If you could ban 3 countries from posting on Sup Forums, what would it be?
I would think most user would agree.
If you could ban 3 countries from posting on Sup Forums, what would it be?
I would think most user would agree.
people dont see it because your flag is basically the default flag, but this place would be a paradise without the USA
Why would I ban any country from posting? This is a free speech forum after all
Away with your divisionism, basement shill.
>sage goes into the options field
>Wants free speech
>Wants to suppress certain people's opinion.
SJW tier tbqh
Just give me one of your scoops, burger and no one will get hurt
He's right.
No one else.
>He's right.
Only somewhat. Their opinions as such wouldn't be banned, just their ability to post. It's not like if I started posting CP along with fair tax proposals and I'm banned could I say my free speech is being infringed upon.
Ban Americans. They are generally the most ignorant posters of all.