We got duped.
We got duped
Other urls found in this thread:
>let you president
>All around me are familiar faces
>simplistic nonsense rhetoric
something something pot & kettle
The madwoman
>implying she has any say in what he does
Oh, sweety, no.
>getting mad over Republican healthcare
That what he ran on shit for brains. Do you not remember the Trumpcare/Americare the media was REEEEEEEEEing about
eat a dick, shareblue niggers
>under trump
>domestic aid has been cut dramatically
>people are being kicked off of social security, food stamps, and rehabilitation services that help disabled people get though college and into the work force
>foreign aid has gone up 25%
>and he is going to sit there and say this bullshit?
Why do these blue check mother cuckers even bother replying to trump as if he reads them?
They are trying to demoralize trump supporters
You know he's reading every single reply
He's just pimpin and presidentin
Impossible with the amount of replies he gets. I know you're a Canadian but quit being such a retard.
Upside down Sargon looks like DSP holy shit
Oh sweetie....
"add more dollars to heathcare and make it better"
what the fuck does that even mean?
does he understand what he is doing?
it seems he doesn't know what he is talking about, does he?
>does he understand what he is doing?
I would say he's probably just pandering to moderates, or people who think that's an easy solution, like when he said several times that he cared about "womens' health issues" during the campaign. The only questionable part of this is doing it over Twitter.
How did you get duped? Did Trump ever preach small government conservatism?
You duped yourself, user. Trump is what he always was.
This is what I wonder. Trump is a big government nationalist or at least that's what he acted like. Too early to tell exactly what his game is though.
lmmaoooooooooooooo he just never never fails to surprise me when I check to see if these things are real
Atleast he's somewhat going back to his campaign promises (even if ever so slightly)
if he continues to act crazy while letting ryan completely push the agenda that is unrelated to what trump's "base" voted for
I'm pretty sure he's toast
Why does she trigger Sup Forums so much?
Check out her twitter
He's reading and hes MAD
talk about snow flakes
it's fine sweetie he will use the money rolling into the bank from nato to pay for it
Oh sweet, glazed, maple, soufflé, cutie patootie, apple honey pie.
What the fuck does this even mean?
What does snoop nig and obongo have to do with each other?
Thats the most french looking thing Ive seen in a while
Increasing the Trumpcare subsidies
I'm still confused strongly by how he got any freedom caucus votes with any subsidies. Other then the fact that they knew it was DOA in the senate..or why rand paul would shill for it... They've been utterly uncompromising and then collapse on big government subsidies?
Okay. If this actually represents a policy that will be implemented without measures that would somehow actually deceasing the total amount spent by the nation on healthcare, (including private contributions), than this would be disastrous, and has precedent with George W. Bush and Medicare Part D.
Anyone got more pictures of that semen demon?
Trump wants universal healthcare PLUS a private system. he said Australia is the model he wants.
Everything triggers Sup Forums
why doesn't he just add money to Obamacare then, instead of his own health Care plan
Does he really care about having his name on this shit so much
trump said (after the election no less) that he is going to cover everyone, at much lower premiums, covering everything, keep your doctor, keep your plan, everything.. goverment will pay if you dont have the money.. gonna save so much money on the back end it will make up for it
and he said if it's a plan that doesnt leave his voters better off (the question was re: poor blue collar) that he wont sign it
He need's to deliver something that isn't Ryan's plan for the country
Help me think of a name for that, pol
>trump said (after the election no less) that he is going to cover everyone, at much lower premiums, covering everything, keep your doctor, keep your plan, everything.. goverment will pay if you dont have the money.. gonna save so much money on the back end it will make up for it
Yeah, that was probably a lie.
She needs her skull smashed in with a brick
yeah like every other 8 years
The Freedom Caucus is a meme. I saw one of the members say the other day that he would never defund (((Meals on Wheels))).
As if local communities can't raise enough money for old people to eat.
Jesus. I completely even forgot I made this thread- wtf? Did you just have these ready, or are you just always on call at a moment's notice?
>dedicating more funds to healthcare
np here, so long as the funds are pulled from something already in the budget.
No Sweetie have faith
"that's what I do, I do good job you know, I know how to do this stuff we are gonna repeal and replace it............ and it will be great healthcare for much less money"
Sweetie-tweeting Trump was literally all she had in life. She tries to be cheeky about getting the cold shoulder but you know it wounded her deeply. What does she have left to live for now?
Best thing for him to do is to simply block all the blue-ticked harasses from replying to either his personal tweets or the presidential ones.
Would be a benefit to all of humanity.
Subsidies have a finite cost, Medicare expansion doesn't.
>trump spends time blocking literally whos on twitter
tip top kek.
kill yourself shill rat
he's not a shill lol
The absolute madman
Right wingers did it to obama too
I miss patriotic pepe's vague botposting
>more dollars
we need more healthcare, not more dollars. the market produces healthcare, not the government. And a free market is the best, not one planned by government.
oh messy bessy not again sweetie
Thats pretty smart. Just hire someone to block every verified poster in his comments trying to out shitpost the shitposter-in-cheif.
>Be TV writer Bess Kalb
>Want to become famous comedian
>Start deliberately triggering people on Sup Forums and The_Donald through social media to increase media profile
>Sup Forums and The_Donald fall for it hook, line, and sinker
>mfw Bess Kalb recently appeared on an episode of @Midnight
>tfw bess will never call you sweetie
Why fucking live
There are more angry posters then there are block slots in the database
Also freedom of speech implications as he using this as his government propaganda account
>fat autists making fun of her on Sup Forums made her more famous
I never knew Obama even used twitter. Atleast not himself personally.
Did Obama have his own personal sweetie-poster?
How do I upboat
>freedom of speech implications
No, it's fucking twitter