We got duped.
We got duped
Other urls found in this thread:
>let you president
>All around me are familiar faces
>simplistic nonsense rhetoric
something something pot & kettle
The madwoman
>implying she has any say in what he does
Oh, sweety, no.
>getting mad over Republican healthcare
That what he ran on shit for brains. Do you not remember the Trumpcare/Americare the media was REEEEEEEEEing about
eat a dick, shareblue niggers
>under trump
>domestic aid has been cut dramatically
>people are being kicked off of social security, food stamps, and rehabilitation services that help disabled people get though college and into the work force
>foreign aid has gone up 25%
>and he is going to sit there and say this bullshit?
Why do these blue check mother cuckers even bother replying to trump as if he reads them?