everything in your life is there to keep you docile and shleepy. The fun part is, however, that if enough of us wake up and get others to wake up, there's a damn good chance we can continue to progress like we attempted to long ago.

Here's the next big step toward reaching enlightenment: jews aren't the only ones. Sure, we have the bad apple argument, but that only really goes so far. There truly are bad apples on every tree, but if we're honest the jewish people aren't exactly the only problem. I can admit that they are in a lot of important positions and have a lot of influence over many people/things, but there's more to it than that. Pic related

Either way, nihilism isn't what you want out of the pill. Everything isn't at all over, and that victimhood just give in to the Jew.

Freedom lies in truth and its fervent pursuit.

I don't want to cause conflict for them. Hawaii is an amazing place.

But, maybe I'll go up to the SCIF that was built into the apartment building across from mine.

>Here's the next big step toward reaching enlightenment: jews aren't the only ones.

There's an easy explanation for this. They literally are not human. They absolutely do not possess any of the humanity that everyone else takes for granted. They look after themselves and themselves alone.

>They absolutely do not possess any of the humanity that everyone else takes for granted. They look after themselves and themselves alone.

Humanity falls for the trick everytime. Even when they are expelled, those who are unaware of the jew's true intentions will welcome and accomodate, with the cycle to repeat ad infinitum. It's simply human nature to lend a helping hand to those who are apparent in need.

This cycle can be stopped. It just needs the human race to be aware of the mistakes they continue to make, over and over and over again

Composition fallacy

Try again

This is basic logic.

Who are you even arguing with here? Read the damn picture.

Just because someone was born to the jewish faith doesn't mean they have no choice but to strictly follow the Talmud.

Just because you were a fat annoying little ADHD autist growing up and finally figured out you need to lift so you feel good about yourself and so the opposite sex will like you and so on and so on, doesn't' at all mean you HAD to stay an annoying little shit for the rest of your life.

Things change, and people are often affected by that change. If you're going to write off entire groups of people because someone like them did something you don't like, you're harming your perception, intellectual capacity, and the welfare of those around you.

I don't disagree, but stooping to "the jews are the cause of all of my problems WAHHHHH" will literally ONLY hurt you.

I fucking understand that man.

I went to a catholic school. I was taught about "gentiles" all my adolescent life.

But, that doesn't mean they can break the chains too.

Jew is the doctrine. It's not the people.

Stop being so fucking simple, goy.

nice trips

You anons do understand what this fag really is, right?

You seem averse to blanketing them all into one group, even though they are linked genetically and not idealogically like you point out.

>be more like Christ goy and ignore history time and time again, yes GOOD GOY
You are being played motherfucker and that's if you're actually legitimate but I suspect not because you reek of JIDF shill due to the recent strategy of agreeing to little points but completely agreeing against the larger picture, but only retards fall for that


Pretty much. I don't have a problem with shitskins existing, they just need to stay in their jungles and deserts.

Fuck you couldn't take out some of the obvious Nazi symbols? That would easily red pill some normies if it eased up a bit.

Still, you can be positive. Theoretically I mean.... I am also depressed from taking the red pill

Do you have higher res? Im on mobile and have poor vision but want to read the shariahblue manual. Please: )

Yeah, but at least we HAD a civilization to collapse. No one cares if a mud hut falls over.

Just embrace being an asshole and sue some company over bullshit, you're a burger so go burn your hand, become the jew to beat the jew.





Again, Jew is a doctrine, it's not a people.

You say that these people were "all born jewish." First off, you're retarded.... Secondly, what makes you think people can't decide to join another religion?

>jewish mother

No shit man. So, I'm a catholic the rest of my life because my parents were catholic before I was born? Are you seriously that fucking stupid? Maybe you don't understand it, so I'll spell it out for you. Words are allowed to have differnet meanings, and you've perscribed your own meaning to Jew, just as the OP in the "pic related" decided to usurp the term Jew. Like it said, Jew isn't a person or group of them, it is a continuous underlying motive which prompts one to subvert their fellow man.

Again, read the god damn picture.

Also >you seem averse to blanketing them all into one group

No fucking shit. What morons makes such wild generalizations? Composition fallacy.

Your bullshit ad hominem is fucking low class, my friend.

Me too, I only see and hear the subliminal now. My fault for losing interest in TV long enough to be free of it's grasp.

yer mind ain't workin right, fix it. fight

your pilpul doesn't work here, but keep leaving evidence for the future to see examples real kikery at work right in front of them

It's so odd to see the same sights through the opposing lens. Like the first time you walk through an American grocery store after starting /fit/ness, realizing that it's aisle after aisle after aisle of absolute garbage that has zero positive value and tons of negative value to your life.

Then you redpill, and realize the fucking world is like that.

God, you're still missing the point, aren't you?

I haven't not said anything.

Let's say we kill all the jewish people everywhere across the entire world. Do you think that will keep anyone from ever taking advantage of other people in any capacity?

The fact that you think evil personifies itself in the shape of jewish people not only offers us the genetic fallacy, it also asserts that they can't change. Both of these things are endlessly faulty.

If you want to believe I'm telling you nothing, or even defending people that have wronged others, that's your prerogative.

The user in pic was saying that to people that understand that people born to jewish mothers aren't the only people out there that want to take advantage of you, Jew certainly represents
>the process, the implications, and the aftermath of radicalism

I know you aren't really stupid enough to think that someone born jewish is automatically imbued with the knowledge of usury, subversion, and sheer trickery. People have to be taught to do these sort of things.

Maybe you don't understand this right now, but it's pretty clear that certain people who are ACTUALLY pulling strings just want people like you and me to use "jewish people" as a scapegoat. "Kill a bunch of jews" isn't exactly the solution to our problem, pursuing truth in an intellectual capacity is.

Now, fuck off you troll.

the only cure for what you have is to buy as many guns as possible to prepare for when the day comes

Defeatist cuck

If this is your attitude after seeing all of this and getting "red-pilled" then please just go somewhere to fuck off, life isn't easy. And as corny as it sounds be the change you want to see in the world



>ultimate redpill ... racism

M8 you are barely entry level.

Racism,' Robert went on, giving me a quick glance, 'seems to be characterised firstly by an accumulation of hostility, a more aggressive sense of competition between males of different races; but the corollary is an increased desire for the females of the other race. What is really at stake in racial struggles,' Robert said simply, 'is neither economic nor cultural, it is brutal and biological: it is competition for the cunts of young women...'

Houellebecq, Platform.




I feel the same, I wonder how many in white countries also feel this way

that's pretty autistically good, user

My position: all evil people are evil, and most jews happen to be evil due to the doctrine they've handed off to their offspring for many many generations (and continue to).

Opposition: All jews are evil. (compositional fallacy)

Why do you guys resist this so much? Are you really going to fall for that bait?


Yeah, the world is shit. All you can do is face it like a man and fight.




No, you're an idiot. The Jewish problem is a problem of personality type and resulting behavior. This is genetic. Doesn't matter what they are taught or how they are raised. A Jew is a Jew.

And yes, killing all Jews would solve a lot of problems.



congrats on level 6 faggot

Another retard. Anti-zionist Jews are still kikes. They just believe they must wait for the Messiah before inheriting Israel. Aside from that, they still behave like kikes 100%.

I thought it was to late as well, but you have to get out, out of this place and speak to real people, more people then you know are red pilled, and they fucking hate the way modern society is, I met my current girlfriend when I was working at wal-mart and talking to one of my co-workers about how jews destroy society. now I am self employed, and have a red pilled girlfriend, life is alright, you just have to get the fuck out of here for a while.

>I can't even visit the hospital anymore, without fear of me being slaughtered in surgery by some shit skin because of my race, and heritage.

Last time I went to Dentist my Dentist was away. His fill in was a poo in loo with a African nurse.

All that went through my head the whole time was "Fuck you Sup Forums"

good enough for me


I suggest you watch the following, it explains Jewish survival behavior tactics including taking opposing sides in a conflict to ensure at least some of them survive no matter how the conflict ends:

>The JQ: