Am I going insane Sup Forums?

Is it me or are things rapidly getting worse in the West?

you tell me ahmed

Everyone on Sup Forums knows this, but I assume you're new.

You're just noticing more now.

This slow grinding depression is the main side effect of red pilling.


You just need a good night's sleep

How long have u been on Sup Forums

I've been on here for two years, I think it's only recently dawned on me how fucked we really are. I watched a few videos on here yesterday that really fucked me up

>Is it me or are things rapidly getting worse in the West?
Things are definitely getting worse, this last 5 years has seen things go stupid, society has gone mad.

Look the west was due to collapse hundreds of years ago, but technological innovation keeps expanding it's lifetime. With that in mind, we need artificial wombs before it's too late.

What videos?? just curious
Why post overdramatic shit like this and not give any sort of reasoning to back yourself up

That's what I'm thinking. Instead of the west responding to this madness with resistance, we have capitulated and even embraced it, it's utterly disturbing.

Yeah things are getting worse but it's exaggerated because you're constantly bombarded with the craziest most extreme people on either side. You might want an internet detox. Or just go out for a walk or get a spot of tea or some fag British shit like that I don't know. Life still goes on, bonganon.

An interview with Mosley back in 1967. He literally saw everything that is happening today, and the people back then just laughed.


>follow this advice
>walk outside
>step on anchor baby eating dog turds in my yard
>go to truck
>see nigger filled house next street over
>none work, all gibs, multiple children
>do nothing but smoke weed on porch all day
>get to grocery store
>get out of truck, step on anchor baby eating trash in parking lot
>go in
>a dozen illegal spic families speaking retardese
>All of them on welfare
>anchor babies eating each other's turds on aisle 5
>get back home
>put anchor baby eating my driveway into trash
thanks for the advice lad, I feel much better now

just smoke some herb and relax britbong you only get one life may as well not be butthurt all the time

Yes, which is a good thing.

Learn to take of yourself my friend, get /fit/ and get a wife.

After this you stop caring.

Yes. We had a lull of general peace and stability for a few decades but we're moving back to turbulence again.

It's not all Sweden tier yet

This globalist, late stage capitalist world in which we live can easily handle sporadic acts of rabdom violence like terrorism. Its really not a threat to politicians of the political globalist system.

What IS a threat is organised genuine political resistence from western people. This is the actual threat to gloablism. Thats why any attack on the west we are told just "keep calm and carry on we wont let them change the way we live or act". Nothing is done to actually stop it because stopping it means stopping demographic change for the west

They ARE accelerating.
As individuals we can only remain vigilant and prepare.
In the worst of times we will find one another.

We are living to witness an actual societal collapse, all that you can do is try to position yourself somewhere that will emerge from the rubble and have as many kids as you can there. It's a sad state to see, but a very natural process seen throughout the world in every age.
Maybe read up on it or read Fate of Empires, both express slightly different concepts, but both will help you understand which is the best way to steel yourself to what's to come.