Hey gringos

hey gringos

it doesnt matter whether or not you give us our land back because we are going to out breed you here regardless

in 100 years even if this land is still belonging to the united states it will really be mexican again


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read the last chapter on mexico


>because we are going to out breed you here regardless

No you're not. Cultural rot is affecting Latin America too

Good for you, which one of these are you

but where will you move once you turn America into a shithole like every other latinx country?

with no people to tax, you won't get your food stamps.

we will be a superpower by 2080

Diego is unfortunately correct.


Believing (((their))) statistics.

Come here, you fucking mierda!

yet another reason to deport the spics and build a fucking wall

So you concede that a spic takeover would make the US superpower status lapse


*stops feeding brown people*


Is that fat Gavin Mcinnes ?

aye caramba pinche idiota

Santa Anna thought the same thing. See how that worked.

Belize Isn't a part of Guatemala

>in 100 years even if this land is still belonging to the united states it will really be mexican again

How is it a win for Beaners, to turn America into a shit-hole just like Mexico?

That makes no sense, even from the Beaner perspective. You should be screaming the loudest to shut the door behind you, but you're so stupid, you want to let more in, and recreate the Nation you fled. Total lack of logic, and self reflection, just like the common Negro.

Will you breed out the blacks as well.

who again? Mexicans?

They are the cheapest labor force that have high birthrates (meaning you begin to compete with your kids for jobs) and lack worthwhile education/vocational skills. No, laying block and adobe in construction crews doesn't make you a mason.

Mass influxes of Mexicans would only harm the social classes by cementing the ceiling between upper and lower class. Where is the Middle? The middle class is already a fading group and has largely been dependent on emerging technologies/niche labor needs. Mexicans barely fill in, if any, of those roles today, and those who have risen into the Middle/Upper class certainly hold disdain toward their fellow Mexicans, will do their best to deny opportunity to their ethnic group.

Then there's the job market itself. The majority of Mexicans hold petty, low wage jobs that in all fairness shouldn't exist. With robotic labor, the emergence of drones, and the beginnings of Artificial Intelligence entering the scene, it should not come as a surprise that automation destroys the low wage job market. Let's face it, even if a robot packs the dirt and lays brick slower than Paco and his 15 cousins, it does so 24/7 and only requires temporary recharge breaks; all without a complaint and only relatively cheap costs to the employer.

TL;DR for (((You)))
Mexicans are their own bane and hindrance.

soon the reconquista will be complete

you missed the part where the beaners embrace american values and not cartel chaos

you miss the part where mexican immigrants are different than immigrants in history because their homeland is right across the border and not an ocean away

they will see themselves as mexicans first and americans last

Good luck with Texas. The Mexicans fought against Mexico and call themselves Tejano rather than insult themselves.

lol yeah that explains all the mexican trump supporters

Is that way the Mexicans of Texas called themselves Tejanos and chose to support the Texans over Santa Anna?

Could be Hispanic , but back to Mexico, lol no, will be other thing, maybe a different country

>Mexican Intellectuals

If we gave it back to Mexico. None of you would want to live there. Mexicans would then start running across the new border.


tfw you understand that no matter what you do, shitskins will loose.

don't even try to imply that a significant amount of mexicans (and central/south americans) support donald trump over any left-leaning candidate. you know the reality. mexican trump supporters does not change the statistical reality of the voting trends of central/southern americans

>Mexicans would then start running across the new border.

Conquest has no rules. Get over it.

no one ever suggested we were going to give you the land back. Do you live under a rock? 1500 of ours killed like 35,000 of yours. It wasn't even close

Then it becomes Mexico. Most of you left Mexico because it is corrupt and ghetto, what makes you think it won't get corrupt and ghetto now?

Fuck brown people don't understand shit

>mexican immigrants are different than immigrants in history because their homeland is right across the border
Do you think Rome did not face economic migrants? Before the collapse they faced one of the largest population movements in ancient times.

Retard you been to Mexico? You want it to be like that shithole failed narco state? We are Mexico's economy, we fail. You eat babies, in the apocalypse to follow. Follow the LAW, millions of people can't be here without correct and true documents. Break the law suffer Her Justice. Not too much to ask. And fag Remember Goliad

if you build a wall around it, its yours

Mexican Trump supporter here, not a voter though obviously. Some Mexicans such as myself fully support all of President Trumps polices, even the wall. It inevitable though that within 100 years the Liberals will take control again and open the borders wide open.

This is garbage. I grew up in a town 50/50 Mexican/White in the American SW and I can tell you just as many regard Mexico and wetbacks with disdain similar, if not even to a higher degree than White Americans do.

The area will almost certainly become predominantly Mexican ancestry in the near future, but those who want to actually leave the union will never be anything but a tiny minority.

The sad thing is that this is true. Mexican immigration is massive

mexicans in america would prefer to live in mexico.
dont get me wrong, i dont want them pouring into the US.
I just want mexico to not be fucked up.
it wasnt always as bad as it is today.
i mean, people crossed the ocean to build a life there, it used to be "nice" in the sense that there wasnt a massive amount of violent crime.
It's still mostly full of chicanos (gross)
I honestly think US foreign policy is to blame.

You've got that covert leftist racism going on where you think people want to live in the US because white countries are better.

people want to live with their own people.

people actually do want to live in the US because white countries are better m8.


One thing that Sup Forums has taught me is to make things great again and to kill the jews
Drumph is a jew puppet as is everything else, but he was right about immigration and how they need to go back
I myself am a beaner born in burgerland, if I was an illegal I'd be happy to go back and make Mexico great again instead of being a little lazy bitchboy and running away from it

>The area will almost certainly become predominantly Mexican ancestry in the near future, but those who want to actually leave the union will never be anything but a tiny minority.

thats where you are wrong

the secession movement will grow in the latter 21st century to the point where mexicans in the united states are voting for mexican politicians in mexico

Mexicans can't into civics. You will always be ruled by gringos

>Costa Rica in México

This Mexican knows what he is talking about... oh wait wrong flag.

Why didn't Polk keep the land? WHY?!

You think beaners are smart? If they were, they'd be fixing their own country.

oh nooo, I'll have to have phat mexican chicas bouncing on muh dick because beaners have chodes.

whatever will I do.

we come here because mexico is a shithole. explain to me why we would want to be a part of mexico again? dumb fuck mojados.

Mexicans in Texas are different than Mexicans from other states, excluding those living directly next to the border because those are dem voting retards.
t. Hispanic that lived in Brownsville, Texas.

Mexico is a shithole because of people like you, we do not want you here.

>Belize in Mexico

yeah AFAIK mexico is suffering from a severe drop in birth rates, it's more likely that middle eastern muslims and indians (dots not feathers) will take over mexico and US in the future

>were gonna turn america into a thrid world shithole like our old place
Nice thinking pablo

Mexicans winning Reconqueefa. You can smell the enrichment, and beans.

how is it 'your' land?

your ancestors took it by violence from natives.

5 minutes later all 500 Spaniard landowners in 'Mexico' were evicted by conquest.

in 100 years. Americans of part or whole Mexican ancestry will demand a higher wall.

Thats the thing- the smart/hard-working Spics have American grandkids.

And Catholic, which waters down the JudeoProtestant Zionism of the Evangelicals....

dont hate trump.
one does not simply make zionism go away overnight. AIPAC is the most powerful lobby in the US. Cant get elected without zionist support.
Jews arent bad, it's talmudic cryptokike satanists who are bad. Look, jews are smart, chronically left-brained and conniving. What better people to have on your side if you are conjuring demons?
ok, so why doesnt anyone come to your country?

given that were not in mexico it doesnt quite follow that were responsible for mexicos current state. try again.

But a lot of those places will become uninhabitable in 50 years. Desertification and the rape of the aquifers due to people living where they shouldn't and growing shit where they shouldn't is going to drive most people away from those states. Hell, half of Mexico is a desert.

take it, fuck the southwest.

Youll need to do better than occupying nigger leftovers and shithole towns that havnt mattered in 100 years if you want people to really notice that your numbers are growing.

The inferior races always breed heavily.

You're from Mexico you dolt. The masses of people leaving Mexico are the cockroaches of that country. All of the people within Mexico are the reason the country is absolute shit. You can come to America and leach off of the success and wealth built up by the whites, but It will inevitably turn to shit from your continuing existence.

Import third world people get third world problems. I wish liberals would realize these countries aren't backwards because of geographic location. It's because of the people that live there. If you let them come here then your country will become less like your country and more like their country

Hispanic America would never merge with shithole Mexico even if it was 100% hispanic.

Find me a mexican woman who can tolerate my bullshit for longer than two seconds, and I'll happily help breed my people out of existence

i guess that makes all the white who came here the cockroaches of europe. try again.

Good luck enjoying it from the inside of a jail cell

>come to America and leach off of the success and wealth built up by the whites

>makes all the white who came here the cockroaches

I don't remember the whites invading and rioting in the Indian metropoles

And yet even the cockroaches of Europe managed to make a functioning society, and eventually global civilization, within a couple generations.

Got the actual numbers from that? I looked up the ones in the states and I was above average in everything but writing for all races. Was like 250+ above average for reading on the national level which is ridiculous

I know it's b8 and all, but what do beaners who want this think will happen? Do they understand they are scum and they would ruin shit here, or do they think they can have a functioning society like europeans?

if it was taken, which it won't be. the same thing that happens everytime will happen again.

better educated, richer, more white than the people before them will come and take it.

Aztecs - Spanish
Meixcans - White Europeans

it's easy and it will happen the same as it has before, just pick the avocados jesus

Except American sovereignty will begin and end at the current border we have now. I could give a fuck if Mexicans or the descendants of Mexicans live in America as long as they are here legally and contributing to the greater good. Also big plus if they are practicing Catholics.

I bet OP isn't a good Catholic. Head to confession buay and receive your sacraments soon, the lord and all of your dead relatives are watching you shitpost and shaking their damn heads

>better educated, richer, more white than the people before them will come and take it.

who is going to do that?

They also die easier.

Based mexibro

Don't forget to infiltrate even their most racist women, they will all eventually fall prey to the big brown cock

exactly the people you just quoted.
is English your first language?

You just quoted EXACTLY who will come, and you still question who it might be?

whites are too cucked to do anything

>implying absorbing Canada and Mexico into the North American Federation hasn't always been a part of the plan.
t. Council on Foreign Relations

Actually it's asians that are out breeding everyone now. Sorry Pablo.

every time brownies get out of their lane, whiter people come by and put them back in place.

This has happened the world over, repeatedly.

It's like the fucking matrix you think it'll be different but every time it is the same.

Everyone complains white men still rule the world, then when it comes to this shit suddenly mexicans are going to rule a country that isn't based around drugs and feeding white countries.

It won't happen, it will never happen. The top of the ruling class is white, they won't let it be toppled any time soon.

Come and fucking take it shitskin. The Southwest is White Man's land.

now take exactly what you just said and replace whites with jews and you have the system where jews control whitey

lol at whiteys thinking they run shit when its really jews who run shit

>Come and fucking take it shitskin

we are you stupid cumskin

most of texas is already 50% hispanic. you guys build your army and nukes to defend yourself from an invading army but you cant even stop us from hopping the border and having 6 kids

there will be no war

there will be no formal invasion

we will just continue to pour over the border and out breed you

and thers nothing you can do about it.

Hey Mexicans, descendants of Spainards.

It doesn't matter whether or not you give the land back because we are going to out breed you regardless.

In 100 years even if the land still belongs to Mexico it will really be Aztec again.


what color is a jew?

jews come from space

they are whatever color they need to be at the present moment

originally arab monkeys when babylon and assyria were the superpowers

turning white after rome fell during medieval era

and now turning chink with the rise of asia

>He genuinely believes that there won't be a demographic battle in the very near future.
>He genuinely believes the White Men of the Rio Grande Valley will just let themselves be wiped out.
>He genuinely believes that the Mestizo horde won't be driven so far south they'll be making tacos out of penguin shit.
Look everyone, it thinks it's smart! How cute!

if you whiteys try anything you'll be labeled white supremacists and ostracized from your peers instantly

browns are in europe and they arent doing anything about it

you guys had your chance to get rid of us before mass media now it's our turn

well look at that, at least we both agree on something.

No you won't

jew is the most dominant gene even more than the black gene

>ostracized whites from everyone else
>whites stick together again
>whites create a better society for themselves by themselves
>Browns think they've won at this point
>Browns realize the gibs and economic driving forces left with the whites
>browns back to square 1
>Mexican Intellectuals

I don't give a shit if spics are everywhere. I already live in a majority Mexican town in Texas. Nothing new.

>in 100 years even if this land is still belonging to the united states it will really be mexican again
Listen here you greasy burrito. If I was president, I would GIVE you the southern half of California and that would be the end of negotiations. You would be responsible for the cost of the wall.

Says the faggot who is too scared to take a census report out of fear of being deported

And all that was left was a leg

>He doesn't know